

中文摘要 摘要 截至97年底的統計數據顯示:臺南市籍總機動車輛數高達796,543輛次,依據據監理單位提供柴油車輛數資料柴油車總數97年底約13,299輛,其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達5,548輛,小型柴油貨車約6,021輛及柴油小客車1,730輛。因此臺南市環境保護局自88年度起執行柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫委託具專業能力之顧問公司代為操作,藉此來督促柴油車主、駕駛人真正注意車輛保養之重要性以提昇臺南市的空氣品質。路邊攔檢工作,篩選攔車立即檢測,不合格立即告發處分,有助於對一些到檢不當調整車輛提高赫阻效果,所以利用有限檢測數,發揮最大檢測效益。另外也針對車輛使用柴油油品加強稽查,以杜絕使用非法高含硫量之柴油,防止燃燒後硫化物污染空氣。 臺南市檢測站自88年通過ISO14001認證以來,該認證已延續10年,除ISO4001認證外,96年3月亦正式取得全國認證基金會(TAF)之檢測實驗室認證,在品質方面深受環保署評鑑委員肯定,因此;臺南市動力計排煙檢測站自95年起已連續三年取得評鑑A等之成績。 但礙於現有檢測設備老舊故障率高,備品及維護不易之問題,急需設置新的動力計檢測站,以提高整體檢測品質,並改善舊站之硬體缺失。 本計畫執行期間投入人力共9人,具柴油車排放煙度儀器檢測證照者7人、具柴油車目視判煙證照4人。 一、計畫執行期程: 本計畫執行期程由97年5月8日至98年5月7日止,共計執行12個月整。 二、工作進度成果: 工作進度表 工作項目 目標數 月份 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 合計 達成率 目視判煙通知 1500 達成 52 173 198 124 130 182 155 227 88 164 31 0 0 1522 100% 柴油車動力計 檢測 2000 達成 148 191 246 255 219 215 218 267 192 226 321 228 45 2771 100% 路邊攔車排煙 稽查檢測 800 達成 27 83 56 84 64 93 104 61 73 57 207 6 0 915 100% 路邊油品採樣 180 達成 1 6 23 11 15 0 11 0 5 12 7 0 0 180 100% 到站及場站 油品採樣 達成 3 10 6 7 12 7 13 7 2 6 16 0 0 特定區域大客貨用油管制 80 達成 0 5 10 4 8 15 7 21 1 4 8 0 0 83 100% 宣導折頁 1000 達成 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 100% 宣導海報 150 達成 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 133% 宣導說明會 3 達成 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 100% 相關性測試 1 達成 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100% ISO14001認證 維持 98年1月23日進行3年全面系統覆核,3月20日已取得新證書 100% TAF實驗室認證 維持 98年2月25日通過監督評鑑,系統維持有效運作 100% 環保署評鑑 85以上 未公佈成績,85分以上為A等,97年評鑑取得A等 100% 環保新聞稿發佈 12則 達成 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 12 100% 品保測試並繪出管制圖 12次 達成 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 12 100% 三、主要工作執行成果 (一)資料統計自97年5月8日至98年5月7日,共計檢驗柴油車2,874輛(含無負載103輛)。 (二)本年度計畫自97年5月8日截至98年5月7日止已執行目測 判煙通知1,522輛,計畫目標達100%。 (三)柴油車檢測2,874輛次,全負載2,771輛次,目標達成率已達到100%。受檢測之柴油車中有136輛不合格、不合格率約4.7%。 (四)到站檢測隨機針對車輛抽驗油品已採取89件及路邊攔查採樣已採樣91件,共計180件,工作進度達100%。 (五)路邊排煙稽查共計檢測915輛次,不合格173輛次,其不合格率為18.9%,工作進度達114%。 (六)環保署評鑑本年度環保署評鑑於12月17日完成本年度延續前95及96年連續三年取得A等之佳績。 (七)推動安平港區進出之柴油車輛加入自主管理,加強安平港區稽查,截至98年5月7日止加入自主管理列管車輛數為598輛,檢測完成領證者323輛,佔港區加入管制車輛54%。 (八)積極參與雲嘉南聯合稽查,並於臺南縣進行會議協商訂定每月臺南縣市聯合稽查,不合格遠高於本市單獨執行之18.9%,大幅提升空氣品質改善效益。 (九)97年11月5日辦理柴油車宣導說明會2場,98年4月22日協助辦理4/22世界地球日活動。工作進度達100%。 (十)已完成一次相關性測試,工作進度達100%。 (十一)ISO14001於98年1月23日三年換證全面覆核完成,98年3月20日取得新證書,認證持續維持有效中。 (十二)TAF實驗室認證96年3月取得認證,98年2月25日通過監督評鑑,目前系統維持有效中。 (十三)預約到檢制度預約率截至98年5月7日,預約率約達95%。 (十四)歷年統計分析資料依據過去報告書內容比較,在車齡分析上,各年度均有污染度與不合格率均隨著車齡增加而升高之趨勢,而在廠牌、車種、期別分析上,並無太大之變化,只有在期別上,開始有四期車輛接受檢測,而一期車輛數有稍微減少。故於臺南市柴油車輛污染特性上,老舊車輛以緩慢速度減少,而污染度跟不合格率都跟車齡有關,所以未來目視與路邊攔檢稽查仍強化在高車齡車輛上,可以產生有改善效益的稽查成果。 四、主要統計分析成果 (一)受測車輛背景分析 分析因子 所佔比例較高者 廠牌分析 中華 車齡分析 10~12年 排氣量分析 2500~3000c.c. 行駛里程分析 50萬以上 車種分析 自用小貨車 期別分析 第二期 車重分析 7.5噸以下 受測車輛中廠牌部分以中華之車輛為最高,若以車齡進行分析則是10~12年之車輛為最多,排氣量部分則是2500~3000c.c.數量最多,以車輛行駛里程分析是50公里以上車輛受檢數最多,車種受檢最多的為自用小貨車,期別的部分是以第二期車輛為最多,車重的部分本計畫檢測最多的車輛是7.5噸以下車輛最多。 (二)平均污染度分析 分析因子 平均污染度較高者 廠牌分析 FUSO 車齡分析 12年以上 排氣量分析 2500c.c.