

中文摘要 96年本市之空氣品質獲得大幅改善,至96年底止,其空氣品質不良日數已下降至35站日,相較95年的54站日,改善19站日,改善率約為36.2%。若以空氣品質不良日中的指標污染物進行分析,96年以PM10為主要指標污染物之日數為13站日,相較95年改善8站日,其改善率約為38.1%;96年以O3為主要指標污染物之日數為22站日,相較95年改善11站日,其改善率約為33.3%。97年年初因中南部空氣品質擴散條件不佳,因此統計至1~3月份即有11站日空氣品質不良日,較96年同期空品不良日增加6站日,97年1~9月份共計有16站日空氣品質不良日,以PM10為主要指標污染物之日數為11站日,以O3為主要指標污染物之日數為5站日,97年9月份僅有1站日臭氧事件日,較96年同期減少10站日。 雲嘉南空品區在空氣品質良好及普通的日子逐年增加,空氣品質不良日數逐年下降,顯見於整體的空氣品質管控有了明顯的效果,惟在空氣品質較為惡化的日子中(PSI>120),也有增加的趨勢。 由環境負荷資料及各項污染物排放清冊研擬本市之空氣污染管制對策,其以移動污染源為主要污染來源之一,後續仍需加強各項移動污染源管制,如機車定檢率之提昇、柴油車排煙檢測作業及烏賊車查處管制等;逸散污染源則首重安南區的管制為主,主要管制對策為加強道路洗掃及測站周遭營建工地稽查管制作業。 本計畫除各項環境負荷及空氣品質現況調查作業外,亦進行空品淨化區查核管制,協助推行各項空氣污染管制專案,如紙錢集中燒政策推動、反怠速稽查作業與安平港區專案管制作業等;另,進行民眾滿意度調查,其結果供局內作為各項管制政策推動之依據;定期召開各項管制會議及參與環保署召開之相關會議,以利整合本市各項空污費委辦計畫,並配合呈現其各項管制策略之績效。 安平商港管制專案柴油車部份已經柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗過的車輛共計有292輛,約佔73%,檢測過並取得環保標章者共計287輛。 港區逸散源管制方面,於97年3月12日邀請學者前往安平港區現97年共計稽查16次,其中告發3次,2次為行為罰,1次為TSP檢測未過,現處陳述意見中。 97年紙錢收運成果略低於96年收運重量,係因局內於96年底開始宣導紙錢減量燒,以足百替代傳統紙錢,故97年收運量較同期減少,但願意配合紙錢集中燒之單位數較95年205處成長50%,共有309處,其中,廟宇為118間,較95年68間成長75%,顯示府城民眾對於此項政策的肯定與支持。 空品淨化區考核結果以文賢里鄰里公園綠美化及文南社區文南公園(公兒二)綠美化表現較佳,公34廢棄物堆置場綠化在此次考核中獲得同樣的高評價,另「臺南市北幹線道路綠美化計畫」維護成果較歷次考核較佳。 96年度本市提出三項具有地方特色之創新作法,分別為「反怠速」、「推動污染源自主管理」及「紙錢集中燒」三項,其中反怠速共計有866輛公部門用車加入,CO2削減量達2.4噸,問卷調查1,022件中,計有93%民眾知道此項政策、98%民眾支持此項政策;污染源自主管理共計推出安平港區、柴油車及營建工地三個主要污染源之自主管理,其中安平港區於96年逸散粉塵削減率達84%,柴油車已納管665輛次,計約佔本市車輛之15%,營建工地道路認養洗掃長度達276.54公里,TSP削減量達3.82公噸。 97年度完成6點次IAQ檢測作業,並召開一次自主管理說明會,會中12處單位均願意配合IAQ的自主管理,並著手進行自身的IAQ檢測,本計畫並規劃自主管理等級制度,以供後續查核管制標準。 97年度節能減碳以公部門、社區/里及學校為主要宣導對象,本計畫配合臺南市環保局召開節能減碳圓桌會議,會中制定各部門之工作內容,同時也提出各項具體建議供局內參酌。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 3350 千元
專案開始日期 2007/08/14 專案結束日期 2008/08/13 專案主持人 施志恆
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 臺南期末報告定稿本.pdf 11MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Air quality evaluation and management and fugitive emission control plan

英文摘要 Air quality in Tainan City was improved in 2007. According to the 2007 statistics of Taiwan’s Pollutant Standards Index (PSI), the number of PSI>100, so called unhealthful air quality, was decreased from 54 site-day in 2006 to 35 site-day in 2007. The percentage of improvement for air quality was 36.19%. In 2007 the statistics of PSI indicated that the unhealthful air quality caused by PM10 was 13 site-day. Compared with the statistics of PSI>100 in 2006 which was 21 site-day, the unhealthful air quality caused by PM10 was decrease 8 site-day. The percentage of improvement for air quality caused by PM10 was 38.1%; In 2007 PSI>100 caused by Ozone was 22 site-day. Compared with the statistics of PSI>100 in 2006 caused by Ozone was 33 site-day, the unhealthful air quality caused by Ozone was decrease 11 site-day. The percentage of improvement for air quality caused by Ozone was 33.3%. In 2008 early, central and southern Taiwan because of poor air quality conditions for the spread, statistics to the end of July 2008 just over the air for the same period of 2007, an increase of non-performing stations on. The statistics of air quality zone for Yun-Chia-Nan area indicate that percentage of PSI<100 is increasing