

中文摘要 水污染防治法於80年修正公告後,納入許可制度誠實申報之管理精神,此制度之建立有助於掌握水污染源基本資料,以做為事業廢水施政管制依據,同時為有效管理許可資料及相關資訊,亦逐年建立及開發事業水污染源管理資訊電腦系統,做為有效管理水污染源之基礎,對國內事業廢水污染管制具有正面積極的意義。 本計畫之執行工作重點,在於協助宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱貴局)貴局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作。本計畫目標如下: 一、協助執行事業或污水下水道系統稽查工作,督促業者做好水污染防治措施及有效削減水污染排出量,避免水體水質遭受污染。 二、辦理水污染防治相關許可資料庫管理及更新作業,以利水污染源資料之分析、研判及統計等,以有效掌握轄境內水污染源之狀況。 三、辦理水污染防治計畫及許可審查核發作業,並依期限內完成,確保業者之權益。 四、執行流域水體沿岸暗管或不明管線拆除或封閉作業,遏止事業單位心存僥倖逃避罰則之行為。 五、執行水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑工作,確保業者廢水處理設備功能正常操作。 六、協助辦理法規說明會及相關宣導活動,確保政府施政之順暢,同時民眾亦清楚應如何配合政府之施政,用以達成雙贏局面。 七、針對水質改善實場及模場進行環境維護管理作業,確保維護不間斷,並可持續維持既有設施處理效能。 八、執行冬山河上、中、下游生態調查作業,做為日後冬山河污染整治之參考依據。 九、建置水污染防治業務之中英文雙語專屬網站,做為 貴局與民眾溝通之平台。 十、其他相關作業,包括定期執行水質監測作業、協助辦理水污染防治相關業務考核資料彙整及分析等,可以藉由資料的整合分析,作為評估各階段施政之重點。 截至97年11月30日,本計畫已完成規定工作項目如本報告第四章所述,其中在協助稽查、採樣工作方面,已完成827件次有效稽查、採樣及協助送驗作業,達成率為118.1%,例行性稽查完成463件次,達成率為132.9%,有效稽查共計364件次,達成率為104%,至97年11月30且均已完成檢驗程序及鍵入水污染源資料管理系統。另於統計364家次有效採樣、送驗結果共有8家次放流水不符放流水標準,不合格率為2.2%,並已通知業者限期改善。由於本計畫採取加強稽查、採樣的措施,比96年度增加稽查119件、增加採樣16件,使得本計畫達成更佳的管制成效,在陳情案件方面較96年度減少31件。 在不明管線封閉作業方面,本計畫如期達成封閉5支不明管線目標,實際達成封閉6支,其中遇較困難河床地工作環境,並為追溯管線來源,更不惜動用怪手重機具開挖,以彰顯 貴局執法的決心,對投機業者產生明確的嚇阻力量。 本計畫開始至97年11月30止,稽巡查人員於縣內河川巡查共260次,查獲髒亂點次數共205處,以宜蘭河(90)查獲髒亂點次數最多,其次為得子口溪(68),第三為蘭陽溪(32)。稽巡查人員於查獲髒亂點後,除清除髒亂並作成記錄,作為日後加強巡查的重點 本計畫巡查發現之髒亂點與不明管線皆已作成記錄,並鍵入地理資訊系統,未來應持續針對這些定點及其周邊進行加強巡查,以避免重複再犯並樹立環保局執法決心。 本計畫經 貴局於六月中旬,初步依污水處理設施功能不足、常遭陳情等條件篩選出10家功能評鑑建議名單,於7月份針對10家事業單位進行現場勘查作業之後,從中挑選出名牌食品工業股份有限公司頭城廠、同榮食品工業股份有限公司、薛長興工業股份有限公司第一廠、大進畜牧場、裕榮畜牧場等五家,於7月下旬至10月初進行評鑑作業。評鑑內容包括事業單位廢水處理設施尺寸、管線流向、書面資料比對及初步水質檢測等。專案小組根據評鑑結果向受評鑑單位提出改善建議,並於11月6日及11月7日完成改善成果之後續追蹤作業。 本計畫並負責美福排水水質改善自然淨化系統之環境維護與打那岸水質自然淨化模場之操作與維護,其中打那岸水質自然淨化模場因抽水泵阻塞損害馬達以及受風災損害水塔等事件層出不窮,專案小組皆盡力修復並購置新品以維持正常運轉,然就兩項設施於設立當時之目的而言,似皆已達成並告一段落,故未來之用途與去留有待評估與決定。 打那岸水質自然淨化模場係於民國92年設置完成,目的在提供一處利用水生植物淨化打那岸排水的模擬實驗場所,將達那岸排水抽送至儲水塔,再藉重力自然流入淨化池內。由於該模場設計僅供小規模試驗用途,且年久失修機具老化,近年來常受漂浮垃圾阻塞或污泥沈積等問題困擾。針對沈水馬達易阻塞問題,建議於沈水馬達周圍設置預鑄式取水箱涵及攔污柵。針對污泥問題,建議於儲水塔後設置沈沙池,再引入溼地處理以減輕負荷。然而,有鑑於模場之階段性任務已完成,亦建議考慮移交學術研究單位作為實驗模場之可行性。 在冬山河生態調查方面,本計畫由於經費有限,無法進行廣泛的調查,故調查結果僅供參考,而生態調查結果與和河川水質監測結果之相關性亦不明顯。本計畫延續96年調查方式進行冬山河上、中、下游水中生態的調查,然因冬山河歷經過人為整治,其河道深度較深,較無法有效利用底棲生物進行評估水質,然為完整進行生態調查,未來仍應選定地點進行底棲生物調查。另建議在經費允許之下,擴大對其他河川進行生態調查以利相互比較。 本計畫已達成本年度各項目標,並依環保署考評方式自評結果顯示,本計畫仍維持過去建立之良好成績,更應於未來持續保持佳績。
中文關鍵字 水污染源稽查管制及水質監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 6340000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/01 專案結束日期 2008/12/15 專案主持人 藍森崇
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 創迅科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿合併.pdf 14MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2008 Water Pollution Control and Water Quality Monitoring Project

英文摘要 Since the promulgation of Water Pollution Control Act Amendments in 1991, discharge permitting and honest reporting have been included into the water pollution control management system. The establishment of this management system provided better control on fundamental water pollution sources data for industrial wastewater control through computer information system and made nationwide industrial wastewater pollution control more effective. This project has assisted Yilan EPB in water pollution control