

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自96年5月1日開始,至97年3月31日為止共計11個月,主要之工作重點包括:協助辦理環保署年度考評相關作業、執行本縣空氣污染防制計畫考核工作、協助辦理各計畫相關審查會議、修撰96年版空氣污染防制計畫書及辦理環保局空氣污染防制業務專案會議…等37項,整體工作項目進度達成比率為92.78%,相關執行成果重點說明如下。 環保署考評部分,本年度各項管制工作掌握良好,環保署現場查核並無嚴重缺失,於年度成效檢討會中亦獲得相當之肯定,主要執行優點包括:港區工地全面覆蓋防制成果、VOC查核管制、堆置場植生推動、裸露地污染行為公告、資料庫便民系統之建置開發…等。 於96年5月~97年3月期間,依據「臺中縣環保局空氣污染防制業務委辦計畫考核作業要點」,每月針對各空污計畫資料提交準時性、工作進度控管、報表及資料庫數量品質、新聞宣導成效…等進行考核。依據評分結果,共通性計畫中以「街道揚塵洗掃計畫」(93.3分)及「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」(93.1分)得分最高;一般性計畫則以「固定污染源連續自動監測設施查核與空氣品質不良應變計畫」(91.9分)較佳。 相關專業會議部分,本計畫共計辦理「空氣污染防制技術專家學者諮詢會議」、「空氣污染防制計畫工作項目協商會議」…等共計30場次,除針對各計畫執行缺失進行檢討外,並邀請專家學者協助提供本縣空污防制工作之相關指導與建議。另外,本年度亦親至台南市環保局,針對港區污染管制、反怠速推動及自行車網建置規劃等工作進行經驗交流。 在空氣污染防制計畫書檢討修撰部分,上一年度(95年度)之各項指標中,以空氣品質改善、社區定檢車輛數及硫氧化物削減量之目標並未達成;空氣品質部分因受大環境及氣候等影響,地方之改善成效有限,而在社區機車定檢部份因執行效益不佳,本年度已修正為大專院校機車定檢比率提升之目標;污染物削減量未達成部分則於年初要求各計畫加強輔導推動各廠(場)所之污染減量工作。 96年版之空氣污染防制計畫書中,除了依據環保署TEDS 6.1資料庫更新本縣推估排放量外,並參照歷年目標達成情形、空氣品質變化趨勢、轄區污染排放特性及現階段中央管制策略…等,訂定固定、移動、逸散等三大類污染源之改善目標、防制策略及中/短/長程工作重點。 在民眾滿意度調查部分,本年度委託第三公正單位(東海大學民意調查中心)進行一般民眾及申辦固定污染源設置或操作許可證之公、私場所進行問卷調查,共計完成1,371份有效問卷。調查結果顯示,民眾對於縣內空氣品質之感受以”普通”為最多,與去年相比變化不多;各類污染源中以交通機具排放廢氣給民眾帶來最大困擾;對於住家附近營建工地之觀感有明顯提升;在服務品質滿意度調查部分本年度有下降趨勢;其餘相關便民措施等,民眾則認為尚有改善之空間。
中文關鍵字 空氣,空氣品質,維護, 綜合管理,計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5069.4 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/01 專案結束日期 2008/03/31 專案主持人 黃沐域
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96年臺中縣空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫.rar 11MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The air guality maintain and manage project of Taichung County EPB

英文摘要 Abstract “The air guality maintain and manage project ”of Taichung County EPB was 11 month May 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008. The cardinal important assignment of this project was to assist and help in promoting EPA auditing works, supervision and inspection of the air pollution control project, assist to transact the inspect meeting, edit the “air pollution prevention project in 2007”, transact the specialized meetings... The content of the project included 34 major categories, the level of completion for the quantified working progresses had reached 92.78%. At the beginning this project summarize and analyze the of 2006 EPA assessment and the commissioner’s suggestion, and account of the improvement in the job coordination meeting. Besides that, the air pollution control permance annual report of Taichung County EPB was completely compiled to EPA in the prescript date. The estimated score was great of this year. According to the assessment results based on the “The Air Pollution Control Projects Supervisory and Audited Gist of Taichung County EPB”, the “Taichung County Street Dust Sweeping and Cleaning Project “ had the highest score of 93.3 in the common project and the “Continuous Emission Monitoring System and The Air Pollution Reaction Project” had the highest score of 91.9 in the general project. In the specialized meetings , this project haved transacted 30 meetings, comprised “mensal supervision/auditing meeting, routine job review meeting, job coordination meeting, the air pollution control consultative meeting, the scholar and specialist supervisind and auditing meeting…” In addition, this project transacted “The experience exchanges meeting in Tainan City EPB “to compare and learn about the portside control, no idling policy and the City-Bicycle web buildind plan”. Editing the “air pollution prevention project in 2007”, this project summarize the national envirement protection administration, the changing current of the air quality in Taichung County,and the local pollution emissive distinction. In order to edited integranty and suitably, this project invited the scholar and specialist to counsel the advisement, then revised the target of air quality improvement, pollution reduce and civil service satisfactory. The civil service satisfactory survey was commissioned “The Tunghai University Poll Center” and proceed 1371 effective questionary. In the results of the survey,most people feel “normal”of the air quality(the same result of last year), large people grumbled the mobile pollution, and the construction sites satisfactory ameliorated this year. In the satisfactory of civil service counter was decreasing, and people considerd the service of greater convenience cound be promoting in aftertime.
英文關鍵字 air,air quality,maintain,manage project