

中文摘要 環境污染所造成的環境問題越來越複雜而難以既有的機制處理。在環境基本法的要求下,未來建制的環境責任法應當能適當的回應現代環境問題及損害的多樣性,並應具備前瞻性的視野及早思考氣候變遷的問題。 本研究透過資料的整理分析、比較法以及學說之研析,一方面掌握台灣污染狀況及機制運作狀況和問題,另方面掌握環境議題的演變及責任機制的發展趨勢。在這樣基礎之上,分別就公害糾紛制度之改革、法院損害賠償之改革、環境保險的建制方向、環境基金的制度建制、跨境污染問題之處理、環境責任法的定位走向,以及氣候變遷的因應模式七大關鍵問題擬定可能的方案,並一一評析其優劣做成建議。 在短期建議方面,本研究認為公害糾紛制度宜整併到將來的環境責任法中,並以立法調整環境責任相關的實質或程序要件。對於漸進型的污染建議推動強制補償保險,使基金用來支應清理成本。台灣應維持自身主體性而積極減少跨境污染求償之困難,並建議跳脫傳統法制之基礎,以新的內國管制模式回應氣候變遷之挑戰。未來環境責任法將是一程序與實質的綜合性立法,在立法層次盡量做完整之規範,但容有環境基金和保險的立法授權空間,並對跨國問題有所回應。
中文關鍵字 公害糾紛, 環境責任, 損害賠償, 基金, 保險, 氣候變遷, 跨境污染


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-K105-02-205 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2100 千元
專案開始日期 2008/08/15 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 葉俊榮
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 黃錦明 執行單位 財團法人台大法學基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97公害糾紛處理與環境損害責任之運作機制探討及法制研修推廣(第1年)專案研究計畫.pdf 1MB

A Study on Operation and Law of Environmental Dispute Resolution and Environmental Liability

英文摘要 Various complicated issues of environmental liability have challenged the capacity of existing scheme and institution. In the light of Environmental Basic Law, the future Environmental Liability Act should properly respond both to the complexity of modern environmental problems and the uncertainty of the climate change challenges. Through empirical study, comparative study and theoretical inquiries, we on the one hand had significant understanding on Taiwan’s environmental problems and the operation of existing institutions, on the other hand graped the trend of environmental issues and the corresponding change of liability scheme. On this basis, we focused on seven key issues: the dispute resolution on environmental conflicts, the reformation of liability rules, the introducing of environmental insurance, the establishment of environmental funds, the response to transboundary pollutions, the position of environmental law, and the perspective toward clime change. We proposed solutions for each issues, evaluating all and making suggestion. We preferred to incorporate the function of dispute resolution system into future environmental liability law, and adjust liability rules in it. Compulsory first party insurance should be implanted against incremental pollution, and environmental funds should be in charge of environmental recovery. We also suggested coping with transboundary pollution actively and pragmatically, and trying to face the challenge of climate change with a revolutionary vision domestically.
英文關鍵字 environmental liability, environmental dispute resolution, compensation, funds, insurance, climate change, transboundary pollution