

中文摘要 1.本計畫受理之電動自行車補助申請案共4,606件,撥款件數4,121件;低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請案共2,016件,撥款件數1,914件。合計受理件數6,622件,撥款件數6,035件,現場查核件數為604件。2.完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net)」,並進行維護管理及更新。4.除設置免付費專用電話(電話號碼為0800200060)外,亦保留二線專線電話(電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149)供民眾使用,並由專人進行接聽及記錄。5.寄發電動輔助自行車問卷調查表3,000份及低污染噴射引擎機車3,000份,電動輔助自行車問卷回收率38.2%、低污染噴射引擎機車問卷回收率37.87%。6.每季定期於各充電站進行檢測維護。7.於民國95年10月27日及95年11月8日配合及協助環保署赴利昂科技事業股份有限公司及巨大工業股份有限公司進行新車抽驗,抽驗結果與該廠商送環保署審核之檢驗數據相符,皆符合相關規定。8.完成補助資料庫更新及分析。
中文關鍵字 低污染車輛、補助


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-FA13-03-A107 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2660 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/16 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 吳敏煌
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 翁文穎 執行單位 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99977636-1.pdf 32MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Review of Subsidy Applications for Low-Pollution Vehicles

英文摘要 1. Completion of review and approval of two types of subsidy applications for 4,121 electrical bicycles and 1,914 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2. Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3. Establishment of one website (http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net) on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.4. One free dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 0800200060.5. Posted 3,000 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles and 3,000 copies of questionnaires to the owners of low-emission jet engine motorcycles with return rates of 38.2% and 37.87%, respectively.6. Seasonal testing and maintenance has been performed at all charging stations. 7. Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical bicycles on October 27 and November 8 in year 95.8. Completion of review of subsidy efficiency and assessment of pollution reduction by low-emission jet engine motorcycles.
英文關鍵字 Low-pollution vehicle