

中文摘要 行政院環保署為鼓勵全民綠色消費,選擇對環境衝擊較低的產品,自民國81 年起推動環保標章制度,在產品驗證方面,目前共有109 項規格標準,有效期產 品1,526 種在市面流通,包括清潔用品、資訊、家電、省水、省電、辦公室用具、 建材等。 同時積極輔導 820家販售業者門市轉型為綠色商店及設置環保產品線上採購 網,提供民眾便利採購管道。除了推動政府機關實施綠色採購外,也鼓勵民間企 業加入行動,97 年綠色採購金額超過70 億元,有效促使業者進行綠色生產。 行政院環保署為配合消費券的發放使用及「台灣製造.尚讚」政策,自 97 年12 月起推出一系列綠色產品行銷推廣活動,鼓勵民眾優先採購環保、節能、省 水及綠建材標章產品、電動輔助自行車、回收再生產品,活絡綠色產業。 綠色產品行銷推廣計畫,首先於 97 年12 月29 日在花蓮美崙酒場舉辦一場 先期活動;而後於98 年1 月18 日、19 日假台北市世貿一館辦理「綠色消費幸福 GO」綠色生活園遊會,共有284 個攤位、117 家廠商參加。展場設計以綠色產品 做主角,動線規劃以開放無壓、動線流暢、視野開闊的空間,營造舒適採買的賣 場環境。充分運用環保材質,如節能燈具、再生紙箱、環保EPE 材質、可重複運 用之truss 等,大幅降低廢料的產生,讓活動從自身做起,打造一個綠色環保購物 空間。 為延續提高民眾購買環保產品的意願,環保署後續則規劃了綠色商店大進擊 的活動,自98 年1 月18 日開始至98 年2 月28 日止,凡在全國綠色商店購買環 保、節能、省水或綠建材標章任一產品者,即可參加百萬元抽獎活動。 「綠色商店大進擊」活動共有538 家綠色商店參與,消費者約2 萬人次,總 銷售金額超過新台幣1 億9 千萬元。根據事後問卷調查結果顯示,無論廠商、民 眾或各縣市環保局都對本次活動感到滿意,也認為本活動確有增加購買綠色產品 的效果,更贊成環保署能再次舉辦類似活動,藉以吸引更多的民眾購買綠色產品, 共同投入環保行列。
中文關鍵字 綠色產品, 記者會, 綠色生活園遊會


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-H103-02-257 經費年度 098 計畫經費 9790 千元
專案開始日期 2008/12/26 專案結束日期 2009/03/30 專案主持人 王蓓蓓
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 如是方知公關顧問有限公司


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期末報告 綠色行銷期末報告全文.pdf 23MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Green Product Marketing Promotion Project

英文摘要 To encourage Taiwan’s citizens to engage in “green consumption” by choosing products that have a minimal negative impact on the environment, in 1992 the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan introduced the “Green Mark” system. To date, 109 individual Green Mark standards have been established, and a total of 1,526 “green products” that conform to these standards are on sale; these include cleaning products, IT and home appliance products, water-saving products, electricity-saving products, office equipment, construction materials, etc. The EPA has also provided guidance to 820 retailers to help them transform themselves into “green retailers” and establish online shopping sites for environmentally-friendly products, thereby making it easy and convenient for consumers to purchase these products. Besides asking government agencies to undertake “green procurement”, the EPA has also encouraged private-sector firms to implement environmentally-friendly purchasing. Overall, “green purchasing” in 2008 totaled over NT$7 billion, making a significant contribution to the development of “green production”. In coordination with the government’s issuing of free shopping vouchers to all citizens and the new “Taiwan-made Products are the Best!” campaign, in December 2008 the EPA launched a new series of green product marketing and promotion activities to encourage citizens to purchase environmentally-friendly products, products that help to save energy or water, and green building materials, along with electric bicycles and recycled products, so as to stimulate the growth of Taiwan’s green industries. In this plan to promote green products, the first activity was held at the Meilun Distillery in Hualien County on December 29, 2008. This was followed on January 18 – 19, 2009 by the Green Consumption Happy GO Fair held in Hall One of the Taipei World Trade Center, with a total of 284 stands and 117 business enterprises taking part. The exhibition venue was designed to make the green products the “stars” of the show; the layout was planned so that visitors to the Fair could move around easily with a good view of the stands, creating an atmosphere conducive to relaxed shopping. Extensive use was made of environmentally friendly materials, including energy-saving light-bulbs, recycled packaging materials, environmentally friendly EPE materials, re-usable trusses, etc. This achieved a significant reduction in the amount of waste produced, while also setting a good example by creating a green, environmentally friendly shopping environment. To keep citizen’s interest in green products at a high level, the EPA has planned a series of follow-up activities, “Green Stores Advance” event, to be implemented over the period from January 18 to February 28, 2009. During this period, all consumers who purchase bearing the Green Mark, Energy Saving Mark, Water Saving Mark or Green Construction Materials Mark from a designated Green Retailer will be able to take part in a prize draw and have the chance to win up to NT$1 million. Over 538 manufacturers and around 20,000 consumers participated in the “Green Stores Advance” event, achieving sales of over NT$190 million. Reaction to the campaign was generally positive among manufacturers, the public and local environmental protection departments, as most believed that the campaign successfully stimulated the purchase of green products. According to questionnaire survey result, those involved also agreed that the EPA should organize similar events in the future to promote green consumption and to encourage more people to join in environmental protection efforts.
英文關鍵字 Green product, Press conference, Green life garden party