to achieve the following results. Until November 30th, 2008, the project has completed all required items of works as written in Chapter 4. Among them, 827 times (118.1% of the required quantity) of effective audits, sampling and analysis have been done, 463 times (132.9% of the required quantity) of routine inspections, 364 times effective inspection (104% of the required quantity), and all of the above data have been keyed into the system. The 364 effective inspections showed 8 factories failed to meet the discharge standards therefore the failure rate was 2.2. These factories have be noticed to improve within time limit. There were 119 more inspections and 16 more samplings done in this year compared to 2007 to achieve better control in this year and less complaint from the public. The number of complaint has dropped 31 cases compared to 2007. The project has implemented closure of 6 unknown discharge pipes. Heavy machines such as bulldozers were employed to fulfill the task of closing unknown discharge pipe to show strong decision from EPB to implement water pollution control Until November 30th, 2008, the project has inspected along riverside 260 times to find 205 dirty spots for cleaning. According to the list suggested by Yilan EPB regarding functionally deficient wastewater treatment facilities, the project selected 10 factories for survey. After field visits to the 10 factories in July, 5 of them were selected for further investigation from July to October. The investigation covered facility sizes, treatment flows, documentary verification and preliminary water quality analysis. Comments and suggestions for improvements were made to each facility. Improvement results were confirmed by visits on November 6th and 7th. The project is responsible for the maintenance of Meifu sewage discharge channel and the Dana water quality purification pilot plant. The Dana plant especially created much troubles to the project due to several times of damage to the pump from clogging and typhoon. New pumps were installed to maintain the plant in operation however it is suggested to evaluate the significance of maintaining the plant and whether it is necessary. The Dana plant was built in 2003 as a pilot plant to study purification by aquatic plants. Since the Dana plant has completed its task as a pilot study facility, it is suggested to transfer it to research organization for future utilization. Regarding ecological investigation at Tonsan River, due to limited budget, it is not possible to do a comprehensive study. Therefore, the study results can not show clear correlation between ecological investigation results and river water quality monitoring results. The project continued the methodology applied in 2007 to do the up, middle and down stream Tonsan River ecological investigation. Due to manmade remediation to the river, the river bed is deep, therefore difficult for benthos investigation. It is suggested for future study to investigate benthos and extend the study to other rivers as well. The project has completed all required tasks and maintained the outstanding performance scores according to EPA standards.
英文關鍵字 water pollution control, water quality monitoring