中文摘要 | 為瞭解民眾對我國環境品質之感受、環保施政滿意程度與對環保施政措施之認同程度與配合意願、環保知識認知程度及對各級環保機關公害陳情處理之滿意程度,對於業務之推動均具指標意義,可提供本署釐訂政策及規劃教育宣導與處理人民陳情案件之參考。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環保;措施;政策 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-98-FA11-03-A091 | 經費年度 | 098 | 計畫經費 | 1550 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2009/03/09 | 專案結束日期 | 2009/12/15 | 專案主持人 | 林一為 |
主辦單位 | 統計室 | 承辦人 | 吳玉棋 | 執行單位 | 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 98年度環保施政意向調查第3次調查報告.pdf | 0MB | 第3次(政策面)調查報告(包含意向第1、2次及公害陳情調查報告摘要) |
Survey on Public's Response to Environmental Policy Implementation & Satisfaction Survey of Public Nuisance Petition Resolution, 2009
英文摘要 | This survey is about the policy perception of environmental protection. It aims to understand the identification level and desire for support of the citizens aged 20 and above they have of the environmental protection measures both underway and under consideration. A telephone poll was conducted from October 9 to October 28. A total of 5,893 valid samples were collected, using a stratified random sampling method, under a confidence interval of 95%, with a sampling error within 1.28 percentage point. Results of the findings: 1. The identification level among the public toward six concepts about a sustained environment stood at a score of 4.48, with the concept calling on "everyone to shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection" gaining the highest score of 4.75. 2. The awareness ratings of the 15 environmental protection measures underway averaged 72.0%, with the highest of 92.9% going to "the promotion of self-provided environment-friendly tableware and cup." The average job approval ratings reached 87.6%, of which 91.2% was for "the promotion of a movement calling on all the people to make their hometowns clean" and 91.1% for "the promotion of soil and groundwater remediation." 3. The average job approval ratings for the eight environmental protection policies on the drawing board were 87.4%, with the higher figures given to "the control of indoor air quality in public areas" (95.1%) and "the promotion of reduction in carbon dioxide emissions" (94.5%). 4. About 73.2% of the surveyed expressed satisfaction with the sanitation in their nearby communities. 5. About 58.1% said they were happy about the performance of the Environmental Protection Administration over the last year in dealing with matters concerning environmental protection. 6. The public hoped that the government would give its top priority to "the improvement of air quality" (33.2%), followed by "the maintenance of environmental sanitation" (28.4%) and "the purification of river quality" (23.8%). | ||
英文關鍵字 | environmental;measure;policy |