

中文摘要 環保署為瞭解台灣本身的環境變遷問題及其與生態系之間的關係,積極推動二氧化碳通量之監測。棲蘭通量觀測系統於2005年3月底架設完成後,於4月上旬開始運作。目前系統的表現已趨穩定,維護的技術上亦逐漸能掌握,已能大幅改善雨、霧時的的資料缺失問題。2007年7月合併開路與閉路式的系統使用後,通量觀測的資料品質改善很大,可使用的資料達66.7%。以棲蘭試區多雨霧及陡坡地形的條件下,此一有效資料獲取率已達國際上通量測站平均的水準。 以渦度相關法來量測森冠層頂界面層的通量,在理論上還存在著一些問題,影響最大者為夜間大氣穩定時,紊流受到抑制的情況下,渦流通量並無法代表當時真正的生態系呼吸量。而陡坡地(複雜地形)通量的量測在理論上還有很多的疑問尚待研究,亦是目前熱門的研究課題。本計畫除定期維護儀器設施、進行通量計算外,並依研究進度與需求針對夜間渦流微弱時通量的計算與資料補遺方法等項目等作進一步研究。 本計畫嘗試了4種補遺方法。依各補遣方法進行補遺及夜間通量的修正後的估算值,最顯著的差異在呼吸作用。呼吸作用估算值亦依最大呼吸率法(Rmax)、95th分量迴歸式、50th分量迴歸式,由高至低。最大呼吸率法及95th分量迴歸式的修正,甚至導致大部分的月份,其NEE由負(碳源)轉正(碳源)。顯示大呼吸率法及95th分量迴歸式都高估了呼吸作用對溫度的反應。50th分量迴歸式所建立之呼吸作用模式最符合以光反應方程式所估計之白天生態呼吸作用量,依50th分量迴歸式修正補遺後之通量推估此一扁柏林分的年二氧化碳吸存量約為8.1 ton/ha/year(2.2 tonC/ha/year)。而以平均晝夜變化法補遺所推估的二氧化碳通年吸存量約為23.1 ton/ha/year(6.3 tonC/ha/year)。 通量的觀測在微氣象的觀測上,與一般的通則:「長期觀測應該力求觀測項目少而簡單,項目繁多則觀測期間不宜太長」相違背。但是評估計陸域生態系碳吸存必需仰賴的跨尺度機制模式,有賴於進一步瞭解、定量及預測生態系碳源與匯時空多尺度變化和明瞭其控制機制。通量觀測網路的建立是國際上目前非常重視的研究項目,環保署雖然在有限的研究經費限制下,仍能持續支持棲蘭山測站的觀測,是非常不容易的。我們預期棲蘭通量測站在本計畫中應可順利達到符合國際上通量觀測網路的標準,棲蘭測站亦有可能發展為一「超級試驗地」(super site),對複雜地形的通量觀測作出貢獻。
中文關鍵字 二氧化碳通量,渦度相關法,長期生態研究


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-A009 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2480 千元
專案開始日期 2009/02/10 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 夏禹九
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 徐禾杰 執行單位 國立東華大學自然資源管理研究所


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 7MB

Carbon Dioxide Flux Station Operation and Data Analysis

英文摘要 In order to understand the relationship between environmental change and terrestrial ecosystems, the Environmental Protection Administration is promoting a network of carbon dioxide flux monitoring station in Taiwan. The ChiLan flux monitoring station (CLM) has operated since May, 2005. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat fluxes over the forest canopy were measured by the eddy covariance method with a 3-D sonic anemometer and an open-path analyzer mounted on top of a 24-meter instrument tower over a natural regenerated stand consists mainly of the tree species of Taiwan cypress (Chamecyparis obtuse var. formosna). Due to the rain or fog water often block the window of open path gas analyzer, calculation of fluxes during foggy and rainy period has been difficult at the Chilan site. A system which combines open path and close path gas analyzers has been established since August, 2007. Synchronized analog signals from the both gas analyzers and the 3-D sonic anemometer were recorded with a sampling rate of 10 Hz by a data logger. Raw data as well as 30-minute statistics were then retrieved by a desktop computer and stored for later analysis. Located on a valley slope of 15°, the Chilan site is considered to be a difficult steep slope site for the eddy covariance technique. Considerable amount fluxes released by the soil respiration under the height of flux measurement instrument might be drained away by drainage/advection flows and escape from the eddy flux measurement. This uncertainty of flux estimations is an inherit problem of the horizontal homogeneity requirement of the eddy covariance technique. Nocturnal flux underestimation due to poor development of turbulence in the nighttime is another serious limitation of the eddy flux measurement. Different gap filling and correction schemes were tested in this study. They were: the simple and conventional mean diurnal variation method (MDV), the method based on maximum flux measurement just before the onset of drainage flow (Rmax), 95th and 50th quantile regressions. Our analysis indicated that the MDV and the 50th quantile regression would be suitable at the CLM flux site. Based on this two data gap filling and nocturnal flux correction schemes, the annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of the Taiwan cypress plantation at the Chilan site is estimated in between 2.2 ton Carbon/ha/year to 6.3 ton Carbon/ha/year.
英文關鍵字 carbon dioxide flux, eddy covariance, long term ecological research