

中文摘要 本年度固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫、揮發性有機物稽查管制與輔導減量計畫,計畫期程為97年4月17至97年12月31日,工作內容主要包含:落實法規制度、推動許可制度、更新固定源排放清單、稽巡查輔導作業。各項工作成果摘要如下: 一、落實法規制度 ■污染源稽查檢測作業管制 本年度針對固定污染源法規符合度方面,選定5根次具代表性之固定污染源煙道進行排放標準查核及檢測作業,檢測項目主要以粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物為主。現階段共計執行5根次的排放標準檢測,達成率100%。稽查檢測結果皆符合法規標準。 在臭味官能測定方面,本年度預計針對民眾或稽巡查篩選目標進行臭味檢測5點次,實際完成執行5點次的異味官能測定,公私場所皆符合法規標準。 在TSP粒狀物檢測方面,本年度針對砂石堆置廠等粒狀物主要污染源或稽巡查篩選目標進行檢測5點次,實際完成執行5點次的TSP檢測,公私場所皆符合法規標準。 在油品硫含量檢測作業方面,本年度針對轄區內固定污染源所使用之油品進行硫含量共計完成採樣檢測10件次,已完成10件次油品分析,作業達成率100%,10個油品檢測中,僅一家次(鴻榮印鐵製罐廠有限公司)檢測之油品超過檢測標準值,其餘皆符合法定標準,合格率90%。 加油站油氣回收設施功能稽查檢測方面,共計完成檢測10站次的加油站,抽測結果僅1站次未符合加油站管理辦法規定,後續進行再次稽查檢測作業,已符合加油站管理辦法規定。 ■戴奧辛管制對象法規符合度查核 本市戴奧辛列管之公私場所僅有嘉義市垃圾焚化爐,於5月27~28日及5月29~30日分別進行P001及P002之戴奧辛定期檢測作業,本次檢測結果P001為0.086 ng-TEQ/ Nm3、P002為0.085 ng-TEQ/ Nm3,符合戴奧辛排放標準0.1 ng-TEQ/ Nm3之規定,相較上年度戴奧辛之檢測數值,相較往年檢測之數據呈現較為偏高,分析原因為垃圾含水量高,已進行改善,並於9月10~11日進行戴奧辛檢測作業,其檢測值為0.014,與以往檢測數值接近。在未來管制上將持續以宣導、輔導及巡查的方式,使得公私場所瞭解焚化爐相關法規規定及操作處理程序,以確保各處理單元能有效的發揮效用。 ■空污費催補繳管制 第二階段空氣污染防制費徵收,自87年第3季開始徵收迄今,並於96年度首度開徵揮發性有機物空氣污染防制費,本年度計畫配合工廠巡查作業,直至97年12月底止 共計掌握轄內應徵收空污費之公私場所列管68家,分別為申報硫氧化物與氮氧化物空污費業者共48家,揮發性有機物空污費業者35家,統計96年度第1~4季及97年度第1~3季已繳交之資料,共計實收之金額為2,721,957元。本年度在空污費繳納前二名部分,排名第1者為台灣中油股份有限公司溶劑化學品事業部(占空污費總徵收金額之83.4%),主要申報物種為揮發性有機物,占總申報量之84.3%,其次為嘉義市垃圾焚化廠(占空污費總徵收金額之10.0%),主要申報物種氮氧化物,占總申報量之82.5%;硫氧化物則佔申報量之28.0%,此2廠共計佔空污費總徵收金額之93.4%。 本年度針對空污費申報之公私場所進行SOX/NOX現場查核41件次,工作達成率100%;VOCs現場排放量確認查核31件次,工作達成率100%。查核結果發現,由於今年度之空污費表單更新及費率的異動結果,經SOX/NOX現場查核下有6家次之公私場所,因申報費率選用的錯誤及污染源漏列等問題,導致空污費計算申報錯誤;VOCs現場排放量為確保其正確性與公平性,因此執行揮發性有機物空污費全面清查作業,查核則有9家公私場所則因效率引用錯誤、欄位資料缺漏等缺失,本計畫小組於查核現場及針對查核錯誤部分,進行改正作法的說明並輔導業者新費率的計算方式,以協助各業者能正確的完成空污費申報作業,此外,有4家次之公私廠、場經現場查核後,經由其現場所使用之原料等發現為不需申報之對象,建議業者提出相關證明以免除揮發性有機物之申報作業。 二、推動許可制度 本年度收達許可申請資料進行書面審查作業件數已達18件,包括已核發許可證共計11件、審查中件數1件、許可逾期未繳駁回申請計2件、許可製證行政作業中計2件、通知檢測廠商執行許可檢測者計1件,以及檢測書面審核通過共計12件資料。今年度推行預審制度,許可預審文件共計接獲4件次,3廠次的申請,在審查效率上於各類申請案件於各階段審查時程扣除例假日與送審當天不算日數。本年度計畫在各類許可申請案件審查平均日數為14日,除符合法規規定之30日之審查日數,審查時效上與往年審查平均日數15.75日相較,縮短1.75日,提升審查期程。