

中文摘要 環保署為瞭解民眾對我國環境品質之感受、環保施政措施滿意程度與對環保施政措施之認同程度與配合意願,及對環保知識認知程度,以供釐訂政策參考,特辦理環保施政意向調查。 本(96)年度共辦理3次調查,以台灣地區年滿20歲民眾為調查對象,採電話訪問方式進行,以分層隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,在95%的信心水準,總體抽樣誤差為正負1.42個百分點。第1次為瞭解國人對環保施政之感受與滿意程度,調查期間為4月18日至5月8日止,完成有效樣本為4,734人;第2次為瞭解國人對於各項環保知識的知悉程度,調查期間為7月2日至7月21日止,完成有效樣本為4,736人;第3次為瞭解國人對各項已施行或即將施行之環保措施之認同程度及配合意願,調查期間為10月1日至10月20日,完成有效樣本為4,735人。 第1次調查結果顯示:對空氣品質感受,五成六的民眾近一年曾遭受過戶外空氣污染的困擾,主要困擾來源為汽機車廢氣;與過去一年相較,六成七的民眾認為戶外空氣品質沒有變化;三成八的民眾近一年曾遭受過惡臭的困擾,主要污染源為工廠排放廢氣、畜牧業廢棄物、排水溝異味及垃圾堆置產生異味;六成七的民眾表示沒有感受到公共場所室內空氣品質不良。對居家安寧感受,四成九的民眾近一年曾遭受過噪音困擾,主要噪音源為交通噪音與近鄰噪音,而最近一年遭受噪音困擾的民眾中,七成二表示噪音問題尚未改善,尚未改善的主要噪音源以工廠噪音最高。對飲用水及河川水質感受,六成八的民眾家中裝設濾(淨)水器或購買礦泉水作為飲用水,主要原因為覺得自來水水質不佳;八成二的民眾認為政府需要投入經費與人力進行河川整治,四成一的民眾認為政府對河川保護工作具有成效。對環境衛生及廢棄物感受,民眾對生活周遭各項環境衛生感受普通,嚴重度分數(1-5分)皆在3分左右;八成六民眾對目前家戶垃圾清運情形表示滿意,不滿意者有一成二,主要原因為清運時間無法配合或不準時。對各項環保議題綜合感受,民眾各環保行為落實程度以「垃圾分類放置」最高,自備環保餐具最低;六成七的民眾對政府推動環保工作表示滿意;民眾希望政府優先加強辦理的環保工作為環境清潔維護。 第2次針對民眾之「環境態度」、「環保認知」及「環保行為」等面向調查,分別按贊同度、認知度與落實度的大小分別給予最高5分,最低1分。調查結果顯示:整體而言,民眾環境態度贊同度4.37分,環保知識認知度4.08分,環保行為落實度4.01分,亦即民眾具有優良的環境態度及豐富的環保知識,但環保行為的落實則稍為遜色。就性別而言,男性環保知識(4.10分)較女性(4.05分)豐富,但環境態度略遜於女性(男4.34分、女4.40分),環保行為落實度則落後女性更多(男3.88分、女4.13分)。按年齡觀察,環境態度以40-49歲年齡層(4.41分)最高,環保知識認知度則隨年齡增加而下降(除60歲以上3.58分較低外,餘均高於4分),環保行為落實度反而隨年齡增長而增加(40歲以下均不及4分)。就學歷觀之,學歷越高者,對於環境態度贊同度(均高於4.2分)與環保知識認知度(國中以下不及4分,餘皆大於4分)越高;但隨學歷的提高,在日常生活中環保行為落實度卻呈下降之勢。就職業而言,軍公教人員與白領工作者不論環境態度贊同度、環保知識認知度及環保行為落實度三方面,均優於其他行業從業者,學生雖然環保知識最為豐富,但環保行為的落實度卻相對偏低。就地區而言,環境態度贊同度除中部地區4.33分較低外,其他地區均在4.38-4.39分之間;環保知識之認知度以北部4.14分最高,南部4.05分次之,東部3.97分居末;環保行為落實度則以東部4.06分最高,中部3.96分最低;整體而言,中部地區各方面表現略遜於其他地區。就民眾得知環保知識及觀念的管道方面,以「電視」(占84.2%)的比率最高。 第3次調查結果顯示:民眾對環保署已推動的19項環保措施平均知悉率66.5%,其中與民眾日常生活相關程度較高之措施,其知悉率較高,如:「限制購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具(保麗龍)使用(政府機關及學校餐廳)」(95.1%);對已推動的19項環保措施平均贊同率95.4%,其中以「推動登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除工作,降低疾病傳染」(99.5%)最高;對於已推動的環保措施民眾知道與否會影響其對該項措施的贊同情形,民眾若不知道該項措施,則對該措施「無意見」的比率相對會升高,顯見提升民眾對環保措施的瞭解,有助於政策的推動。民眾對環保署正規劃的9項環保政策平均支持率為80.2%,其中除「徵收水污染防治費,以經濟誘因降低污染排放量」(80.6%)、「限制或禁止使用一次性產品(如紙杯),以源頭減量方式,減少資源浪費」(89.5%)的支持率不及九成外,餘均九成一以上。 民眾認為個人對環保署推動環保相關作法配合程度足够的占80.2%,其中女性自認為足够的比率88.3%,高於男性的77.2%,整體而言,女性不論在對已推動的環保措施的贊同率、正規劃環保政策的支持率或對政策的配合程度均高於男性。五成八的民眾對環保署過去一年推動環境保護工作表現表示滿意,最近二年調查結果皆有超過半數的民眾給予滿意的評價。民眾希望環保署未來需要加強的環保措施為改善空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 環境保護,政策,認知


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-A111 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1339.5 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/22 專案結束日期 2007/12/15 專案主持人 周佩華
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 吳玉棋 執行單位 異視行銷顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果報告摘要詳細版.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2007 R.O.C. Environmental Implementation Intention Survey

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration has conducted the Environmental Implementation Intention Survey, in order to evaluate and understand the following from the public: response to the current everyday environmental quality, satisfaction with the execution of each environmental pollution prevention policy, willingness to comply with those policies, and awareness of these environmental protection issues. These survey results may serve as a reference for future policies. There are three phases in this survey of 2007. The interviewees of this survey should be at least 20 years old and living in Taiwan. The investigation was by phone interview with members of the public who were selected randomly by means of stratified proportionate sampling. The error margin of samples was 1.42%, within a 95% confidence interval. In the first phase, the survey’s focus was to understand the public’s experiences of everyday environmental quality and their satisfaction with air quality and water quality, was completed during the period from April 18th to May 8th, 2007, with total valid samples of 4,734. In the following one, the key point was to understand the public’s awareness of environmental protection issues. The second phase was from July 2nd to 21st, 2007, with total valid samples of 4,736. In the final phase, the survey focused more on the willingness of the public to comply with the current environmental measures or the ones in the near future. The studied period of the third phase was from October 1st to 20th, 2007, with total valid samples of 4,735. The summary of first phase investigation: As to the experience of air quality. In the previous year, 56.1% of interviewed public have been bothered by outdoor air pollution, which was mostly the result from vehicles’ emissions. 