

中文摘要 本計畫順利完成毒性化學物質申報系統建置作業,包括許可證線上申請及管理審查系統、登記文件線上申請及管理審查系統、核可文件線上申請及管理審查系統,可減輕地方環保局之人力負荷,加速審核發證速度。 完成配合環保署各項計畫介接工作,包含有與空水廢毒整合系統之基線資料共用截取;與罰款催繳系統介接轉檔相關毒性化學物質查核/處分資料;依單證比對自動通關需求,建置相關系統介接及轉檔接收,並與配合相關說明會進行宣導。 針對電子化系統宣導活動工作,已完成3場次環保局操作說明會,亦協助各縣市環保局辦理毒化物法規及網路申報說明會,已完成9縣市共計15場次說明會。 目前已完成有95年釋放量紀錄69件、95年運作紀錄年報645件、95年第四季運作紀錄131件及96年第一季~第三季運作紀錄資料建檔258件、廢棄認定聲明書90件,總計共完成了1,193筆資料建檔的工作,並成功推動網路申報作業,達到91%的申報率,使毒化物電子化管理作業更加即時。
中文關鍵字 運作紀錄、釋放量、運送聯單


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-J103-02-102 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4850 千元
專案開始日期 2007/04/18 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 鄧淑霞
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 施幸宏 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-96-J103-02-102.rar 11MB [期末報告]公開完整版


英文摘要 This project completed the establishment of the Toxic Chemical Management System . The project includes the completion of the online application and auditing system of permit, register permit and small quantity permit issuing on Toxic Chemical manufacturing.The achievement of this project will tremendously reduce the workload of the local environmental protection bureau staff and speed up the permit issuing. The completed results are listed in the followings: mutual interception of baseline information with the air, water, waste, and toxic substance integration system, the exchange of data of inspection and citation of the violation of Toxic Chemical use is hooked up with environmental penalty follow-up system to ensure the Toxic Chemical use is fully monitored, the custom monitoring system is working with this system to ensure the import of Toxic Chemical is legal. There were 3 sessions of training held for local agencies. 15 training sessions for public participation on online reporting were held in 9 local agencies. There were 69 data releasing records completed in year 2006, 645 operation annual reports in 2006, 258 filed operation records for first and third quarter in year 2007, 90 waste recognition declarations, totally 1,193 data were entered. There were 91% online reporting rate achieved and toxic chemicals management becomes prompt and more convenient.
英文關鍵字 Toxic,Chemical,Substance,Operation,Record,and,Data