

中文摘要 本(96)年度本計畫工作項目包含:(1)許可審查、許可查核及專責人員設置審查。(2)排放量申報查核。 (3)執行巡查、煙道抽測、周界臭異味官能測定、液體燃料與煤含硫量測定、定檢監督及報告審查。(4)稽查及處分資料建檔等作業。(5)資料庫擴充更新與維護。(6)空污費催補繳、查核及建檔審查等。(7)推動企業認養道路及綠美化。 本報告分為七個章節,第一章概述計畫緣起與本計畫各項作業項目、內容;第二章計畫執行背景分析;第三章敘述許可制度目前執行情形;第四章說明本計畫針對固定污染源管制工作之執行情形,包含稽查、檢測、處分及巡查等作業情形;第五章說明資料庫維護更新/擴充情形;第六章說明空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳查核及企業道路認養及綠美化工作;第七章則針對本計畫作業成果做結論並提建議。 茲將成果摘要說明如下: 一、 固定污染源許可管理 (一) 許可審查 1.受理各種類別許可案件申請49件,其中已發證40件,尚有7件審查中,2件駁回。 2.操作許可審查平均日數為18天,設置許可審查平均日數為14天,審查時間符合率為100%。 3.本年度符合在3至6個月內應申請許可展延的製程有4個,已於96年10月3日發文通知辦理。 (二) 許可查核 許可發證後查核58個製程,查核率為89%,查核不符者有22個,符合率為63%。不符者經通知補正或改善及追蹤輔導結果有17個製程完成補正或改善,餘5個製程補正或改善中,補正或改善完成率為77%。 (三) 空氣污染物排放量申報查核及審查確認 1.台東縣96年第1至3季之一定規模網路申報排放量者應申報78件次,已申報78件次,申報率100%。 2.各季平均審查符合率為81%,經由審查人員輔導修正後,補正完成率達100%。 3.排放量申報現場查核26家,計有14家不正確,符合率46%,經輔導後符合率已達100%。 (四) 煙道排放空氣污染物之定檢監督及申報審查 1.在定檢作業上,應定檢及申報煙道根次為23根次,已完成23根次之檢測申報及審查。 2.在檢測數據合理性的查核上,以燃油鍋爐排放之氮氧化物檢測濃度合理性偏低,日後將加強督促業者改善。 (五) 輔導說明會 1.空氣污染防制暨相關法規說明會於96年10月26日辦理完成,計通知50家業者出席,出席40家,出席率為80%,得見多數業者對污染防制工作尚不致輕忽。 2.對於會議內容做瞭解程度調查,全部瞭解佔47%,部份瞭解50%,均不瞭解佔3%,將作為爾後辦理相關說明會之參考。 二、 稽巡查及檢測作業 (一) 稽查處分建檔 1.完成184件稽查紀錄單之建檔,其中一般性稽查有161件,陳情案件佔23件。 2.完成告發17件處分書之建檔,其中屬96年內應改善完成件數16件,改善完成件數16件,改善完成率為100%。 (二) 污染源巡查管理 1.巡查件數完成305件,巡查進度達100%,總巡查率為118%,巡查比例較高之行業依序為預拌混凝土業、砂石業、洗染業,瀝青拌合業等。 2.由整體的巡查比例分配,符合重大污染源管制策略,經巡查發現有9件次異常排放情形,改善追蹤結果2家停工,其餘完成改善。 3.經過整體的巡查作業後,完成砂石場、預拌混凝土場、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場的污染防制設施設置情形調查,平均設置率最高者為堆置場95%,而在符合環保署研訂之「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」(草案)之比例上,平均符合率以混凝土拌合業65%為最高。 (三) 稽查檢測 1.完成固定污染源煙道抽測6根次,其中瀝青拌合廠1根次排放之粒狀污染物超過排放標準,已告發處分並責成改善。 2.