

中文摘要 環保署為瞭解民眾對我國環境品質之感受、環保施政措施認同程度、對公共場所室內空氣品質與室內裝潢施工及卡拉 OK 噪音管制看法及學生對環保知識認知程度,以供釐訂政策參考,特於本計畫期間辦理4 次調查。 第 1 次感受面調查,係為瞭解年滿 20 歲以上國民對環保施政之感受與滿意程度,於本(97)年 4月17日至5月5日止進行電話訪問。採分層隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,完成有效樣本為5,749人,在95%的信賴水準下,總體抽樣誤差為正負 1.29 個百分點以內,調查結果顯示:對空氣品質感受,五成三的民眾最近一年曾遭受戶外空氣污染的困擾,主要污染源為汽機車廢氣;二成三的民眾認為最近一年戶外空氣品質有改善;四成三的民眾近一年曾遭受惡臭困擾。對居家安寧感受,四成八的民眾近一年曾遭受過噪音困擾,主要噪音源為交通噪音與近鄰噪音,受噪音困擾的民眾中,六成五表示噪音困擾尚未改善,其中又以交通噪音尚未改善的比率最高。對飲用水及河川水質感受,六成七的民眾家中裝設濾(淨)水器或購買礦泉水作為飲用水,主要原因為覺得自來水水質不佳;四成七的民眾認為政府對河川保護工作具有成效,六成六的民眾仍期望政府投入經費與人力進行河川整治。對環境衛生及廢棄物感受,民眾對生活周遭 7 項環境衛生感受嚴重度分數(1-5 分)介於 1-3 分左右,較 96年度下降,顯見民眾認為環境衛生已有改善;八成九的民眾對目前家戶垃圾清運情形表示滿意,不滿意者有 7.9%,主因為清運時間無法配合或不準時。對各項環保議題綜合感受,民眾各環保行為落實程度以「垃圾分類回收」最高,自備環保餐具及使用環保標章產品最低;六成九的民眾對政府推動環保工作表示滿意;民眾希望政府優先加強辦理的環保工作為汽機車廢氣排放管制。 第2次知識面調查,係為瞭解高中(職)以下學生對於各項環保知識的知悉程度,於本年 4月21日至5月20日進行教室內自填問卷。採分層二階段系統抽樣法抽取樣本,完成有效樣本為高中(職) 1,585 人、國中 1,658 人、國小(4-6 年級)1,588 人,在 95%的信賴水準下,總體抽樣誤差為正負 2.5 個百分點以內。調查主題分為 「環境態度」 、 「環保認知」及「環保行為」等三大面向,分別按贊同度、認知度與落實度的大小分別給予最高 5 分,最低 1 分。調查結果顯示:各級學校學生對各項環保概念持正向態度,其中高中(職)生為 4.33 分、國中生 4.25 分、國小生 4.24 分。各級學校學生對環保知識認知情形屬中上程度,其中高中(職)生為 3.59 分、國中生 3.48 分、國小生 3.91 分,且女生的認知率高於男生。國小生環保行為平均落實度 4.00 分,較國中生 3.63 分、高中(職)生 3.69 分為高。學生環保知識來源主要為「電視」及「學校課程、課本、參考書」 。 第 3 次政策面調查,係為瞭解年滿 20 歲以上國民對各項已推動或將推動之環保措施之認同程度及配合意願,於本年 10 月 9 日至 10 月 28 日進行電話訪問。採分層隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,完成有效樣本為 5,741 人,在 95%的信賴水準下,總體抽樣誤差為正負 1.29 個百分點以內,調查結果顯示: 14項環保署已推動的環保措施,其平均知悉率為六成四,以「推動全民實踐節能減碳」最高(84.7%);14 項環保措施其平均贊同率為九成一,以「推動清除登革熱病媒蚊」最高(97.6%);對於已推動的環保措施知道民眾贊同率相較不知道者分別高3至14 個百分點。8 項正規劃的環保政策平均支持率為八成八,以「管制公共場所室內空氣品質」(94.5%)及「對公廁進行評鑑與分級管理」(94.5%) 最高。平均約九成五的民眾願意配合實踐節能減碳十大宣言,其中除「選車用車助減碳」配合率(87.8%)不及九成外,餘 9 項均逾九成。六成五的民眾對政府過去一年推動環保工作表示滿意。民眾希望政府未來一年優先加強辦理的環保工作以改善空氣品質及維護環境清潔居首。 本年另辦理公共場所室內空氣品質與室內裝潢施工及非營用卡拉 OK 噪音調查,係為瞭解台閩地區年滿15歲民眾對公共場所室內空氣品質與裝潢及卡拉OK發出噪音的感受及管制方式,其室內空氣品質的感受及管制方式之調查期間為本年 11月9日至11月18 日,而裝潢及卡拉 OK 發出噪音的感受及管制方式為本年 11月5日至11月14日,兩者均採電話訪問方式進行。以分層隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,完成有效樣本各為 1,272 及1,604 人,在 95%的信賴水準下,其總體抽樣誤差各為正負2.75及2.45個百分點以內,調查結果顯示:在室內公共場所空氣品質部分-14 項室內公共場所中,民眾的造訪率以「營業商場、交易市場」最高(91.3%);空氣品質感受不佳率以「表演廳(電影院、KTV)」(45.4%)最高。民眾認為應優先立法管制室內空氣品質的公共場所,以醫療場所(37.0%)最高。46.0%的民眾認為公共場所室內空氣品質不佳的主因為抽菸或其他人為污染。平均 91.4%的民眾贊同環保署正規劃的違反室內空氣品質相關規定者處以罰款、定期檢測室內空氣品質、建立室內空氣品質標準、定期公布室內空氣品質檢測結果等 4 項公共場所室內空氣品質管制措施。在室內裝潢施工及非營用卡拉 OK 噪音部分-75.3%的民眾贊成在特定時段,因室內裝潢施工噪音被檢舉而必須停工,否則受罰的管制方式。民眾認為管制室內裝潢施工較佳時段,就平日夜間而言,以「夜間 6 時至翌日早上 9 時」的比率 14.5%最高;就平日中午而言,以「12 時至下午 2 時」的比率 26.7%最高;就假日而言,則以全天(24 小時)的比率 46.6%最高。81.7%的民眾贊成在特定時段,因唱歌噪音發生干擾鄰居時,被人檢舉,則唱歌行為必須停止,否則受罰的管制方式。民眾認為管制唱卡拉 OK較佳時段,就平日夜間以「夜間10時至翌日早上8時」的比率 14.7%最高;就平日中午而言,以「12 時至下午 2 時」的比率 25.6%最高;就假日而言,則與以「同平日」的比率 61.5%最高。
中文關鍵字 環境保護, 調查, 政策


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA11-03-A058 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1610 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/13 專案結束日期 2008/12/15 專案主持人 林一為
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 吳玉棋 執行單位 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年度環保施政意向調查第3次報告.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2008 Environmental Implementation Intention Survey

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration conducted four surveys in 2008 to evaluate and understand the following from the public: their impressions about the current environmental quality, identification extent with the environmental protection measures, views about indoor air quality and noise control, and knowledge of environmental protection among students. The findings of the surveys are to be used as reference for EPA policies of the future. The first of this series was concerned with the public’s reception. It was to understand the feelings of satisfaction to comply with the policy the residents aged 20 and above. The survey was undertaken by use of phone calls during the period from April 17 to May 5, 2008. A stratified random sampling method was employed, with 5,749 valid samples to be collected, which had the margin of error of plus or minus 1.29 percentage points under the confidence level of 95%. The Findings of the Surveys: 1. Impressions about air quality: 52.7% of the interviewed reported having been bothered by outdoor air pollution over the last year, with the main source coming from emissions of cars and motorbikes. 