

中文摘要 本計畫編製完成95年度空氣污染防制總檢討報告,並逐月解析96年空氣品質變化,完成全國各空品區96年一般測站PSI>100之統計分析,民國96年全國一般測站PSI>100超過百分比為3.68%,較94年及95年同期4.02%及3.72%改善,其中PM10為0.70%較94年及95年1.45%及1.26%同期改善,O3為2.98%較94年及95年2.56%及2.47%同期惡化。96年計發生4次較大規模之空氣污染惡化事件,分別發生在5月前2週、9月28~30日、10月23~31日,12月4~12日。 針對「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」進行修訂,完成83年至96年之PM10、O3、PM2.5等PSI>200(初級嚴重惡化)之事件日分析,增列PSI>150之準備級管制濃度限值並訂定該限值發生時之污染源查處準則,增列PM2.5日平均濃度及O3八小時平均濃度之查處級、初級、中級、緊急濃度限值,完成該辦法草案修訂之相關書面作業。 協助環保署進行96年度縣市「空氣污染防制計畫書」審查作業,針對計畫目標、空氣涵容總量管制、管制對策及編訂計畫、提報時程配合度等重點,提供審查及修正意見完成該考評項目之評分工作。另配合97年度考評辦法中『整體規劃及績效管理』及『空氣品質改善』,建議數項具體之修正方向。 雪山隧道內外空氣品質監測部份,完成粒狀物與氣狀物各5次採樣分析工作,揮發性有機物10次採樣分析工作,各類污染物自入口端向出口端濃度遞增,CO最大小時濃度可達25.7ppm,NOx最大小時濃度可達2100ppb,尖峰車流量時段開啟三套通風系統對SO2、NOx、CO與PM10之濃度降低效率分別為73%、69%、54%與56%。 推動空品區減量行動計畫,高屏空品區計完成營建工地現勘148處次(環保局告發30件),農廢露天燃燒現勘12處次,工業區揚塵及粒料堆置場計現勘260處次(環保局告發29件),河川裸露地現勘6處次,VOC工廠現勘10處次,高雄港揚塵現勘10處次(環保局告發5件)。96年度南區督察大隊陸空聯合稽查計執行13次,通報47件可疑污染案件,告發23件;北部及中部督察大隊針對竹苗空品區陸空聯合稽查計執行4次,通報4件可疑污染案件,告發3件。柴油車路邊欄檢工作,96年高屏空品區不合格率為8.7%,較前2年顯著降低,竹苗空品區1.9%,維持往年的水準。 彙整歐盟、愛爾蘭、加拿大、韓國、中國上海、香港、新加坡等地之空氣品質管制策略研訂過程資料供環保署參考,掌握美國聯邦臭氧空氣品質加嚴標準(2008.3公告)、世界衛生組織、亞洲開發銀行及歐盟等地舉辦研討會之空氣品質資料,探討空氣品質對人體健康之影響。 彙整新增重大開發案空氣污染影響資料,針對台塑六輕、國光與台鋼、中科與中龍、雪隧通車與新三輕等重大開發案,進行臭氧空氣品質增量模擬,並選定位於離島工業區且已進入二階環評之國光與台鋼,進行減輕空品衝擊說帖,建議該兩大開發案應進一步減少其空氣污染物排放量,方能減輕民國100年以後中部以南三大空品區之臭氧惡化情形。 推動總量管制配套措施部份,完成「空氣污染物容許增量限值」加嚴草案,召開「環境影響評估空氣污染排放增量抵換計算原則研商會議」,以「空氣品質管理計畫」作為短程空品區空氣品質管理之主軸,透過該計畫確認各縣市民國95年排放量,依照各空品區臭氧EKMA圖及PSI>100累積頻率圖,訂定各空品區民國100年之目標排放量,完成高屏空品區空氣涵容總量管制示範計畫,為達成民國100年高屏空品區PSI>100達3.8%之水準,除執行現有點源、面源及線源之管制措施外,尚需推動高高屏街道髒污A等級達80%以上、燃料油硫含量降至0.35%以下、增訂VOC行業別管制規範、訂定「工業製品表面塗裝」、「建物塗裝」、「一般消費用品」有機溶劑逐年減量之規範。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質,管制策略,空氣品質管理計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-A177 經費年度 096 計畫經費 13520 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/16 專案結束日期 2008/03/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黎揚輝 執行單位 中鼎工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-FA11-03-A177.pdf 36MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Integrated Air Quality Manage Strategies For Air Basin and Implement Total Air Emissions Control Project

英文摘要 This project finish ‘Air Pollution Control Examination Report in 2006’ , analyses the air quality changes for each month in 2007. Beside the statistic analysis of PSI >100 percentage for general monitoring stations in 2007, the percentage of days with PSI>100 were 3.68%, improvement then 2005 and 2006 were 4.02% and 3.72%, respectively. There were four times large scale air pollution events in 2007. It’s happened at the first two weeks on May, 28~30, Sep., 23~31,Oct., 4~12,Dec in 2007. Revise “The Emergency Control Regulation for Bad Air Quality”. Analyses the PSI>200 events for PM10、O3、PM2.5 from 1994 to 2007. Additional concentration limitation of PSI >150 preparatory control rule of Such limitation should list the rules of inspection for pollution sources. The plan examine “ Air pollution control plan report” provided from EPB of 23 districts in Taiwan. There are four key points to examine, Project targets, Carry capacity management of air quality, control measures and executing plans arrangement. This plan suggest some modification directions about “the whole plan and management” , “air quality