完成液體燃料含硫量檢測10件,有1件不合格,已告發處分並限期改善中 3.完成臭異味官能測定20件,計有3件不合格,分別為畜牧業2件及飼料製造業1件,皆已告發處分並責成改善。 (四) 戴奧辛管制作業 1.達和大豐環保(股)公司台東縣垃圾焚化廠至今尚未營運,因此無戴奧辛排放。 2.永豐餘造紙(股)公司台東廠所屬鍋爐汽電共生程序之流體化床鍋爐煙道P004及P005等2根煙道排放戴奧辛定期檢測結果遠低於排放標準。 3.台東市及成功鎮火化場煙道,依公告規定,自96年1月1日起,每2年應定期檢測排放之戴奧辛一次,因此其皆應於97年底前依規完成定期檢測。 三、 資料庫更新、擴充及維護作業 (一) 資料庫更新、擴充 本縣EPA97資料庫經132家之更新及6家擴充後,總排放量更新率67%。各污染排放量異動後,計粒狀污染物減少62.227噸/年,減少主要原因為東砂西運減緩、礦區禁採致原料短缺而影響產能;硫氧化物減少了23.706噸/年,減少原因主要是整體產業產能衰退的結果;氮氧化物增加了58.882噸/年,主要原因為兩離島用電量需求增加;揮發性有機物質減少了80.003噸/年,其減少原因主要為排放量計算基礎修正。 (二) 資料庫檢核及品保與品管(QA/QC) 在資料庫QA/QC作業上,主要產生問題為排放量申報不正確,其比例佔66.5%,主要原因在於砂石業部份製程非屬公告製程,但排放量申報規定,只要有一製程達到申報規模,就必須全場申報,致有申報量大於許可量之情形,另由於受景氣及原物料缺失之影響而產能銳減,亦有申報排放量低於許可50%之情形。 四、 空污費催補繳及查核作業 (一) 空污費催補繳 執行95年第4季至96年第3季空污費申報催繳工作情形如下: 1.硫氧化物及氮氧化物應申報家次計204家次,有37家次未申報,經由公文催報繳及現場催繳9家次後,計202家次完成申報,申報率99%,總徵收金額1,072,056元,申報排放量SOx 75.835公噸,NOx87.672公噸。 2.揮發性有機物質 (VOCs)應申報家次計84家次,有14家次未申報,經由公文催報繳14家次及現場輔導28家次後,計84家次完成申報,申報率100%。 (二) 空污費查核 空污費申報現場查核12家,有2家不符合規定,分別為永豐餘造紙股份有限公司台東廠96年第一季申報引用未申請核可之製程改善優惠費率計算申報及東之鄉洗衣有限公司仍使用舊費率計算申報。 (三) 空污費申報建檔審查資訊系統軟硬體之建置 因應環保署空污費申報作業分工規定,96年7月1日後,空污費申報窗口及建檔審查等工作項目交由地方辦理,而於96年6月完成空污費申報建檔審查資訊系統軟硬體設備之建置工作。 (四) 空污費建檔審查作業 本年度自第2季起對硫氧化物、氮氧化物、揮發性有機物質之空污費申報案件開始進行建檔審查作業,共計完成225件次。其中硫氧化物、氮氧化物空污費申報最常見缺失是使用舊表格,而揮發性有機物空污費申報最常見缺失是係數引用錯誤。 (五) 空污費費率變更對台東縣影響 依空污費審查系統資料統計,96年第1至3季與95年同期累計金額相比較後,新費率之申報金額計774,139元,舊費率之申報金額計698,717元,相對增加了75,422元。 (六) 空污費宣導說明會 因新費率公告規定及空污費申報建檔審查等工作由地方辦理,為加強因應96年第2季開始的申報及建檔審查作業,已分別於96年3月14日及96年7月30日舉辦空污費申報及空污費申繳計費說明會。 五、 推動道路認養洗掃及綠美化工作 1.在廠商周界道路認養洗掃上,有22家廠商實際配合進行,計洗掃總長度2,155.6公里,推估削減量為TSP29.747噸/年,PM105.604噸/年。 2.在廠區綠美化推動上,計有22家廠商參與綠美化者,經調查植栽存活率60%以上,未來應持續加強補栽工作,並再提昇綠美化家數及植被面積.
