

中文摘要 氣候變遷是一個政策的長期挑戰,後京都規範不明加深政策決定的困難度及不確定性,愈來愈多的國家開始討論建立國內溫室氣體減量法治基礎的可能性。面對權威科學研究的背書與沸騰民意的壓力及呼應峇里行動計畫,我國屬於外銷型新興工業國家,因應後京都談判減碳潛在責任,應及早研擬我國對外論述針對調適、減緩、技術及財務機制等議題之可量測、可報告及可查證(MRV)之國家適當減緩行動。完成籌備我國參與COP15/CMP5會議,掌握氣候公約後京都談判歷程與主要國家立場,凝聚各界共識研擬我國對外論述,爭取國際認同及國際發聲機會,並厚植我國未來減碳責任談判之利基,並參與國際排放交易協會(IETA)舉辦展覽攤位及3場周邊會議簡報,彙整各部會機構組織文宣說帖,發表我國在應對氣候變遷之努力成效及溫室氣體減量方案,並配合政府積極推動台灣參與UNFCCC推案及加強與相關國家及專業機構進行會談交流,促進因應氣候變遷之制度技術經驗交流及合作機會。 本計畫已順利完成,協助環保署建置國內溫室氣體自願減量多元方式,已推動美國環保署專家來台舉辦「美國排放交易機制設計研討會」,介紹美國政府推行傳統空氣污染物減量措施及目前規劃執行二氧化碳排放交易機制設計與運作模式,除參與一場超過200人與會公開的論壇外,也安排於環保署舉辦一場盛大的專家座談會,讓國內各界對於全球因應氣候變遷政策走向及排放交易機制設計有更進一步的認識。同時,為強化MARKAL模型資料庫以探討溫室氣體減量法各部會所提措施與各層面政策模擬情景研究,本計畫依此完成鋼鐵業及石化中間原料業減量情景設計,後續將運用臺灣MARKAL模型,進行節能措施對溫室氣體及其前驅物排放成效分析,並派員赴美國能源部Brookhaven Laboratory( BNL)進行MARKAL模型政策分析應用交流。此外,並業已更新2008年我國溫室氣體排放量分析,並加強與國際能源清冊統計專家間經驗交流。2008年總GHG排放量上升至289.77百萬公噸CO2當量(不包括二氧化碳移除量),CO2仍為臺灣所排放溫室氣體中最大宗,在1990~2008年間,CO2排放量成長121.96%,而2008年總溫室氣體排放量較2007年減少4.08%。主因為政府積極推動節能減碳相關政策措施、我國油電價格合理調整後實質反應能源需求減緩現象、加上全球性金融風暴造成經濟衰退等因素。 另外,本計畫亦持續增加訂閱相關國際資訊期刊(如IETA, Point Carbon, IEA等)及能源/環境/經濟書籍,俾積極掌握國際最新趨勢。本計畫研究團隊及國內專家共提供3篇專業論文,發表我國觀點,以尋求國際支持我國減量理論。並已發行因應聯合國氣候變化綱要公約6期電子報、架設「哥本哈根會議 (COP15/CMP5)專區資訊站」、架設「台灣參與UNFCCC推案中英文網站」及COP15展覽攤位摺頁文宣。另,已推動辦理11場學術專題演講,包括:5場次「推動出席COP15/CMP5工作會議」、「中美溫室氣體減量管理專家論壇」、「美國排放交易機制設計研討會」、「CO2排放量管理模擬軟體說明會」、「2009年抗暖化全球公民高峰會」、「推動地方環境行動國際委員會(ICLEI)與台灣城市交流」及「溫室氣體減量及21世紀全球暖化監控與調適論壇」,提供部會決策參考及國內人才培育機會。
中文關鍵字 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約,京都議定書,溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-D075 經費年度 098 計畫經費 12500 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/26 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 胡文正
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 吳奕霖 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年因應京都議定書發展能力建構期末報告.pdf 6MB

Taiwan's Capacity Building on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol

英文摘要 Climate change issue has been a long term challenge for policy making. There are many difficulties for policy decision due to uncertainties from post-k-Kyoto negotiations. Many countries are setting up their GHG emission reduction laws to reinforce their reduction actions. Weighty scientific reports and the force of public opinion will ensure that concern over global warming and related matters, such as nationally appropriate mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner. This project has completed to participate in the climate change conference(COP15/CMP5) in Copenhagen, making observation on the post Kyoto negotiation and GHG emission control, and making 3 presentations and exhibition on these efforts of Taiwan on addressing climate change. Promoting Taiwan’s participation in the UNFCCC enables to substantially enhance Taiwan's international participations and contributions. At the same time, bilateral meeting and dialogue with friendly countries seek for the cooperation chance of the capacity building on emission reduction and adaptation, and experience sharing and establishment of connection channels. The work tasks of this project have been completed smoothly. Taiwan EPA has invited five experts from the USEPA to participate the 「EPAT-USEPA Emission Trading Program」workshop on the experience and implementation that United States design the cap-and-trade system., over 200 people participated in the workshop, involving officials from all departments, scholars, experts in Taiwan. They share some knowledge and experiences of the international GHG reduction mechanism and capacity building. At the same time, ITRI is improving the database of MARKAL Model relating to steel and petrochemical industries, also including the discussion on greenhouse gas reduction laws and the proposed measures from each department, and promoting the experience exchange of the model analysis between ITRI and Brookhaven Laboratory( BNL). In addition, ITRI is preparing Taiwan’s GHG emission statistics refer to the 2006 IPCC GHG inventory guideline, also exchanging the experience with international experts together. The GHG emissions in 2008 is 289.77 MTCO2 eq (LUCF absorption excluded), CO2 emissions increases by 121.96% from 1990 to 2008, and 92.0% is from energy related CO2 emissions. The GHG emissions in 2008 show a decrease by 4.08% first time. Three main reasons contribute to a negative growth between 2007 and 2008. The first may be that global financial crisis causes economic recession. Next is that the energy consumption went down after the prices of oil and electricity were rationalized. The third one is that the government is vigorously conducting the relative policies and measures on energy saving and carbon reduction. Finally, the project supports some international publications on 3E themes. The project is keeping to issue 3 papers, which can help the world to understand the efforts that Taiwan have done for the greenhouse gas reduction. we also has completed 6 issues of electric news, and building the web 「Road to Copenhagen」, and assisting Taiwan EPA to organize 11 climate change workshops on mitigating climate change and GHG management issues.
英文關鍵字 UNFCCC,Kyoto protocol, GHG