本年度許可預審推動多數廠商還不熟悉相關作業,此外,亞東混凝土設置申請涉及廠區範圍確認部分,因此時間較長;在檢測報告審查作業上,報告平均審查日數為12日,亦符合法規訂定之15日內。 本年度截至12月為止共計完成許可查核60件次,工作達成率100%,依查核結果進行統計,現場與許可核發內容相符者共47件,其所佔比例為78%,而不符者為12件次,在許可查核之整體不符合率約為20%,另外停工與暫時停工者為1件,與95年與96年許可查核相符62%、59%,查核不符33%、36%比較,在許可查核符合度有較往年為佳的情形,不符率亦較往年為低。 三、整合確認固定源排放清單 固定污染源污染物排放狀況對於轄區內空氣品質狀況影響甚巨,為完全掌握轄區內固定污染源污染物排放狀況,加強固定污染源管制資料的完善及更新。本年度截至12月底共計完成201件次的公私場所資料的現場勘查更新與資料庫資料更新建檔及檢核作業,作業達成率100%,各列管公私場所經現場資料更新擴充後,公私場所製程無異動者占87%、停工者占6%、製程設備異動者占1%與進行基本資料異動者占24%。經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為385家、操作製程441個、污染源1,230個、320根排放管道及142個控制設備。由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為97.2公噸/年、硫氧化物31.1公噸/年、氮氧化物158.9公噸/年、揮發性有機物270.5公噸/年、一氧化碳74.1公噸/年。 四、稽巡查輔導作業 為落實固定污染源計畫執行與各項管制作業成效,主動稽查掌握轄區內污染源最新動態,計畫共完成稽巡查作業520件次,工作達成率為100%。巡查次數以預拌混凝土製造業 27件次,巡查比例1350%為最多,其次為砂石水泥及其製品批發業19件次,巡查比例950%。而稽查部分,陳情稽查佔68%為最高、其次為稽查檢測作業佔11%,較往年與今年之空氣污染陳情原因,皆以油煙與惡臭為主要陳情項目,本年度餐飲業或居家的油煙,民眾陳情比例由往年同期的52%降低至本年度的25%,有大幅度減少,可見透過計畫執行,有效改善民眾生活環境品質,後續亦加強輔導完成改善作業。亦唯有透過追蹤及輔導要求改善,如此才能創造更好的生活環境品質。 五、餐飲普查、輔導改善及加油站油氣回收管制作業 現階段本市登記之餐飲業者共計406家,本計畫預計完成普查100家次,截至12月底為止,目前共計完成本市餐飲普查100家次,工作達成率100%,依普查所得資料經營種類以中式餐飲為最多佔67%,其次為日式與速食餐飲各佔7%,另外亦有11家次之餐飲業者為停業。在前處理設備部分,扣除停業者不計,設有油煙前處理設施者佔91%,未設者佔9%,可見油煙應收集之觀念,各業者皆瞭解,而前處理設備方面以檔板式居多,占54%,其次為濾材式10%;而油煙防制後處理設施部份,裝設者占40%,未裝設者占60%。在餐飲輔導改善部分,本年度共計完成15家次餐飲業者之輔導作業,達成率為100%,業者於輔導後皆表示將針對輔導意見進行檢討及改善,以避免影響鄰近住戶,而來造成陳情案件的產生。在加油站油氣回收管制中,辦理一場宣導說明會,期望以宣導方式來加強加油站業者認識油氣回收系統與瞭解系統特性,有助於設備裝設後,加油站可自行檢查與落實簡易保養工作,以降低油氣回收系統故障與回收效率不合格,有效防制油氣逸散,維護民眾生活環境品質。
中文關鍵字 空污費徵收,許可核發,揮發性有機物徵收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3164 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/17 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 陳瑞玲
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97嘉市_固定污染源期末報告(定稿).pdf 46MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The examination and control of stationary pollution sources and the air pollution charging fees urge making up plan,also the examination of volatile organic component and guiding reduction plan.

