

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為98年3月2日至12月31日,主要工作內容為分析國內外乾電池及照明光源產業環境化技術趨勢及環境流布調查、辦理各類乾電池及照明光源重金屬含量檢驗及提昇回收成效宣導工作。本計畫已完成蒐集國內外乾電池及照明光源環境化設計相關規範,並提出結合環保標章作為綠色差別費率徵收之建議。於分析國內外乾電池及照明光源產業技術發展與消費市場資訊,歸納出二次鋰電池及CFL燈源為未來發展趨勢。另彙整國外處理技術,並就提升再生料品質及資源化比例提出加強再生料有害物質抽驗及污染防制設備查核等建議。另依據現有之監(檢)測數據進行有害物質流布與潛在風險評估結果,各調查對象處理廠之處理過程尚屬安全之資源化程序,且非致癌危害風險於可接受之安全範圍。至於抽驗之乾電池重金屬汞、鎘及鉛含量均低於法規規範;而照明光源樣品僅1組直管與2組環管日光燈管汞含量檢驗值偏高。本計畫另推動責任及販賣業者參與回收工作,並於大潤發辦理3場回收宣導活動,活動回收之廢乾電池計141公斤、廢照明光源計700支(顆)。此外,於北、中、南區舉辦3場宣導說明會,藉由經驗交流及宣導攤位導覽方式強化執行機關人員及回收業者之回收觀念,另針對漁會完成1場廢乾電池回收宣導說明會辦理。最後,本計畫已完成廢乾電池及廢照明光源回收宣導手冊、海報及宣導摺頁設計製作,並於宣導會發送與會人員,以作為其後續工作推動之參考。
中文關鍵字 環境化設計;環境化設計;環境化設計、綠色差別費率、生產技術發展與消費趨勢、資源化比例、風險評估、重金屬檢驗、回收宣導工作


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-HA14-03-A056 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4370 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/02 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 陳宇揚
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 劉秋菊 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-98-HA14-03-A056.pdf 19MB

Raising the Collection and Recycling Efficiency and Testing the Heavy Metal Contents of Waste Batter

英文摘要 The project period was from Mar 2, 2009 to Dec 31, 2009. The tasks included analysis of the foreign and domestic environmental technologies for the battery and lamp industries, investigation of the environmental risks during the recycling processes, sampling and testing for the heavy metal contents within the batteries and lamps in the market, the public campaigns and activities of promoting waste batteries and waste lamps collection for raising the collection efficiency. The collections of the foreign and domestic environmental design regulations of waste batteries and waste lamps had been completed. By analyzing the data, the suggestion of combining the green mark with the green differential rate is feasible. Besides, the results of analyzing the foreign and domestic production technologies and markets for the battery and lamp industries showed that the secondary Lithium battery and the compact fluorescent lamp are the future tendency. By evaluating the foreign recycling technologies, the suggestions for raising the quality of recycled materials and the recycling rate included increasing the testing frequency of the hazardous substances within recycled materials, inspecting the pollution prevention equipments, etc. Based on the present environmental monitoring data, the analysis of environmental assessments and risk evaluations showed that the recycling processes of the specific recycling facilities should be safe, and the non-cancer risk factors are also in the acceptable range. According to the test results of the sampling batteries, all samples’ Hg, Cd, and Pb quantity contents were complied with the regulation standard. For the test results of the sampling lamps, the Hg quantity contents of 1 fluorescent tube and 2 circular fluorescent lamps were much higher as comparing to others. The scheme of promoting the battery producer/retailer for joining the battery collection activities had been finished. 3 public campaigns for promoting the waste collection were hold up in RT-Mart successfully. There were 141 kg waste batteries and 700 waste lamps collected during the activities. Besides, 3 collection councils were hold up in the north region, mid region, and south region. The collection councils’ purposes were enhancing the collection concepts of local environmental authorities and the collection industry by exchanging the experiences and learning on site. Also, one public information session on waste batteries collection was held for fishery association. At last, the waste batteries and waste lamps collection handbook, posters, and DM had been designed and printed. Those documents were sent to all members participated in the collection councils as exerted references for promoting the waste collection continuously.
英文關鍵字 design for environment, green differential rate, technology development and market tendency of products, recycling ratio, risk assessments, testing heavy metal contents, public campaign for wastes collection.