以下 行駛里程分析 35~40萬公里以上 車種分析 營業大貨車 期別分析 第一期 車重分析 2.5噸以下 受測車輛之平均污染度分析結果如上表:廠牌部分以FUSO平均污染度最高,車齡部分是以12年以上車輛為最高,若以排氣量分析則是2500c.c.以下為最高,行駛里程是以35~40萬公里以上隨著車齡越舊污染度也有所提升,車種的部分則是以營業大貨車最高,期別為第一期車最高,車重的部分則是以2.5噸以下為最高。 (三)受檢車輛馬力分析 全負載100%馬力比(HP100) 百分比 35%≦HP100<40% 14.4 40%≦HP100<45% 18.6 45%≦HP100<50% 16.5 50%≦HP100<55% 11 55%≦HP100<60% 12.9 60%≦HP100<65% 10.2 65%≦HP100<70% 10.1 70%≦HP100<80% 6.3 總和 100 受檢車輛馬力多數集中在50%以下,佔總檢測數的49.5%,馬力比介於50~65%之間車輛僅佔34.1%,顯示擅調問題依舊存在。 五、污染物削減量 里程依據 項目 TSP(公噸/年) 環保署建議 檢測不合格改善 7.182 事前調修 63.4420 依建議行駛里程合計減量(A) 70.6240 削減量推估公式如下: 一、檢測不合格 根據環保署移動污染源之排放減量計算公式推估: EER=TretestEErVKT10-6 其中EER:推估排放削減量(噸/年) Tretest:柴油車檢測不合格車輛數 EEr:車輛調修前後排放係數減少量(公克/公里) VKT:車輛平均年行駛里程(公里/年) 【Tretest檢測不合格車輛數:289輛】 【VKT車輛平均年行駛里程:(A)50000km/Yr(環保署提供)(B)30636km/Yr(實際受檢車輛統計資料)】 【EEr96車輛調修前後排放係數減少量:0.497公克/公里(環保署提供;TSP係數=PM10係數)】 (一)依環保署建議年行駛里程所得之削減量: TSP=PM10=2890.497g/km5000010-6 =7.182 Ton/Yr 二、檢驗前調修車輛數 由於許多車主於接獲檢驗通知單後,多會先進行調修保養後再行檢測,因此,事實上已達到柴油車排放污染物削減的目的,為了解車主對於接獲檢驗通知後,車輛保養調修狀況,針對到站檢測車主在車況點檢表註明進行統計,統計結果約有93%車主到站檢測前會先進行保養維修,削減量以柴油車檢測削減量計算方式估算: 污染排放差值: TSP=PM10=0.497g/km(環保署提供值) 平均年行駛里程: (A)50000km/Yr (統計值) (一)依環保署建議年行駛里程所得之削減量: TSP=PM10 =2553×0.497g/km×50000 km/Yr×10-6 =63.4420 Ton/Yr
中文關鍵字 97年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 6685 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/08 專案結束日期 2009/05/07 專案主持人 艾文健
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


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The diesel vehicles smoke inspection plan

英文摘要 Abstract Statistical data as of the end of 2008 shows: the number of motorized vehicles registered in Taipei totals to a whopping 796,543 vehicle count, which according to Motor Vehicle Station data comprising of a total of diesel vehicles to approximately 13,299 cars, among them, the total number of buses and trucks registered totals to as many as 5,548 vehicles, consisting of approximately 6,021 small diesel trucks and 1,730 small diesel passenger vehicles. With that, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City has since 1999 been implementing the diesel vehicles smoke inspection plan, which has been outsourced for implementation by professional consulting firm with the know-how, through which to urge the vehicle owners and drivers like to caution for the importance of vehicular maintenance that would excel Tainan City’s air quality. The random roadside screening work pertains to conducting real-time screening on randomly selected vehicles, and failed vehicles are given corrective action, helping to deter the inspected vehicles with unauthorized tempering of adjustments. In addition, a step-up audit has been sought for vehicles running on diesel products to curtail diesel fuel with illegally high sulfur contents, helping to prevent the burned sulfide from polluting the air. Since being accredited with the ISO 14001 certification in 1999, the Tainan Municipal Vehicle Inspection Station has had its certification extended for another ten years, and in addition to the ISO 14001 certification, it has also been accredited, in March 2007, with an