中文關鍵字 固定空氣污染源、稽查管制、空氣污染防制基金費、催繳、補繳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2700 千元
專案開始日期 2007/02/27 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 96固定期末報告.rar 57MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The regular air pollution sources is checked and controlled and the empty dirty fee press for the plan of Taitung County

英文摘要 This (96) the annual work program of this project include: (1) permit review, permission to check and set up a dedicated team to review. (2) declare to check emissions. (3) the implementation of inspections, flue抽测, perimeter functional determination of foul odor, liquid fuel and coal sulfur content determination, supervision and inspection report of the review. (4) inspection and penalties, such as data archiving operations. (5) expand the database to update and maintain. (6) air pollution fee reminders to pay, check and file review. (7) encourage enterprises to adopt roads and green landscaping. <br> The report is divided into seven chapters, Chapter I sets out plans to the origin of the operation plan with the project; chapter plans to implement the background analysis; Chapter III describes the current implementation of licensing system; Chapter IV of this plan fixed sources of pollution control for the implementation of work, including inspection, testing, sanctions and inspections, such as operating circumstances; Chapter V database maintenance update / expansion of the case; Chapter VI Description Air Pollution Control Fee Collection, a reminder to check back and enterprises Adopt a road and green landscaping work; seventh chapter operating results for the program to make conclusions and recommendations. <br> It is a summary of the results are as follows: <br> First, fixed source license management <br> (A) permits review <br> 1. The admissibility of various types of license applications for 49 cases, of which 40 have been certified, there are seven review dismissed 2. <br> 2. Operating permit review of the average number of days for 18 days, set the permission to review the average number of days to 14 days to review the time line with the rate of 100%. <br> 3. This year in line with the 3-6 month period should apply for license extension process has four, 96 years on October 3 issued notification process. <br> (B) permission to check <br> License check 58 after certification process, checking rate was 89%, checking does not have 22, in line with the rate of 63%. NOTICE corrections were inconsistent or improve counseling and follow-up results of 17 have completed the process to make corrections or improvements, more than five manufacturing process to make corrections or improvements, corrections or to improve the completion rate of 77%. <br> (C) emissions of air pollutants in check and review of the declaration to confirm <br> 1. 96 County 1-3 in the first quarter of the size of the network must declare emissions should declare 78 times, 78 times has been declared, after the declaration of the rate of 100%. <br> 2. The quarter in line with the average rate of 81 percent, through review of personnel counseling amendments, corrections completion rate was 100%. <br> 3. To declare the scene to check emissions 26, 14 are not correct, in line with the rate of 46 percent, after counseling in line with the rate has reached 100%. <br> (Iv) flue emissions of air pollutants monitoring and reporting inspection review <br> 1. At operation on inspection, should be seized and declaration of flue-gen times for 23 times, 23 times has been completed and the review of the declaration Detect. <br> 2. In the test data to check on reasonableness, to oil-fired boiler emissions of nitrogen oxides Detect low concentration of rationality, will strengthen supervision and improve the industry. <br> (E) guidance note will <br> 1. Air Pollution Control and the relevant laws and regulations that will be in 96 years October 26 for completion of the family business to attend to inform the 50, 40, attended, attendance rate is 80%, see the majority of the industry on pollution prevention and control work is not caused by neglect . <br> 2. For the conference to do know the extent of the investigation, all know 47%, some 50 percent know, do not know 3%, will be handled as a later reference-related seminars. <br> Two, protracted inspections and testing operations <br> (A) disciplinary inspection file <br> 1. Completed 184 single-track record of the file, which has 161 inspectors general, petition cases accounted for 23. <br> 2. Complete information on the book 17 disciplinary file, which is the completion of 96 years should improve the number of 16 to improve the complete number 16, to improve the completion rate was 100%. <br> (B) to inspect the management of pollution sources <br> 1. Number of inspections completed by 305, to inspect the progress of up to 100%, and the total rate of 118 percent inspection, a higher proportion of industry inspections were ready-mixed concrete industry, sand and gravel industry, the washing and dyeing industry, asphalt mixing and so on. <br> 2. By the overall proportion of the allocation of inspections, in line with the major sources of pollution control strategies, the inspection found that there is 9 times abnormal discharge situation, to improve the tracking results of two lay-off, and the rest to complete the improvement. <br> 3. After the overall operation of the inspections after the completion of gravel field, ready-mixed concrete market, asphalt mixing plants and field of pollution control facilities investigate the case, the average rate set to the highest bidder for 95%, and in line with the Environmental Protection Department the development of the "stationary source of particulate pollutants emitted air pollution control facilities management approach" (draft) ratio on average in line with the rate of 65 percent concrete batching industry as the highest. <br> (C) inspection Detected <br> 1. Completed stationary source flue six times, one of asphalt mixing plant a meeting of the particulate emissions of pollutants over emission standards, have been disciplined and instructed to improve the information. <br> 2. The completion of the sulfur content of liquid fuels Detected 10, there is a failure, has been reported to improve the action and the deadline