improvement” items of EPA check rule. Part of Hsueh-Shan Tunnel indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring, It takes sample and analysis 5 times each particulate and gaseous and 10 times of VOCs species, Every pollutants concentration increase from inlet to outlet of tunnel, the maximum hour average concentration of CO and NOx is 25.7ppm and 2100ppb, The concentration decrease rate are 73%,69%,54% and 56% of SO2、NOx、CO and PM10 when the tunnel run three pieces of air ventilation system in the rush hour. To execute pollution reduction for Kao-Ping air basin area, performs 148 inspections of the construction sites and reports 30 pollution cases, performs open burning of agricultural waste more than 12 times. The plan examines factories which pile up granular material outside for 260 times and reports 29 pollution cases. To completes the inspection for 6 times dry-uncovered river. To completes the inspection for 10 VOCs factories. To completes the inspection for 10 times in Kaohsiung harbor area and reports 5 pollution cases. To help the EPA patrol department of sourth area excute air and land way investigations for 13 times. There are 47 suspect pollution cases and 23 of them have been reported. To help Chu-Miao air basin areas execute air and land way investigations for 4 times. There are 4 suspect pollution cases and 3 of them have been reported. Furthermore, the plan checks illegal diesel oil and inspect unqualified rate for 8.7% on Kao-Ping and 1.9% on Chu-Miao air basin areas in 2007. Kao-Ping’s unqualified rate is lower then 2005 and 2006. The plan collection air quality control strategics progress data on European Union,Ireland,Canada,Korea,shang-hai on China,Hong Kong,Singapore etc. To know well U.S.A revise ozone 8-hr NAAQS and collection the key point of air pollution conferences hold from WHO, ADB and European Union. Discuss the health effects of air pollution. New major developmental cases about air pollution impact data are collected included Formosa Plastic Corp. NO.6 phase IV Naphtha Cracker plane, Guo-Guang Petro-chemistry and Formosa Steel, Taiwan Middle area Science Park, Dragonsteel, Hsueh-Shan tunnel, CPC NO.3 Naphtha Cracker plane renew project. There are simulated to solve ozone air quality allowance increased limitation and complete “New major developmental cases lighten air quality impact guideline” about Guo-Guang Petro-chemistry and Formosa Steel. The plan action “Carry capacity management of Taiwan air quality”, and revise “The air quality allowance increased limitation” regulation, and has conducted conferences which are related to above regulation. In order to accomplish the target of PSI>100 3.8% in Kao-Ping air basin areas in 2011, the following control measures need to be implemented: (a) strengthen deduction of dust fugitive in the stationary area sources and improve street cleaning, (b) set up control rules of NMHC in the stationary point sources for each type of business, (c)fuel oil sufur content lower then 0.35%, (d) set up regulations of ‘industrial products surface painting business’, ‘construction painting’, ‘general consumer goods’ and reduce organic matters content.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality,control strategic,AQMP