

中文摘要 我國環保標章制度係於民國81年08月25日經行政院正式公告實施,至96年12月止,計有3766件產品通過環保標章審查。而為因應機關綠色採購對各類產品之廣泛需求並快速增加環保產品數量,環保署自八十八年起新增第二類環境保護產品驗證作業,提供目前尚未開放環保標章產品規格標準之各類產品一個驗證管道,此部分目前共有29家126件第二類環境保護產品。 為提升案件審查效率,並落實使用者付費精神,環保署自91年度起即委託環保標章承辦單位(即本會),就環保標章驗證收費制度,與委託民間辦理環保標章認證作業展開規劃。並自95年度起將環保標章驗證業務獨立於推動使用環保標章計畫之外,另行招標辦理。 依據本年度之執行經驗,目前業者申請環保標章時最常產生之問題包括1.電子電機類產品塑膠零件有害物質超過標準、2. 清潔劑類產品添加物問題、與3. 經認可實驗室檢測品質問題。針對以上問題,執行單位已進行規格標準檢討修正,並持續透過與檢測單位溝通等方式,以協助合格業者取得環保標章。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、綠色產品、綠色消費、綠色採購、政府採購法


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-K102-02-102 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5138.4 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/21 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 林建宏
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 王南惠 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96驗證計畫期末報告.pdf 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Certification of Green Mark products (category I Eco-Products) and category II Eco-Products

英文摘要 The Green Mark eco-labeling program was officially promulgated and introduced by the Executive Yuan on August 25, 1992. As of November 2007, 3766 products have been qualified to carry the Green Mark logo. In order to meet the increasing demand for green products due to the government green procurement measures, the ROC Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) initiated the certification operation for Type-II environmental protection products (green products) in 1999, in addition to the Green Mark (Type-I) product categories, as green products recognized by the ROC government. At present, 126 products from 29 manufacturers/dealers are qualified as Type-II products. With an aim to increase the application processing efficiency and meet the user-fee principle, in 2002 the EPA commissioned the current Implementation Body for the Green Mark Program, the Environment and Development Foundation (EDF), to study the Green Mark certification fee scheme and plan for the privatization of the Green Mark certification operation. The year 2006 is the first year in which the Green Mark certification operation is independent of the Green Mark promotion project and commissioned through independent bidding process. Based on the implementation experience obtained throughout 2007, the most often encountered problems for Green Mark applicants are: 1. Hazardous substance contents of plastic parts as used by electronic products exceed limits; 2. Toxic additives of detergents; and 3. Certification delayed by unqualified test report. In order to lessen the above problems, the Implementation Body has conducted review of product criteria, and is continuing to communicate with testing laboratories, so as to facilitate the processing process for qualified products.
英文關鍵字 Ecolabelling, Green Product, Green Consumption, Green Procurement, Government Procurement Law