

中文摘要 近年來國內陸續發現不少水體底泥受到污染,其清除與否,牽涉龐大之清除處理費用與不甚確定之生態環境與健康效益,成為亟待釐清之問題。為了瞭解國內底泥品質現況,並進一步擬定品質基準,管理管制策略及處理技術評估等相關綱要事項,行政院環境保護署乃辦理本計畫。計畫工作成果包括:彙整美國、加拿大、紐澳、歐洲各國等底泥品質管理策略、品質指標之內容及其適用範圍,及國外所使用之底泥指標訂定方法等,並由各要項的比較,建議國內底泥指標值依照美國EPA目前在底泥品質分類上將邏輯迴歸法及平衡分配法品質指標值並列,參考國內及國際間較受重視的污染物訂定。本計畫另外亦彙整國外污染底泥清理、處理技術包括物理處理法、化學處理法及生物處理法等技術說明及選用時機,並彙整美國哈德遜河及澳洲Homebush Bay、及日本三箇牧水道等污染底泥整治案例以為國內參考。 除了國外資料外,本計畫亦彙整評估國內水域歷年底泥品質狀況,資料內容包含民國86年至97年間各河川底泥污染物調查報告,結果顯示,國內河川底泥污染以重金屬污染物為主,項目包括鉻、銅、汞、鎳、鋅。而針對國內底泥中有機物如多環芳香烴、有機氯農藥、多氯聯苯、戴奧辛等之污染相較於美國EPA所公告之底泥化學評估篩選值邏輯迴歸法的Tier1與Tier2則較低。污染場址底泥調查結果顯示:二仁溪底泥重金屬濃度、SEM-AVS、多氯聯苯及戴奧辛等污染物圴以二仁溪南萣橋段及支流三爺溪永寧橋段底泥濃度較高,其中重金屬污染之最高濃度:鉛(664mg/kg)、鎘(5.39mg/kg)、鉻(1130mg/kg)、銅(1570mg/kg)、鋅(1990mg/kg)、鎳(318mg/kg)皆位於測站SY-2(三爺溪匯入二仁溪前200公尺),多氯聯苯測值以臨近南萣橋之測站9(3.16 mg/kg)最高,超過Tier1值三倍,戴奧辛污染濃度最高者為測站11(464.7 ngI-TEQ/kg d.w),超過日本暫定移除基準三倍。在底泥品質管理策略研擬方面,針對國內底泥管理管制工作之建議方案,配合國內新修訂土壤及地下水污染整治法修正條文內容,依法規訂定及實務需要,將底泥管理工作區分為「污染底泥監測」、「污染調查評估」、「整治評估及執行」以及「相關管制措施」等四個階段與層面,並結合底泥污染預防工作,規劃底泥品質管理管制之執行方案。
中文關鍵字 底泥,管理策略,污染調查,整治技術


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-GA10-03-A076 經費年度 098 計畫經費 13841.54 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/11 專案結束日期 2010/10/31 專案主持人 方孟德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 王禎 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


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期末報告 EPA98GA10103A076-3.pdf 17MB

Management strategy for contaminated sediments

英文摘要 In the recent years, many cases regarding sediment contamination in Taiwan were uncovered. Whether removal of the contaminated sediments or not is highly related to the high cost of the remediation action, with uncertainty of ecological and health effects. In order to clarify the issues related to the contaminated sediments, understand the current situation of sediment quality in Taiwan, and establish the sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), management strategy and treatment technology assessment, the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan (Taiwan EPA) commissioned this project to the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). This project compiled the information collected from the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and some EU’s member nations regarding management strategies for contaminated sediments, SQGs and methods used to establish these guidelines. After reduction of those SQGs, it is suggested that combination of logistic regression and equilibrium partitioning approaches used by the USEPA could be applied for SQGs establishment for Taiwan. This project also compiled the information from the US regarding to physical, chemical and biological treatment techniques for contaminated sediments. Three detailed case studies, clean-up of PCB contaminated sediment in Hudson River superfund site in New York, USA, clean-up of dioxin contaminated sediment in the Homebush Bay in Australia and clean-up of dioxin contaminated sediment in a channel in Japan, were also described. In addition to the information from the foreign countries, this project also compiled sediment quality data collected from Taiwan EPA reports regarding sediment pollution investigation between 1997 and 2008. Those data showed that the contamination of river sediments was mainly contributed by heavy metals including chromium, copper, mercury, nickel and zinc. Concentrations of organic contaminants including PAHs, pesticides, PCBs and PCDD/Fs in the sediments were lower than Tier 1 and Tier 2 criteria proposed by the USEPA. Grab sample analyses from the Er-jen River conducted in this project showed that the highest concentrations of lead (664 mg/kg), cadmium (5.39 mg/kg), chromium (1130 mg/kg), copper (1570 mg/kg), zinc (1990 mg/kg) and nickel (318 mg/kg) were found in the sediments from the Station SY-2 (about 200 m upstream San-ye River before it enters Er-jen River). PCB concentration was found the highest at the Station 9 (3.16 mg/kg) and PCDD/Fs was found the highest at the Station 11 (464.7 ng I-TEQ/kg d.w.), which is three times higher than the Interim Sediment Removal Criteria in Japan. In this project, a sediment management strategy was also proposed to streamline a decision-making process among institutes to ensure the consistency on the consideration of risks and the use of approaches to manage the risks. The framework includes four actions needed to be taken: evaluation of sediment quality, assessment of pollution extent and ecological risks, treatment and disposal actions, and legislative actions for protecting human health.
英文關鍵字 sediment, management strategy, pollution investigation, treatment techniques