

中文摘要 本研討峰會將邀請鄉鎮市區村里長聯誼會長及鄉鎮市區長等基層精英,分北、中、南、東(含離島)等4個區域分別辦理。共同研討包括村里清潔度及動員績效觀摩之獎勵與評比方式、村里環境關懷照顧的動員技巧。同時研商全面提昇台灣視覺品質及環境衛生等作法,共同為提昇台灣每一個角落潔淨美質的生活環境,營造健康永續的台灣新樂園而打拼,期望攜手並進,超過日本,趕上瑞士,讓台灣環境脫胎換骨。 本活動邀請統一集團台灣美化協會傳授實際清掃廁所(水溝)的行動程序,進行觀摩與體驗,從彎腰打掃中放下身段、謙卑惜福,學習愛惜台灣這片土地的方法,並在清掃完後發清掃學習證明書,以茲鼓勵。 並期盼村里長將災害防救SOP及環境清理與消毒、節能減碳、零廢棄全回收、清淨家園、綠美化及水環境守望襄助等精神與作法帶回村里,落實到每一位村里民都能在日常生活中實踐。
中文關鍵字 環保研討峰會、清掃學習、經驗分享


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-E103-02-270 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2009/09/24 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 郭人杰
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 徐國豐 執行單位 鈞霈公關顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環保署結案報告1231.pdf 237MB

2009 International Environment Seminar

英文摘要 This summit will invite all leaders from counties to villages and is held by four different regions.This seminar involves community cleanness,incentive,evaluation and skills to mobilize to care for environment.In the mean time,it will discuss how to improve Taiwan visual quality, environmental hygiene and work together for clean and beautiful life as well as a new healthy Taiwan.It is expected to surpass Japan and catch up with Switzerland. This event will invite Taiwan beautification association from President Group and teach the actionable procedure to clean restrooms. We can learn how to love our motherland from bending to clean and being modest. The certificate will be issued after sweeping as a reward. We also expect every leader to bring SOP of dealing with disasters, skills of environmental cleanness and disinfection, being eco friendly, recycling, community cleanness and greening communities to his village.Hopefully every villager is able to put the skills into practice.
英文關鍵字 Environmental protection Seminar,Cleaning study, Experience share