英文摘要 |
Since the promulgation of Water Pollution Control Act Amendments in 1991, discharge permitting and honest reporting have been included into the water pollution control management system. The establishment of this management system provided better control on fundamental water pollution sources data for industrial wastewater control through computer information system and made nationwide industrial wastewater pollution control more effective.
This project has assisted Yilan EPB in water pollution control to achieve the following results.
Until November 30th, 2008, the project has completed all required items of works as written in Chapter 4. Among them, 827 times (118.1% of the required quantity) of effective audits, sampling and analysis have been done, 463 times (132.9% of the required quantity) of routine inspections, 364 times effective inspection (104% of the required quantity), and all of the above data have been keyed into the system. The 364 effective inspections showed 8 factories failed to meet the discharge standards therefore the failure rate was 2.2. These factories have be noticed to improve within time limit. There were 119 more inspections and 16 more samplings done in this year compared to 2007 to achieve better control in this year and less complaint from the public. The number of complaint has dropped 31 cases compared to 2007.
The project has implemented closure of 6 unknown discharge pipes. Heavy machines such as bulldozers were employed to fulfill the task of closing unknown discharge pipe to show strong decision from EPB to implement water pollution control
Until November 30th, 2008, the project has inspected along riverside 260 times to find 205 dirty spots for cleaning.
According to the list suggested by Yilan EPB regarding functionally deficient wastewater treatment facilities, the project selected 10 factories for survey. After field visits to the 10 factories in July, 5 of them were selected for further investigation from July to October. The investigation covered facility sizes, treatment flows, documentary verification and preliminary water quality analysis. Comments and suggestions for improvements were made to each facility. Improvement results were confirmed by visits on November 6th and 7th.
The project is responsible for the maintenance of Meifu sewage discharge channel and the Dana water quality purification pilot plant. The Dana plant especially created much troubles to the project due to several times of damage to the pump from clogging and typhoon. New pumps were installed to maintain the plant in operation however it is suggested to evaluate the significance of maintaining the plant and whether it is necessary. The Dana plant was built in 2003 as a pilot plant to study purification by aquatic plants. Since the Dana plant has completed its task as a pilot study facility, it is suggested to transfer it to research organization for future utilization.
Regarding ecological investigation at Tonsan River, due to limited budget, it is not possible to do a comprehensive study. Therefore, the study results can not show clear correlation between ecological investigation results and river water quality monitoring results. The project continued the methodology applied in 2007 to do the up, middle and down stream Tonsan River ecological investigation. Due to manmade remediation to the river, the river bed is deep, therefore difficult for benthos investigation. It is suggested for future study to investigate benthos and extend the study to other rivers as well.
The project has completed all required tasks and maintained the outstanding performance scores according to EPA standards.