67.4% of interviewees said that they experienced the same outdoor air quality as the previous year. 38.3% of interviewees said that they had been bothered by bad odor in the previous year. The main sources of bad odor, from this study, were emissions from factories, farm disposals, smells from sewage systems, and odor from trash. 67.2% of interviewees said that there was no problem with air quality in public places. As to the experience of living conditions quality and safety, 49.0% of interviewees indicated that they were troubled by annoying noises, which mainly came from traffic and neighborhoods, during the previous year. Moreover, Among those people who experienced annoying noises during the previous year; 71.8% of them indicated that the problem still existed, said the noise problem from factories still existed. As to the experience of drinking water and rivers quality, 67.6% of survey participants said that they would have water filters installed or purchase bottle water for daily drinking consumption, because they believed the quality of tap water was poor. 81.9% of interviewees said that it is necessary for the government to clean river streams with more funds and workforce. Moreover, 41.3% of interviewees agreed that there are major improvements of the government’s tasks to protect river from water pollutions. As to the issues of environmental sanitation and waste, the public had neural feeling toward environmental sanitation; the figure was scored 3 out of 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5). 85.8% of interviewees said that they were satisfied with the household-disposals pick-up programs, while 11.7% were dissatisfied. The dissatisfaction was due to inconvenient collection schedule or the disposals pick-up truck not showing up on time. Regarding the experiences of each environmental protection issue, garbage sorting had the highest score, while the self-provided dining ware was lowest. 67% of the interviewed public was satisfied with government’s performance on environmental protection efforts. As to the first priority of government’s next environmental policy, it should be cleanliness of living surroundings, based on public opinions. The evaluated aspects of second-phase investigation included the public’s attitudes toward overall environment, awareness of environmental protection and related practical manners. Three major parts of this questionnaire were interviewees’ agreement with attitudes toward the overall environment, awareness of environmental protection issues, and putting knowledge into practice. The ranking standard for these three parts ranged from 5 points for the highest place to 1 point for the lowest one. According to the results of this survey, the interviewees’ agreement with attitudes toward overall environment was rated 4.37. Their awareness of environmental protection issues was rated 4.08. Their ranking score of related practical performances was rated 4.01. From the numbers stated above, we could conclude that the public had good overall environmental attitude and plenty of environmental protection knowledge. However, the publics’ practical performance of environmental protection was not as good as the other two issues. From the gender point of view, male interviewees earned higher score (4.10) in knowledge than their female counterparts did, whose score was 4.05. However, the female respondents had better attitude toward overall environment; the scores were 4.40 and 4.34 for female and male respectively. As to the concern of practical actions, male interviewees’ average score was much worse than females’; the scores were 3.88 and 4.13 for male and female, respectively. From the age point of view, the interviewees aged 40 to 49 had the