

中文摘要 設籍台南縣柴油車輛總數約有28,198輛次左右,車籍數中,自用車輛有25,007輛次,營業車輛僅剩下3,191輛次。其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達9,004輛,柴油小客貨車約達19,194輛。 台南縣因轄區廣闊,而柴油車排煙管制政策執行幾年下來,路上排放黑煙的的柴油車輛的確已經減少許多;但有許多車輛因為景氣不佳,收入較少,所以車輛不願意花較多一點錢作正常保養調修,如被通知檢測僅以不正常的調縮油門或限縮轉速來接受檢測。 本年度檢測站檢測不合格率約為8.3%。目視判煙亦搭配針對老舊高車齡車輛為主,所有台南縣通知檢測完成不合格率約為5.1%。 今年度實施之路邊攔檢工作,篩選攔車後再踩車二度篩選排煙狀況,針對有污染之虞才做檢測,不合格立即告發處分,有助於對一些到檢不當調整車輛提高赫阻效果,所以利用有限檢測數,發揮最大檢測效益,總檢測不合格車輛有222輛次。 柴油油品稽查不合格率已經降低,但應繼續維持稽查,以提高遏止效果。另外非法油罐車無法有效取締應尋求解決方式,全面杜絕各種非法行為。 本縣檢測站由90年以來,一直都具有CNLA認證,維持良好之檢測品質,提高檢測公信力。於97年10月也通過全國認證基金會(TAF)之監督評鑑,目前維持實驗室認證有效中。
中文關鍵字 柴油車,柴油車排煙檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 8767.5 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/14 專案結束日期 2009/07/13 專案主持人 萬民安
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台南縣環境保護局97年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測計畫-期末報告.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Emission inspection on diesel vehicles at full loading and constant rpm

英文摘要 There are 28,198 diesel vehicles registered in Tainan County, of which 25,007 are registered as private vehicles and 3,191 as business vehicles. Also of the 28,198, 9,004 are registered as large passenger and cargo vehicles, and 19,194 are registered as small ones. The emission control policy for diesel vehicles has been enforced for years, and the number of diesel vehicles that give up dark smoke is certainly reduced despite the vast size of Tainan County. However, in a time like this when economy is hanging low and incomes are shrinking, many car owners are reluctant to spend money on giving their vehicles a proper maintenance. When they are called upon for inspection, they usually tune down the throttle or rpm to steer their way through the inspection. This year, the failure rate is approximately 8.3% for inspections carried out in stations. Visual identification on emission is basically carried out on old cars. The failure rate is approximately 5.1% for vehicles called upon for inspections in Tainan County. For roadside inspection implemented this year, the emission of vehicles is screened by pulling over cars on the road and asking the drivers to push hard on accelerator. Inspection notices are given when there is a concern of pollution, and failure to meet pollution criteria is given a ticket on site. This helps deter some of the owners who tune down their cars before going to inspection stations, thus maximizing the effectiveness of inspection with limited number of inspections. In total, the number of vehicles that fail the inspections is 222. The failure rate has dropped for diesel fuel inspections, and the efforts will keep going for optimal effect of deterrence. Also, a solution must be found for prosecuting illegal fuel trucks in order to stop any possible illegal actions. The inspection stations of Tainan County have been CNLA-certified ever since 2001 for better inspection quality and credibility. Also, the stations have qualified in the supervisory evaluation of Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) in October 2008, and the laboratory certification is still valid.
英文關鍵字 diesel vehicles