inspection laboratory certification by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, helping to foster a widespread recognition among members of the EPA review board; the Tainan Municipal Odometer Fume Screening Station has since been accredited with an A at the evaluation for three consecutive years. In light of a rising malfunction ratio on the existing inspection and testing equipment, and problems with the spare parts and maintenance, there is an urgent need to update the odometer screening station in a bid to excel the overall inspection and screening quality, and improve the firmware deficiencies. Throughout the project’s implementation power, the manpower of 9 individuals has been assigned to spearhead the project, with seven of them holding a valid diesel vehicle fume discharge instrument testing license, and four individuals holding a valid diesel vehicle visual inspection fume rendering license. I. Project implementation timetable The project’s implementation timetable spans form May 8, 2008 to May 7, 2009, with the campaign lasting a full 12-month period. II. Project progress findings: Table of work progress Category of work Target Month May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Total Achievement ratio Notice of exhaust fume by visual inspection 1500 Achieved 52 173 198 124 130 182 144 227 88 164 31 0 0 1522 100% Diesel odometer detection 2000 Achieved 148 191 246 255 219 215 218 267 192 226 321 228 45 2771 100% Roadside vehicle fume discharge audit screening 800 Achieved 27 83 56 84 64 93 104 61 73 57 207 6 0 915 100% Roadside fuel sample collecting 180 Achieved 1 6 23 11 15 0 11 0 5 12 7 0 0 180 100% Station and onsite fuel sample collecting Achieved 3 10 6 7 12 7 13 7 2 6 16 0 0 Large freighter fuel control at specific areas 80 Achieved 0 5 10 4 8 15 7 21 1 4 8 0 0 83 100% Campaign inserts 1000 Achieved 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 100% Campaign posters 150 Achieved 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 133% Campaign presentation 3 Achieved 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 100% Relevant testing 1 Achieved 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100% ISO 14001 certification Main-taining Undergoing a 3-year full system verification on January 23, 2009, and has been accredited with the certification on March 20. 100% TAF lab certification Main-taining Undergoing a supervisory assessment on February 25, 2009, and the system is kept to an effective implementation. 100% EPA evaluation Over 85 The results have yet been announced, with over 85 points being A, and its 2008 evaluation was given an A rating. 