

中文摘要 桃園縣「96年度街道揚塵洗掃效益評估管理計畫」期末報告統計期程自96年3月1日起至97年2月28日止,背景資料蒐集則依資料來源統計至最近可統計日為止,計畫由委辦單位康廷工程顧問企業有限公司協助環保局執行桃園縣轄境之街道揚塵洗掃作業管理工作,透過相關情資分析、道路分級普查、街塵負荷量分析等作業,逐月規劃調整本縣之洗掃街作業路線,並自96年3月起實際投入洗掃街勞務執行單位監督查核工作。 在量化成果方面,累計執行固定洗街12,317公里,固定掃街12,299公里,平均每月洗街1,026公里、掃街1,025公里,每月針對主要執行道路進行分級普查作業,共計普查726.2公里,其中A級道路392.8公里(54.1%)、B級道路328.2公里(45.2%)、C級道路5.2公里(0.7%)。整體普查路段之平均分數由4月份之76.8,減少至5月之74.4,6、7月則逐漸改善至77.5,其後成長至86.4,年度分數平均由86年7月(78.4)提昇至 (88.4),提升10.2%。在監督查核方面,共執行查核704.6公里,其中全日跟車查核277.3公里(佔39.4%),不定期查核427.3公里(佔60.6%),並依查核缺失給予改善建議,洗街用水量介於0.67公噸至0.80公噸之間,平均為0.73公噸/公里,可達勞務單位合約規範之要求(>0.6公噸/公里)。垃圾收集量方面,平均每公里可收集39.08公斤。此外,在執行監督查核作業同時,亦協助違規廣告拆除作業,共執行拆除481張。 在路權單位整合與訪查輔導方面,各鄉鎮市公所作業里程經洗掃整合後共288,162公里,整合後作業里程呈現明顯成長,整合後之作業量能較整合前提升超過十倍,並篩選中壢市中園路為示範道路,透過聯管徵得15家企業單位應允投入串聯認養,其他道路企業認養方面,亦推動推動認養8家次。在成效評估方面,本縣代表性列管道路之總街塵負荷量平均為4.22 ± 2.62g/m2,經逐月之洗掃作業後,多數路段之街塵負荷量與作業初期相較,改善程度可達80%以上。根據環保署抽查各縣市道路塵土負荷量分析結果,本縣96年街塵負荷量較95年減少38%,在績效考評要點中道路等級亦由B級(80分)提升為A級(100分)。 整體而言,透過本年度洗掃街勞務及管理計畫的執行,推估共削減TSP 312.8公噸,平均每月可削減TSP污染量28.4公噸;而PM10污染物共削減58.9公噸,平均每月可削減PM10污染量5.3公噸,餘如人物力派任、逐月規劃及成果報告提報等皆依本計畫之工作內容辦理,本報告並比較歷年洗掃作業之主要成果且對未來展望與建議彙整專章說明。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵洗掃,逸散源,粒狀物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5225 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/01 專案結束日期 2008/02/28 專案主持人 鄭少玲
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96洗掃報告書.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 All tasks of this project are accomplished in terms of quality and quantity in order to keep track of the street sweeping and flushing efficiency in Taoyuan County. The executive performances are summarized as follows: A. The supervisory and auditory teams were established when the project started on March 1, 2007. Then lots of useful forms were created and trainings were given to those who work in the project. B. According to the cleanliness degree of the peripheral roads along air quality test locations, most labor was focused on relatively dust-laden roads in an attempt to enhance the sweeping and flushing frequency. Until the end of Feb. 2008, the team members of this project had conducted twelve times of visual judgments and virtual tests of street dust loadings. C. Supervision and efficiency evaluation 1. With the help of camera equipments, record all the conditions of road dusts before and after flushing. Each street flusher is equipped with a GPS, keeping track of its sweeping and flushing locations and thus enhance working efficiency. 2. Till the end of Feb. 2008, the team had swept streets of 15,791.1 kilometers in length and flushed streets of 16,225.1 kilometers in length. On the average, the team sweep1315.9 kilometers per month and flush 1352.1 kilometers per month. 3. Report of road cleanliness in Taoyuan was monthly handed to local Environmental Protection Bureau. 4. The team had completed the impromptu tasks which Taoyuan Environmental Protection Bureau gave and had helped supervise street sweeping and flushing performance and provide timely helps. 5. The team had no change in personnel during the whole project. 6. All equipments in need were well prepared as the contract required when the project began. 7. According to 2007 gross sweeping and flushing mileages, TSP reduction rate was 312.8 tones and PM10 reduction rate was 58.9 tones. TSP emission reduced at an average of 28.4 tons per month while PM10 emission reduced at an average of 5.3 tons per month. 8. The team compiled monthly supervisory and auditory reports, and handed them on time to Taoyuan Environmental Protective Bureau before the date of 15 every.
英文關鍵字 street sweeping and flushing