22.7% said the air quality had improved over the past year, but 42.9% complained that they had been bothered by bad smells in the preceding year. 2. Impressions about community tranquility: 48.3% reported having been annoyed by noise over the past year, with the main source coming from traffic and the nearby neighborhood. Of the 48.3%, 64.6% said the noise situation had not improved, with the highest percentage of dissatisfaction going to that from traffic. 3. Impression about the quality of drinking water and rivers: 67.2% said that mainly because of poor tap water quality they had had water filters installed at home or had purchased mineral water as daily drinking water. 47.1% agreed that the government had made some achievements in protecting rivers while 66.2% hoped that the government could allocate more funds and human resources into river reconstruction projects. 4. Impressions about sanitation and waste: The interviewees indicated that they had bothered by seven sanitation items with a measurement of 1-3 scores out of a range of 1-5 scores, lower than that from the preceding year, showing the fact that the public thought sanitation had improved somewhat. 89.4% expressed satisfaction over household garbage disposal schemes, with a mere 7.9% giving a negative response. Their complaints centered around being not punctual on the part of garbage trucks and inconvenient disposal schedules. 5. Overall impressions about various environmental protection issues: The highest satisfaction rating went to classification of garbage for recycling while the lowest of that went to self-prepared environmentally friendly tableware and the use of environmental protection signs on products. 69.3% expressed approval of the government in promoting environmental protection programs. The priority task in the minds of the public was to control emissions of cars and motorbikes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The second of this series was concerned with the knowledge of environmental protection. It was to understand the awareness level of the knowledge of environmental protection among comprehensive and senior high school students as well as their counterparts in junior high and elementary schools. The investigation was carried out by use of an in-class self-filled questionnaire during the period from April 21 to May 20, 2008. A two-level stratified random sampling method was employed, with 1,585 valid samples from senior high, 1,658 from junior high, and 1,588 from elementary (4-6 graders) to be collected, which had the margin of error was ±2.5 percentage points within 95% confidence interval. The subject of the investigation was divided into three aspects: attitudes toward the overall environment, awareness of environmental protection knowledge, and behavior toward environmental protection. Each category was given a score ranging from 5 points for the highest to 1 point for the lowest. The findings show: 1. Students in general took a positive attitude toward various environmental protection concepts, with senior high kids to be given an average 4.33 score, junior high 4.25, and elementary 4.24. 2. The awareness of environmental protection knowledge among students at various levels of schools was considered a medium and above level, with senior high children having a score of 3.59, while their junior high and elementary counterparts got a 3.48 and a 3.91, respectively. In brief, this knowledge level among girls was higher than that for boys. 3. As far as behavior toward environmental protection is concerned, the highest score went to elementary kids, at 4.00, followed by junior high children (3.69) and senior high students (3.63). 4. The source of the environmental protection knowledge was mainly from TV, school courses, textbooks, and reference books. