

中文摘要 本計畫主要目標為參考國內外監測式自然衰減整治法相關文獻資料與研究報告等,擬定適合國內之監測式自然衰減整治法可行性評估、監測設計及成效評估準則,以提供後續國內土壤及地下水污染場址欲進行整治改善工作時主要之參考依據。 本計畫完成國內外監測式自然衰減整治法相關文獻資料與研究報告蒐集與彙整,並針對國內較為常見之污染物型態,包括受石油碳氫化合物以及含氯有機化合物等污染物質污染之場址,欲以監測式自然衰減整治法做為場址之整治方案時,所需要進行的可行性評估、監測設計及成效評估等工作,研擬其相關作業準則。並蒐集國外場址案例資料,包括美國環保署CLU-IN網站資料庫中,登錄以監測式自然衰減整治法進行場址污染整治之44處場址案例資料,並進行分析說明,以提供國內後續執行監測式自然衰減整治法時之參考。 針對目前監測式自然衰減整治法與國內法規的相關性,以及其於國內適用之可行性探討,包括對「土壤及地下水污染整治個案監督作業要點」之修法建議,本計畫亦依據實務上執行經驗提出初步建議內容。另研擬「監測式自然衰減整治法污染改善計畫審查注意事項」及「監測式自然衰減整治法污染改善計畫審查參考手冊」,提供作為環保單位未來執行監測式自然衰減整治法污染改善計畫審查時之參考依據。 針對美國環保署對於自然衰減整治法常應用的模擬模式,本工作團隊亦篩選出三套模擬軟體,包括有針對油品污染物之BIOSCREEN模式、針對含氯有機污染物之BIOCHLOR模式,以及可以同時進行污染物傳輸模擬與自然衰減評估之BIOPLUME模式,進行內容介紹、使用介面說明、相關輸入參數的介紹、操作流程說明及案例操作介紹,以利評估此項整治技術的可行性。
中文關鍵字 監測式自然衰減,可行性評估,規範


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-GA13-02-A069 經費年度 096 計畫經費 01800 千元
專案開始日期 2007/06/14 專案結束日期 2008/06/30 專案主持人 劉文堯
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 楊智媛 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(定稿本含附冊).pdf 55MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Monitored Natural Attenuation:the protocols of assessing feasibility, designing system, and evaluating performance

英文摘要 The purpose of this project was to collect external and internal regulations, guidelines, research papers and documents that used Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) as the remedy method of the soil and groundwater contaminated sites. Furthermore, to establish the regulations and guidelines of feasibility study, monitoring design, and performance study for those MNA implement site in Taiwan. In order to established the specifications of feasibility study, monitoring design, and performance study of MNA applying at the petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated organic compounds contaminated sites. This project collected and analyzed the information of the contamination area, contamination concentration, remediation objective, remediation budget, remediation schedule of 44 sites cited in the CLU-IN website as case studies to be learned when applying MNA in the future. This project discussed the feasibility and compatibility of applying MNA under the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. This project also provided the guideline for reviewing the remediation plan of applying MNA to a contaminated site. Besides, this project introduced three computer software (i.e. BIOSCREEN, BIOCHLOR and BIOCHLOR) to simulate remediation by natural attenuation of dissolved solvents at MNA application sites, which commonly used by the US Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). These software are freeware and can be downloaded from the U.S. EPA website (http://www.epa.gov/ada/csmos/models.html). BIOSCREEN is to simulate remediation through natural attenuation of dissolved hydrocarbons at petroleum fuel release sites. BIOCHLOR is for chlorinated solvent release sites. BIOPLUME is for simulating the natural attenuation of organic contaminants in ground-water due to the processes of advection, dispersion, sorption, and biodegradation. Several key features and operating procedures were introduced including the programs interface, input parameters, operation procedures and case studies. This introduction will help the users of these programs to study the feasibility of applying MNA to the candidate contaminated sites.
英文關鍵字 Monitored Natural Attenuation, Feasibility Study, Specification