

中文摘要 蒐集彙整聯合國、區域性組織和歐、美國家所發行之海洋化學品緊急應變技術資料,如:聯合國之IMDG Code和GHS、北美洲國家之ERG和歐洲國家和區域性組織之Helcom Manual、Bonn Manual和MIDSIS-TROCS等,評析相關技術資料之特點,包括:海運化學品之分類和標示規定,皆採用IMDG Code之規範;國內有關化學物質MSDS資料建置已臻完善,可由勞委會化學品全球調和制度(GHS)中文介紹網站之化學物質特性查詢系統取得;歐洲技術資料中依據化學物質之密度、蒸氣壓和溶解度,判別該物質之水域物理行為模式,說明其潛在危害特性,以利迅速明確下達應變決策;應變決策系統可分為海岸和海上應變作業。參考上述資料,我國在海洋化學品緊急應變技術資料之建置作業,可採行聯合國IMDG Code分類方式及考量我國臨近海域海運化學品風險,持續建置「海運化學品洩漏污染緊急應變作業指引」和「海運化學品緊急應變技術手冊」,提供第一線應變人員參考使用。 依據IMDG Code分類方式,建置爆炸性物質、氣體、易燃液體、易燃固體、氧化劑與有機過氧化物、腐蝕性物質之「海運化學品洩漏污染緊急應變作業指引」;建立我國海洋化學品風險分析方式,及依據各港口化學品裝卸量、航運情形、化學物質水域物理行為模式和危害特性分類,進行各港口風險分析,篩選十五種高風險海運化學品及建置氯乙烯等十五種我國海運高風險化學品之「海運化學品緊急應變技術手冊」;針對各種不同危害類別之海運化學品,提出個人防護、環境監測和除污作業等應變器材名單與數量之需求建議;分析海洋化學品污染緊急應變作業之各階段所需辦理事項,檢討現行「海洋重大污染緊急應變系統」之擴充需求,及建置海洋化學品污染應變技術資料之查詢功能。 參考國外制度及國內現有資源,研析我國海洋油/化學品污染緊急應變專業機構於緊急應變期間應辦理事項、平日可執行業務、人力和財務需求,評估利用公務機關、民間公司、公民結合等三種不同方式,規劃海洋污染緊急應變作業專業機構之設置方案,並研析各方案之優缺點及法令制度配合事項,其中公民結合方案須由雙方簽署合約執行緊急應變業務,因此針對雙方合作架構研擬各方權利和義務要項。 協助環保署與地方環保機關辦理緊急應變教育訓練、應變演練諮詢指導及辦理相關會議,包括:辦理一場次國內專家學者座談會,協助地方機關提供六場次應變演練諮詢指導,辦理一場次國內海洋化學品污染防治及緊急應變相關訓練,協助執行國際交流事項。
中文關鍵字 海洋、化學品、應變


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-G106-02-221 經費年度 097 計畫經費 6050 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/29 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 吳培堯
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 呂澄洋 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


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期末報告 EPA-97-G106-02-221.pdf 40MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Establishment of the Emergency Response Resource of Marine Chemical Pollution

英文摘要 This project compiled the information collected from the United Nations, regional organizations, and European countries and the US regarding marine chemical spill response technical information, such as the IMDG and GHS of the IMO, the ERG of the North America, the HELCOM Manual , Bonn Manual, and MIDSIS-TROCS of the European countries and regional organizations. The evaluated information amoung these collected information included the classification and labeling of the marine goods regarding the IMDG codes, the domestic chemical MSDS information system adopted by the GHS regulation, the physical behavior data of the material in water published with the European consortium, and the response guidelines regarding on-sea and on-shore conditions. According to the above information, the establishment of Taiwan’s marine chemical response technical information should consider the IMDG guidelines and local marine transport features so that the established resource information can relate current international regulation and local needs. The project has composed 15 marine chemical response handbooks and their cards, and 1 marine chemical spill response guidebook including the IMDG codes of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8. According to the IMDG codes, the guidebook collected information for the Codes of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 so that the reponse action can be guided when the due chemical information is not clarified. After careful data collection and analysis on the chemical transport information around Taiwan, the annual import and export amount and transport frequency of each chemical present in any of the main ports in Taiwan were statistically analyzed for risk assessment. Each chemical’s environmental pollution potential published by MARPOL 73/78 was also assessed and calculated into the reisk assessment. 15 most representive chemicals were selescted by the risk assessment analysis results, and the 15 marine chemical response handbooks were composed accordingly. Each handbook and guidebook consisted information including personal protection, environmental monitoring, and decontamination processes. The established handbooks and guidebook were then published on the website of Taiwan EPA. The project also summarized 3 potentials for iniating specialized organizations, including public sectors, private sectors, and the combination of the two. Each case was assessed on the workloads in emergency and regular actions, main power and finacial demands. The comparison of the 3 potentials was conducted and the advantage and disadvantage of each potential were assessed. The results showed that the cooperation of the public and private sectors was the best senario in the near future, and the long term development should focuas on helping establish the response capability with the private sectors and the supervisial ability with the public sectors. Other assistance included 1 related training, 6 sets of assistance of local public sectors regrading response, 1 related expert meeting, and assist arrangment of international cooperation.
英文關鍵字 marine, chemical, response