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The third of this series was concerned with the EPA policy measures. It was to understand the identification extent and willingness to comply with the policy measures already taken and to be taken among the residents aged 20 and above. The survey was undertaken by use of phone calls during the period from October 9 to October 28, 2008. A stratified random sampling method was employed, with 5,741 valid samples to be collected, which had the margin of error was ±1.29 percentage points within 95% confidence interval. The findings indicate: 1. The average awareness of 14 measures already taken by EPA was 64.4%, with the highest 84.7 % going to the campaign calling for an all-people energy conservation and carbon reduction. 2. The approval rate for the 14 already launched projects was at an average 91.3%. Among the 14, the promotion aimed at eradicating dengue-carrying mosquitoes winning the highest percentage of 97.6. The said rate among those who knew about the 14 measures was higher, from 3 to 14 percentage points, than that for those in the dark about the policy outing. 3. The support rate for eight EPA policy measures in the planning reached 87.8%, with the highest given to the control of indoor air quality in the public area (94.5%) and the evaluation and grading of the public toilet (94.5%). 4. An average 94.6% of the surveyed expressed willingness to carry out the 10 declarations on energy conservation and carbon reduction. The only item whose willingness-to-comply-with rate was lower than 90% was carbon reduction through use of fuel-efficiency cars, standing at 87.8%. 5. 65.4% of the public expressed satisfaction with the government performance in environmental protection over the last year. The top priority work in the minds of the public in the coming year is improvement in air quality and maintenance of sanitation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, an investigation of indoor air quality and noise control was pursued this year, which aimed to assess general impressions of the residents aged 15 and above in the Taiwan area about indoor air quality, noise from decoration work and karaoke as well as their control measures. The survey for air quality control was conducted from November 9 to November 18, while that for noise control was done from November 5 to November 14. A telephone interview was held in both investigations. A stratified random sampling method was employed, with valid samples of1,272 and 1,604, respectively, to be collected, which all had the margin of error of plus and minus 2.75及 2.45 percentage points under the confidence level of 95%. The findings indicate: Indoor air quality control - 1. The most frequently visited places were markets and trading areas, at 91.3%, among 14 public areas. The worst impression on air quality went to performing halls (movie theaters and KTV clubs), at 45.4%. 2. The public gave priority in control through legislation were medical places (37.0%). 3. An average of 91.4% expressed positive views about the EPA policy in which four measures in relation to the control of indoor air quality in the public areas are in the planning. Interior decorations and non business oriented karaoke noise control- 1. About 75.3% said they would accept it as a good way of control that noise from work on interior decorations had to be stopped if reported to the authorities within certain specified times or penalty would be imposed. As far as the best times for the control of such noise, 14.5%, the highest, mentioned the period from 6 pm to 9 am the next day on the week days. As for the noon time during the week days, 26.7%, the highest, expressed positive views about the control time from 12 noon and to 2 pm. At least 46%, the highest, chose holidays as the days when noise should be fully controlled. 2. About 81.7% said they would accept it as a good way of control that noise from singing had to be stopped if reported to the authorities within certain specified times, and therefore singing itself had to be terminated, or penalty would be imposed. As far as the best times for the control of noise from karaoke bars, 14.7%, the highest, mentioned the period from 10 pm to 8 am the next day on the week days. As for the noon time during the week days, 25.6%, the highest, expressed positive views about the control time from 12 noon to 2 pm. About 61.5%, the highest, were of the opinion that control on holidays should be the same as that on week days.
英文關鍵字 nvironmental protection, survey, policy