highest rating in appropriateness in attitude toward the environment, with a score of 4.41. The degrees of understanding environmental protection concerns descended while the age increased. All rankings scored higher than 4 except for the age group above 60; the score was 3.58. However, the evaluated scores of practical performance increased as the age increased; the scores for age groups under 40 were all less than 4. From the education point of view, the interviewees with higher education had better and more correct attitudes and conceptions toward environmental protection issues. More specifically, interviewees had scores of more than 4.2 for appropriateness attitude. But in the issue of related knowledge, all groups’ scores were above 4 except for the group, whose members’ highest education was junior high school or under. However, as to the score of practical performances, the higher education the groups, the lower scores they had. From the career point of view, the interviewees who served in the army, government, schools or were white-collar workers had higher evaluation than ones in other careers regarding these 3 parts of study; agreement with the living environment, awareness of environmental protection, and practical behaviors toward related concepts. Moreover, students had the most abundant knowledge on the subject of environmental protection, but they did not put it into practice very well. From the location point of view, as to agreement with the living environment, the score 4.33 in central Taiwan was the lowest; the other areas were with scores between 4.38 and 4.39. Regarding the rating of related knowledge, respondents who lived in northern Taiwan obtained highest score (4.14), those in the south were in the second place with 4.05, while interviewees in the eastern area had the lowest scores, only 3.97. About the practical actions issue, the score 4.06 was the highest score gained by the interviewees living in the eastern area, while 3.96 was the lowest one for those persons who lived in central Taiwan. Overall, respondents who lived in central Taiwan earned the lowest scores in these 3 parts of this study, television was the major channel for the public to get knowledge regarding environmental protection issues, which accounts for 84.2%. Based on the results of the third-phase investigation, for the EPA’s 19 executed policies, the average rate of awareness was 66.5%. The rates of awareness of the EPA’s executed policies related to daily life were higher, such as “Restrictions on using plastic bags and one-time-use dining ware (95.1%)”. The average rate of agreement with the EPA’s 19 executed policies was 95.4%. For example “Eradicating dengue-carrying mosquitoes” was 99.5%. If interviewees better understand the specific executed policies, the rates of agreement with those policies would be higher. Oppositely, if interviewees did not know the policies, they probably would say “no opinion” on them. In conclusion, the greater public awareness of the EPA’s executed policies, the more help for the EPA gets in practicing. 80.2% of interviewed public showed their support for the EPA’s 9 planning policies. The support rates were under 90% for two policies, “Collecting water pollution prevention fee (80.6%),” and “Limitations or forbiddances on using one-time-use products (89.5%).” The other support rates of planning policies were all above 91%. From public points of view, 80.2% of interviewees said they did try their best to comply with the EPA’s policies; the rate of females was 88.3%, and rate of males was 77.2%. Overall, in terms of agreement with the EPA’s executed policies or planning policies and compliance with the EPA’s policies, rates were much higher for female interviewees than male interviewees. 57.8% of interviewees were satisfied with EPA’s performance on implementation of policies in this most recent year. And from the survey results of the two most recent years, over half of interviewees said the EPA had excellent performance on its policies. According to public opinions, improvement of air quality should be the first priority of the EPA.
英文關鍵字 Environmental,policies,awareness