

中文摘要 由於台灣地區經濟快速成長與國民所得大幅提高,餐飲業隨之蓬勃發展。而餐飲業油煙廢氣污染卻一直是國內空氣污染事件中被一般民眾陳情比例最高的一項。儘管環保署非常重視餐飲業油煙污染的問題,目前亦研擬未來相關管制之法規,但是大多數的業者卻僅以擋板、濾網等簡易濾材直接攔截油滴,較大粒徑之油霧液滴被去除後,小粒徑油霧液滴及其它廢氣成分則以集氣罩抽氣直接排入大氣之中,對空氣及水污染造成不小的潛在影響。本研究主要設計一實驗室級與實場系統來建立高級氧化程序對於餐飲業油煙處理之技術。以實驗室之小型系統模擬烹調過程,並以單純加熱油品及添加食材混合加熱兩部份,測試產生之油煙與處理系統之效率,並據以建立實場可應用之技術相關資料。 由實驗結果可知,調整不同氣液比(0.6、0.9、1.5m3/L)對臭氣處理效率皆約在25%左右,而對THC的處理效率介於47%~50%,因此改變不同氣液比對於油煙廢氣成份之去除似乎影響不大。若添加觸媒於搭配水幕,則其臭味的改善效率由25%提升至45%;就THC的去除而言,去除率約在50~58%,且隨著氣液比的減少,其去除率有增加的趨勢。以水幕搭配觸媒再結合臭氧之高級氧化程序,發現增加臭氧劑量皆可明顯提升臭味及THC的處理效果。水幕搭配觸媒及臭氧/過氧化氫程序是本次實驗最高處理效率之組合,對臭氣的去除效率可由44%提升至82%,而油煙中的THC處理效率亦可提升至77%,對循環洗滌水之總有機碳亦有氧化減低的效果,洗滌水的循環使用可被有效延長。針對PAHs的氧化,未添加食品之油炸,產生的油煙廢氣之PAHs僅存在雙環之Naphthalene且相當微量,故為了更接近實際烹飪過程,選擇添加不同組合之油炸物,總PAHs於水幕搭配觸媒、過氧化氫及臭氧處理,處理效果可達到68~75%,於臭氣可有80%左右的效果,THC的去除效率則達到73~78%,搭配觀察其TOC的變化,比較之未添加食材仍能維持一定的去除效果。而另外挑選了西式及中式餐廳作為實場的部份來比較,在臭氣濃度及THC最高分別可達到80%左右的處理效果,總PAHs濃度則是最高可有約70%處理成效,可見其處理效果之穩定性及適用性。 本研究依據不同規模及相對風量推估其基本設計與成本分析,推估在5、20~30、50~60、150~180CMM等風量中,若為中型規模餐廳(20~30 CMM)以上,需用以水幕搭配觸媒、過氧化氫另添加臭氧處理,以5年設為設備壽命,年平均總成本為4至15萬元之間,若為小於20CMM之小型規模,則年平均總成本則在四萬元以下。就整體而言,本研究之處理效果較其他普遍使用之技術有較高的成效,且有完善之系統規劃,對於環保署可提供處理餐飲油煙另ㄧ新技術,加強控制其污染排放量,使餐飲油煙對於人體及生活環境之影響降至最低。
中文關鍵字 高級氧化程序,餐飲油煙,PAH


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-U1U4-00-9 經費年度 095 計畫經費 3400 千元
專案開始日期 2006/11/03 專案結束日期 2007/08/31 專案主持人 吳俊哲
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 林燕柔 執行單位 逢甲大學環保育成中心


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期末報告 全文.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Establishment of Smoke and odor Treatment Technology for Kitchen off Gas

英文摘要 Due to the rapid increase on economical growth and individual income in Taiwan, restaurants are getting popular and expanded significantly in the recent years. However, the smoke emitted from those restaurants is frequently argued or accused by the residents living nearby. Although EPA in Taiwan has noted the issues of randomly emitting smoke by restaurants to intensify air pollution and initiated a new law which will be implemented beginning from October to regulate the necessity of equipping hardware facilities for the abatement of smoke emission by those commercial kitchens, most restaurants conventionally use rather simple facility, such as blocking plate and filter, to screen the smoke. Thus, air pollution by the emission by kitchen smoke can not be neglected. This research will focus on the design of lab-scale and field-scale treatment system to deal with kitchen smoke using advanced oxidation technologies. The information obtained form the lab-scale facility will be referred and applied on the design of filed-scale system. According to the experimental results, varying gas-liquid ratios from 0.6 to 1.5 m3/L will not obviously affect the treatment efficiency. The removal of odor and total hydrocarbon (THC) by water scrubbing process are 25 % and 47~50%, respectively. The addition of using goethite catalyst with water scrubbing will improve the removal of odor and THC up to 45% and 50~58%. Using ozone-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) plus goethite catalysts and water scrubbing would result in better removal of odor and THC. The co-addition of hydrogen peroxide with AOPs could achieve the best treatment efficiency by 82% odor removal and 77% THC abatement. In addition, organic matters in the circulation water would be oxidized by hydroxyl radicals generated by the AOPs and the TOC concentration could be properly reduced. Based on this advantage, the use of circulation water will be prolonged effectively. For the control of PAHs in the smoke, only small quantities of naphthalene were detected by heating cooking oil without adding any food materials. Therefore, the addition of food materials in the cooking oil was simulated and more THC and PAHs were quantitatively measured. Nevertheless, the use of lab-scale treatment system equipped with water scrubbing, goethite catalyst, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone would obtain the removal efficiency of 68~75% for PAHs, 80% for odor components, and 73~78% for THC. Based on the promising results from the lab-scale treatment system, a field –scale system for the control of emitted smoke from kitchens was fabricated and applied on two selected restaurants, one was oriental cuisine and the other was western cuisine, closed to Feng Chia University. 80% of odor and THC removal and 70% of PAHs abatement were obtained. Thus, the efficacy of cooking smoke treatment system using either lab-scale or field-scale will maintain stably and equally. According to this research, four ranges of gas flowrate can be classified as: less than 5, 20~30, 50~60, and 150~180 cubic meter per day. Water scrubbing plus goethite catalyst and hydrogen peroxide can be applied for the gas flowrate less than 30 CMM and the annual cost is less than forty thousand dollar calculated for 5-year operational period. If gas flowrate emitted from commercial kitchen is greater than 50 CMM, ozone would be suggested to combine those treatment processes mentioned above and the annual cost will be increase up to one hundred fifty thousand dollar depending on the selection of facilities required. To sum up, the outcome of this research has provided another useful alternative for the treatment of wasted cooking gas from kitchens. The most credible benefit using this technology is the emission control of gaseous components in the cooking wasted gas. If this new-developing treatment facility can be commercially applied in the future, the relief of adverse impact of restaurant wasted gas on our living environment could be expected.
英文關鍵字 PAHs,AOPs