

中文摘要 在研究空氣污染問題時,除了排放源之外,影響空氣污染最直接也要最先考量的因素,就是大氣環境的條件。環保署於2006在高屏地區(大寮)設置了邊界層剖風儀一座,期能了解高屏地區的局部環流特性、局部環流對於空氣污染物傳輸之影響、邊界層高度演化與空氣污染物濃度的相關變化等重要關鍵,期能精進對高屏地區空氣污染預報工作。 本計劃之工作即在提升及發揮邊界層剖風儀對空氣汙染環境大氣之監測功能,除了利用探空進行觀測資料的比對,建立剖風儀資料的品質管控資料庫外;也將剖風儀量測到的垂直方向的環境資訊進一步計算成邊界層高度、通風係數等指標,以利環保署空氣污染監測單位能更有效的掌握高屏地區空氣污染的相關資訊。此外,剖風儀的資料也可用來了解高屏地區海陸風環流的型態,以及邊界層演化的過程與污染物濃度變化之間的關係。 分析過去剖風儀之監測資料,統計了2006年1月到2007年2月間剖風儀的觀測效能,發現剖風儀的觀測效能相當良好。根據剖風儀資料演算出的通風係數與空氣污染濃度的時序變化相關性可達0.8左右,也發現高屏地區邊界層高度多在800~1200 m之間,此與污染物的傳輸與累積有相當密切的相關。而剖風儀的資料對於台灣災害天氣系統(如颱風)的應用上,也可以有相當大的貢獻。本計畫之工作成果能提供環保作業單位在實際監測作業過程中之重要參考資訊。
中文關鍵字 剖風儀, 邊界層, 空氣污染


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-A172 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1580 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/11 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 蔡子衿 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-FA11-03-A172.pdf 14MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Integration of Vertical Wind Monitoring Data by Wind Profiler and it’s Application on Air Quality

英文摘要 In Air Pollution Issues, emission source is one of the key issues. In addition, atmospheric parameters such as wind, temperature, radiation are also dominant factors on transportation and concentration of pollutants. Consequently, to understand the evolution of local atmospheric environment is very important on the air pollution problems. A 1290 MHz boundary layer wind profiler was built on Kou-Hsiung / Ping-Tung Area, the most series polluted area in Taiwan, by Environmental Protection Agency in 2006. This powerful remote sensing instrument could supply information on evolution of local flow, boundary layer, as well as the ventilation coefficients. These kinds of information are very important and helpful on the air quality monitoring. Data performance analysis showed the wind profiler operated well and had very good quality during 2006; expect lower humidity (winter season) and instrument damaged condition. According to the high correlation factor (~ -0.8), it indicated the evolution of PM10 concentration and ventilation coefficient have well opposite phase changing tendency. From the less correlation but periodic change between O3 and ventilation coefficient, it showed the thermal parameters should be important and need to be observed. Continuously observation by wind profiler is very necessary in air pollution monitoring and forecasting, new parameters and application can develop by wind profiler and apply in air pollution.
英文關鍵字 wind profiler, boundary layer, air pollution