英文摘要 The examination of stationary sources of pollution permission and the air pollution charging fees urge making up plan, also the examination of volatile organic matter and guiding reduction plan, which includes: fulfill the laws and regulations, promote the allowance system, update the stationary resources emission list, and guiding procedure inspection. The abstract of operating achievements are shown as below: I. Fulfill the law and regulation:  The exanimation of pollution resources operating system: The plan for this year focuses on the emission standard of stationary pollution sources, also carries out the 5 times of flue check, mainly examines the PAR , SO2, NOx, and the most results of the exam are all qualifies to the laws. As for the foul smell organic sense examination, it has been accomplished on checking the public and private spaces, which had been reported over 5 times. All are accord with the regulation standard in the other public and private places. In TSP grainy material examination TSP, aiming at gravel plant, 5 times of check up were carried out. All TSP examinations are accord with the regulation standard in the other public and private places. About the measurement in the sulfur content of the oil which is used to the stationary pollution sources in this year; it is finished amount to 10 pieces and carries out progress 100%. Oil that the Great wild goose glory aluminum sheet can factory Limited company uses amount to 4880 ppmw to measure the result does not accord with the regulation standard of 50 ppmw. We had denounced and punished them. And then we demand them to improve within a definitely period time. Great wild goose glory aluminum sheet can factory Limited company also upgrades to the oil that is used, and other oils` measurements accord with the legal standard. About the examination of gas station which has oil gas recycling facility function in this year, altogether checking 10 stations and caring out progress 100%, the measurement all accords with the Regulations of Management of gas station. Among them there is only Wei-sheng gas station below the standard, we will follow-up checking to meet the Regulations of Management of gas station.  The object of Dioxin controlling regulations for the degree of conformity exam The limit of the Dioxin restriction in the public and private places in Chiayi city is only the Chiayi rubbish incinerator. The examinations on checking Dioxin measuring of the P001 and P002 were carried out on May 27th to 28th and May 29th to 30th. The detection except for the P001 measures the data and falls in 0.086 ng-TEQ/ Nm3 and P002 in 0.085 ng-TEQ/ Nm3 , accord with the regulation of dioxin 0.1 ng-TEQ/ Nm3. Compare to the result of last year, the data is slightly higher. The reason was too much water is mixed in the trash, and was told to improve and re-check on Sep. 10th-11th. The result is 0.014 which is close to the data except before. In the future the control will sustain in a manner to declare, coaches and patrol. It is to make the public and private places understand about the regulations of the incinerator relevant rules and operate the processing procedure, and ensure every can handle unit effective full play utility.  Air pollution charge urge charging and making up fees plan EPA has initiated their second stage of air pollution charge collection since from 1998 and begins to collect Air pollution charge of VOCs in 2007. This annual plan grasps for 68 places public and private to levy Air pollution charge and respectively for declare SO2 and NOx industry 68 public and private places have been incorporated, 35 of VOCs. The statistic shows that in the year of 2007, and the 1-3 quarters of 2008, the racial amount of paid money that it is altogether NT$ 2,721,957. The 1st position in rank of fee charging in Chuayi city this year is CPC Corporation,Taiwan, Solvent and Chemical Business Division (To take part in 83.4% amount of the levy money in Chuayi city) and declare ingredients are VOCs. Secondly it is Chiayi rubbish incinerator (To take part in 10.0% amount of the levy money in Chuayi city) and declare ingredients are Nox. Accounting for total NOx and declaring amount is 82.5%. It is to check 41 pieces in the public and private places in this year and reach rate of job is 100%. Because the form of this year is upgraded and fee is changed, 6 places of public and private are found by SOX/NOX of selecting mistake and pollution sources for use to leak and tabulate, and cause Air pollution charge mistake in computation. To ensure the accuracy and fairness, a full volatile organic matter air pollution fee. 9 places of public and private are found mistake on selecting rate and missing partial data. Our team had consulted and assisted them with the correct application process. Besides, we found 4 places of public and private use materials that do not require to report, therefore, suggested them to prepare relavent documents to remove from the volatile organic matter report. II. Laws and regulations fulfilling plan This year 18 applications were received for review in writing, which included 11 cases of permit issued, 1 case is in process, 2 cases were turned down for not returning their overdue permits,2 cases is with in process,1 case of notifying permit checking. 