in <br> 3. Complete functional determination of foul smell 20, including three failed, two were animal husbandry and a feed manufacturing industry, have been disciplined and instructed to improve the information. <br> (Iv) Dioxin Control operation <br> 1. Tatsu and Dafeng environmental protection (share) Company County trash incineration plant has not been operating and that there was no dioxin emission. <br> 2. Yuen Foong Yu Paper (Unit) Company-owned Units Dongchang boiler cogeneration process fluidized bed boiler flue P004 and P005, such as two flue dioxin emissions test results regularly well below the emission standards. <br> 3. Taitung City and the success of the town crematorium flue, according to notice requirements, since the 96 years since January 1, every 2 years should be regularly detected dioxin emission time, so the both should be in accordance with Regulation 97 before the end of completion of regular Detect. <br> Three, the database update, expand and maintain operations <br> (1) update the database, the expansion of <br> EPA97 the county database 132 by the update and expansion of 6, the total emissions 67 percent renewal rate. Changes of the pollution emissions, the reduction of particulate pollutants 62.227 tons / year, reducing the main reason for the East West Sand transported down, mining of raw materials caused by the impact of a shortage of production capacity; sulfur oxides reduced by 23.706 tons / year, reducing the reasons for industry as a whole is mainly a result of capacity recession; nitrogen oxides increased by 58.882 tons / year, the two main reasons for the increase of electricity demand Islands; volatile organic material reduced the 80.003 tons / year, and its main reasons for reducing the emissions calculated on the basis of amendment. <br> (B) check the database and quality assurance and quality control (QA / QC) <br> In the database QA / QC operations on, the main problem for the emissions arising from the declaration is not correct, the proportion accounted for 66.5 percent, mainly because most of the gravel industry is a notice of non-manufacturing process, but the emissions reporting requirements, as long as there is one system way to achieve scale to declare must declare the audience, addressed to declare there is greater than the volume of cases permit, and the other because of the economy and the impact of loss of raw materials and production plummeted, some to declare emissions 50 percent below the permitted circumstances . <br> Four, the air pollution fee reminder to pay and check operation <br> (1) reminder to pay the air pollution fee <br> The implementation of 95 Q4 96 Q3 reminder to declare air pollution charges work as follows: <br> 1. Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides should declare home times of 204 times, 37 times there is undeclared, by correspondence and on-site calls pay nine times, including 202 at the completion of the declaration, to declare the rate of 99% , the total charge to the amount of 1,072,056 yuan, after the declaration of SOx 75.835 tonnes of emissions, NOx87.672 tonnes. <br> 2. Volatile organic substances (VOCs) should declare their home meeting of 84 times, 14 times there is undeclared, by correspondence pay 14 times and on-site counseling 28 times, including 84 times to complete a declaration to declare the rate of 100%. <br> (B) check the air pollution fee <br> Air pollution costs 12 to declare the scene to check, there is 2 do not meet requirements for Yuen Foong Yu Paper Co., Ltd. 96 Units Dongchang declaration quoted in the first quarter have not applied for approval of the manufacturing process to improve the discount rate declared and Rural East Laundry Ltd. is still using the old rates to declare. <br> (C) the air pollution fee declaration file review of information systems hardware and software to build <br> In response to EPA air pollution fee to declare the provisions of the operating division of labor, 96 years after July 1, the air pollution fee and file the declaration window to review the project work for the place, and at 96 years 6 months to complete the air pollution fee declaration file review information system hardware and software equipment to build job. <br> (Iv) review of the air pollution fee archiving operations <br> 2 year since the first quarter of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, volatile organic substances of the air pollution fee to declare the case file review to begin operations, completed a total of 225 times. One of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution charges to declare the most common deficiencies are using the old forms, and volatile organic compounds in air pollution costs declared are the most common missing factor misquoted. <br> (E) the air pollution fee rate changes impact on the County <br> Air pollution fee in accordance with the review of system data, 96 in the first quarter and 1-3 in the same period a total of 95 compared to the amount, the new rates to declare sums of 774,139 yuan, the old rate of reporting the amount of 698,717 yuan, the relative increase of 75,422 million. <br> (Vi) air pollution fee that will promote <br> Notice the new rate regulations and air pollution fee declaration file review work by the local processing, to strengthen the response to 96 years in Q2 begin to review the reporting and archiving operations, has been in 96 years March 14 and 96 years 7 held on the 30th month payment to declare air pollution and air pollution fee paid billing Shanghai explanation. <br> Friday to promote the adoption of road sweep and wash the green landscaping job <br> 1. At manufacturers adopt washing perimeter sweep on the road, has 22 companies with the actual conduct, including washing the total length of 2155.6 kilometers sweep, estimated reduction in volume of TSP29.747 tons / year, PM105.604 tons / year. <br> 2. At the factory on the Green to promote beautification, including 22 manufacturers to participate in green landscaping, and by investigate the survival rate of more than 60%, the future should continue to strengthen job and further enhance the number of green landscaping and vegetation area.
英文關鍵字 Regular air pollution sources、Check and control、The air pollution defends and makes fund fee、Press for payment of、Pay arrears