

中文摘要 本年度「公害鑑定與蒐證調查技術推廣專案工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之執行過程中,為使現有公害鑑定資訊系統及公害糾紛案件資料系統時常更新,本計畫已執行六大工作項目:第一,本計畫蒐集部分與公害糾紛相關之司法判例,並建置於資料庫內。第二,本計畫查閱國內外相關公害鑑定文獻過程,並得到較新的公害鑑定及損害查估相關資訊,此部分資料除了提供公害鑑定資訊系統做系統的更新外,亦供做編寫「環保人員公害鑑定調查注意事項」之參考。第三,本計畫邀請國內公害相關領域之專家學者,成立人才庫,以備可能之重大或敏感公害事件發生時,成立公害鑑定蒐證技術諮詢服務團之所需。第四,本計畫藉由座談會形式與環保人員討論「環保人員公害鑑定調查注意事項」之編定適當與否。第五,本計畫舉辦全國性公害糾紛處理工作檢討會,藉此促進環保人員之經驗交流,提升環保人員的鑑定技術。第六,本計畫為強化更新環保署現有公害鑑定資訊系統亦提出新系統初步架構及功能。本計畫可提升環保人員的公害鑑定技術,並減少公害糾紛的發生。
中文關鍵字 公害糾紛,損害查估技術,生物指標


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-K105-02-207 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3410 千元
專案開始日期 2008/02/19 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 溫志超
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳建中 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學(水土資源及防災科技研究中心)


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公害鑑定與蒐證調查技術推廣專案(第1年)計畫正式報告.pdf 48MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Special Case Work Plan (3-Year Plan) to Promote Technology for Appraising Public Nuisances and Gathering and Examining Evidence

英文摘要 In order to update the information systems of the public nuisance identification and the public nuisance dispute in Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), six working frames were performed in this project. First, the juridical precedents of the public nuisance dispute were collected and utilized to update the database of the public nuisance disputes information system. Second, we reviewed some of the foreign and domestic references about the public nuisance identification and damage assessment. The related information was not only used to update the information system of public nuisance identification, but used for reference to compile the note of the public nuisance identification and inspection for environmental protection officer. Third, we invited 66 experts and scholars in the scope of the public nuisance identification and evidence collection for the use of a talent pool establishment. Then a consultancy-service team with 3~5 experts or scholars will be set up from the talent pool when a public nuisance event occurred. The purpose of this consultancy-service team was to provide the technical support of the public nuisance identification and evidence collection. Fourth, we held three forums and invited the staff of the local environmental protection bureaus to discuss the content of note of the public nuisance identification and inspection for environmental protection officer. The related suggestions were used as the reference to modify this note. Fifth, we invited the staff of the local environmental protection bureaus to hold a national public nuisance conference. The purpose of this conference was focused on the experience sharing and was aimed to enhance the public nuisance identification technology. Sixth, we proposed a new web framework and added more functions to strengthen the information system of the public nuisance identification in EPA. We expected that the achievements of this project would help enhance the environmental workers’ technology in the aspect of the public nuisance identification and evidence collection, and reduce the events of the public nuisance dispute.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance disputes, Determination Techniques, Biological Indicators