12 applications have passed the review in writing. This annual plan applies for the case to check in all kinds of permission the number of days is 15.75 days on average, 30 days according with the regulations of regulation. 60 cases were checked for permits this year, the reaching rate of the job is 100%. By accordance with checking the result is counted that cases which conform with permitting authorizing the content amount to 47 at the scene and its proportion is 78%. Cases which do not accord with are 12, and the coincidence rate is about 20%. In addition, there is 1 case to stop work forever and temporarily. In 2007, the permitting and checking conformity is 59 % and the one that did not accord with is 36%. To compare with the permitting and checking conformity in 2007 and the one in 2006, it has better situation than in the past. III. Stationary pollution resources emission list uniting and confirming: The condition of stationary pollution resources emission has the numerous affect to the air quality in the certain area, in order to completely control the pollution emission condition in certain area, also strengthen the database of the stationary pollution resources in perfection and updating. This year 201 public and private places data were updated and checked. The rate of accomplishment is 100%. where had been carried out the date expanding and updating process by After expending and updating the on-the-spot data, 87% of public and private places remain its manufacturing process, 6% of them shutdown, an 1 % fo them change its manufacturing process. After updating,385 public and private places have been incorporated , 441 making procedures, 1230 pollution spots and 320 discharged flues .Shown from the stationary pollution sources well-fulfilled database statistics, finish upgrading the emission altogether in the current year, 97.2 metric tons of granular pollutant per year, 31.1 tones of sulfur dioxide per year, 158.9 tones of nitrogen oxide per year, volatility270.5 tones of organic matter per year, 74.1 tones of carbon monoxide per year. IV. Guiding procedure inspection In order to fulfill the stationary pollution resources the implement with every operation effect, check and grasp the newest trends of pollution sources in the certain area. 520 public and private places examinations have been accomplished; the reaching rate of work is 100%. There are up to 27 rounds of inspection were ran on ready-mixed cement manufacturer, the rate is up to 1350%. 19 rounds were ran on gravel cement and its products wholesale, the rate is 950%. As for auditing, 68% is for accusing case checking, 11% is for auditing checking. Comparing the reasons of last and this year’s accusing cases, fumes and foul smell are the main reasons. Accusing cases toward fumes from cooking oils toward restaurant and family kitchen reduced from last year’s 52% to 25% this year. It is to say through this project, the life quality is improved effectively. We shell follow up and consult as to create a better environment . V . Restaurants inspection 、 consulting and improvement and Gas stations oil gas recycling control procedure There are 406 registered restaurants in this city. We planed to inspect 100 restaurants. Till the end of December, 100 restaurants were inspected, the rate of completing is 100%. Among them, 67% of them were Chinese restaurants. 7% of them were Japanese and fast food restaurants. And also, there were 11 restaurants were shutdown. In the preventing facility area, except for those already shutdown, 91% of the restaurants have facility to process the fumes, only 9% of them didn’t deal with fume. It is thus clear that gathering fumes is a common sense. Most of them (54%) use a blocking plate, 10 % of them use a filter. As for the post-processing facility, only 40% of the restaurants installed it, 60% of the restaurant do not have it. As for restaurant improving and consulting, we have already finished all 15 restaurants as planed. The restaurants all agreed to review and improve according to our consulting suggestions in order to decrease the accusing from the neighbor. In gas station oil gas recycling, a propaganda was held to enhance the gas station owners to understand oil gas recycle system and its distinguishing feature. It helps them to run basic check-up and maintenance by themselves, therefore to reduce the chances of system failure and disqualified recycle work and to preventing oil gas release to the air.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources,air pollution charge,emission