

中文摘要 本計畫執行「二仁溪流域沿岸土壤及地下水污染調查、查證及整治規畫」之相關工作,藉由蒐集彙整二仁溪流域環境污染相關資料進行高污染潛勢區域劃定。然後針對高污染潛勢區域進行調查及查證作業,以充分瞭解二仁溪流域沿岸土壤及地下水污染情形。根據實際污染現況參考國內外經驗,研提污染整治策略並研擬後續因應措施建議,以提供環保機關進行後續污染整治與採取適當應變措施之依據。由二仁溪62.5公里經背景分析可知,港尾溝溪與二仁溪匯流口上游地區,因主要為畜牧業之低污染產業,且經本計畫驗證亦無污染,因此該區域土壤或地下水污染機率甚低。故本計畫主要調查港尾溝溪與二仁溪匯流口下游地區及三爺溪和港尾溝溪等2支流,主要為高污染產業集中區及歷年發現污染地區。經由現地調查可知,二仁溪流域土壤污染集中於港尾溝溪匯入二仁溪主流及三爺溪匯入二仁溪主流附近,包含台南巿南區、台南縣仁德鄉及高雄縣茄萣鄉等3鄉鎮;地下水污染集中於二仁溪主流北岸港尾溝溪至三爺溪之間,包含台南縣仁德鄉南部;而有害事業廢棄物非法棄置場址則主要集中於二仁溪主流北岸與港尾溝溪匯流口至出海口間,包含台南巿南區及台南縣仁德鄉南部。 41處調查場址現場採樣調查成果:(1)土壤採樣選定83組進行土壤檢測,發現28組土樣超過土壤污染管制標準;(2)地下水進行15處採樣,發現2處地下水超過地下水污染管制標準;(3)廢棄物採18組進行檢測,8組為有害事業廢棄物。於41處調查場址,有11處土壤超過土壤污染管制標準、2處地下水超過地下水污染管制標準及22處發現廢棄物棄置,其中7處為有害事業廢棄物棄置場址。41處調查場址中有75筆地號,其中14筆號土壤超過土壤污染管制標準、2筆地號超過地下水污染管制標準及29筆地號發現廢棄物,其中10筆為有害事業廢棄物非法棄置場址地號(依檢測成果判定8筆有害事業廢棄物場址地號、餘2筆地號棄置PCB板研判亦為有害廢棄物)。並針對3處高污染潛勢場址進行查證工作,並依查證結果規劃土壤污染物移除計畫,預計總經費約為69,803,460元。
中文關鍵字 "土壤""地下水"


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-GA12-03-A108 經費年度 098 計畫經費 8500 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/30 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 吳呈懋
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 柯顯文 執行單位 雲林科技大學水土資源及防災科技研究中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 二仁溪流域沿岸土壤及地下水污染調查、查證及整治規劃[公開板].pdf 225MB

“Preliminary Assessment, Site Inspection, and Remedial Planning for Soil and Groundwater Pollution along the Erren River Basin”

英文摘要 This project entitled “Preliminary Assessment, Site Inspection, and Remedial Planning for Soil and Groundwater Pollution along the Erren River Basin” conducts relevant tasks of the site assessment phase. The potentially contaminated areas were delineated based on the environmental information of the Erren River Basin. Subsequently, a preliminary assessment and a site inspection were carried out so that the situation of the soil and groundwater pollution along the Erren River Basin would be thoroughly understood. Remedial planning with an additional processing strategy based on the actual experiences of home and abroad was proposed. According to the background analysis of collected data regarding the 62.5 kilometer length of the Erren River, the upstream portion of the Erren River from the conjunction of the Kang-Wei-Kuo Creek and the Erren main channel belongs to a low-pollution animal husbandry area. After being verified by this project, there was no polluted site found. Evidence has shown that this region has a low risk of soil or groundwater contamination. Therefore, the principal investigation zone of this project focused on the downstream segment of the confluence of the Kang-Wei-Kuo Creek with the Erren main channel and both tributaries of the San-Yeh Creek with the Kang-Wei-Kuo Creek which are located at highly concentrated polluted industries and potentially high pollution areas. Based on the investigation, contaminated soil of the Erren River Basin is located on the confluence of both the Kang-Wei-Kuo Creek and the San-Yeh Creek with the Erren main channel, including the three areas which are the southern district of Tainan City, Rende Township of Tainan County, and Jiading Township of Kaohsiung County. Groundwater pollution is located on the north bank of the Erren mainstream between the Kang-Wei-Kuo Creek with the San-Yeh Creek, including the southern areas of Rende Township of Tainan County. The illegal dumping of hazardous industrial waste sites are mainly located on the north shore from the confluence of the Kang-Wei-Kuo Creek with the Erren main channel to the estuary, including the southern district of Tainan City and the southern areas of Rende Township of Tainan County. Results from field soil sampling surveys of 41 investigation sites containing a total of 75 plots found that (1) 28 of the soil samples, out of 83 soil samples that were carried out and examined, were over the pollution standards; (2) two out of 15 samplings were found with groundwater pollution; and (3) eight sites had hazardous industrial waste out of 18 examined sites. Among the 41 investigated sites, eleven soil contaminated sites and two groundwater polluted sites by heavy metal and twenty-two dumping sites (seven of them are hazardous industrial waste sites) were found. Site sampling surveys and laboratory experiments from the 41 investigation sites (total of 75 plots) found that 29 plots of land involved illegal dumping (ten of them with hazardous wastes), 14 with contaminated soil, and two with polluted groundwater. A detail inspection was carried out for the three highly potentially contaminated sites and a subsequent plan for removing soil pollutants was proposed. The estimated total budget is about NT$69,803,460.
英文關鍵字 "Soil""Groundwater"