while the percentage of PSI>100 is decreasing. This result shows that the air quality zone of Yun-Chia-Nan area is getting better than before. However, on the other hand, the percentage of PSI>120 tend to increase when the PSI<100 is tremendously decreasing. According to analysis of air emission data inventory of Tainan City, the major pollution of emission is mobile sources pollutant in Tainan City. Therefore, in order to improve the air quality, well control and management strategy, such as increasing the inspection rate of mobile vehicles, reinforcing the measurement of diesel engine vehicles emission etc., for mobile sources pollutant are very important and necessary. As for the control of fugitive particulate emissions in An- Nan area, by continuously reinforcing road-side clean and increasing the inspection rate of constructional activity can reduce fugitive particulate pollution efficiently. The project, Air Quality Management and Constructional Activity Control, not only continuously to investigate the environmental loading information and analyze air quality data in Tainan City, but also to achieve the air quality zoning management and promote as we as assist other sub-projects of Tainan City EPB, such as paper-collection for incinerating activity, anti-idling activity, satisfaction poll regarding the citizen and organization’s satisfaction for Tainan administration for reference, etc. In addition, this project will go on regularly initiating many discussion meetings of environmental management and participating in any EPA meeting to efficiently integrate all sub-projects in Tainan City and, most important, to have good performance of achieving any sub-projects of Tainan City EPB. An-ping port control most of the diesel vehicles have diesel vehicles smoke detection test stations have a total of 292 vehicles, representing about 73%, the detection of environmental protection and Mark made a total of 287 persons in Taiwan Mark proportion of the number of contracted vehicles. The fugitive emission control in port of An-ping, in the March 12 2008, scholars invited to the An-ping port to do inspection, a total of 16 inspectors, including information three times, twice for acts of impunity, one for the detection of the TSP, is the Present their views in. The paper-collection of 2008 transported to the results slightly lower than 2007, the reasons for the EPA in 2007 to promote the end of paper-collection reduction burning, zu-bai alternative to the traditional paper, resulting in 97 or slightly lower volume. The six IAQ testing operations complete in 2008, and the convening a meeting of self-management , in the 12 units are willing to support the autonomy IAQ self-management, and to proceed with its own IAQ testing, To plan and management of self-grading system to For follow-up check standards. Thel carbon-decreased in2008,the main targets propaganda is the public sector, community / Lane and schools, the EPA was to hold the meeting of carbon-decreased to constitute the various departments of job content, but also put forward specific proposals to EPA.
英文關鍵字 air quailty