100% EPA press release 12 releases Achieved 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 12 100% Quality assurance testing and mapping the control diagram 12 times Achieved 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 12 100% III. The implementation yield of major tasks (I) The statistical data spanning from May 8, 2008 to May 7, 2009 covers a total of 2,874 diesel vehicles inspected (including 103 cars without any pay load). (II) In this year, the project spanning from May 8, 2008 to May 7, 2009 has issued the visual fume detection notice to a total of 1,522 vehicles, with the project achievement ratio at 100%. (III) A total of 2,874 diesel vehicles have undergone the inspection, and 2,771 vehicles are tested at full load, with the target achievement ratio at 100%. Among the diesel vehicles inspected, 136 vehicles have failed the test, with a failing ratio at approximately 4.7%. (IV) The random testing on vehicle fuel products at the station yielded 89 cases, and the roadside random intercepted sampling yielded 91 cases, totaling 180 cases, with the work progression reaching 100%. (V) The roadside fume discharge audits yield a total of 915 vehicles tested, with 173 vehicles failed the test, at a failing ratio of 18.9%, with the work progression reaching 114%. (VI) In the Environmental Protection Agency’s yearly evaluation, the station has on December 17 undergone the current year’s EPA evaluation, and has been accredited with an excellent A three years in a row, continuing its outstanding evaluation in 2007 and 2006. (VII) The station has actively been promoting the diesel vehicles coming in and out of the Anping Port to join in the voluntary management program by stepping up the random audits conducted at the Anping Port, with a total of 598 vehicles joining the voluntary management program as of May 7, 2009, and 323 vehicles completed the tested and are given a certificate, accounting for 54% of all vehicles coming in and out of the harbor area. (VIII) The station actively participated in the joint audit of the Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan areas, and has stated a meeting in Tainan County to instigate the monthly joint Tainan City and County screening audits, with a failing ratio far exceeding the 18.9% implemented by the city alone to greatly contribute toward the air-quality improvement yield. (IX) The station has on November 5, 2008 staged two sessions of the diesel car campaign presentations, and has on April 22, 2009 cosponsored the staging of the World Day event, with the work progression reaching 100%. (X) The station has completed one pertinent testing, with work progression reaching 100%. (XI) The station’s ISO14001 certification program has on January 23, 2009 undergone the complete review of a three-year certification renewal process, and has received a new certificate on March 20, 2009, with the certification program keeping to a valid standing. (XII) The TAF laboratory has been accredited with the certification in March 2007, and surpassed the supervisory assessment on February 25, 2009, with the system currently to an ongoing, effective state. (XIII) On the reservation ratio of the station inspection system as of April 15, 2009, the reservation ratio has reached approximately 95%. (XIV) By comparing history statistical analysis data to the contents of the past reports, in vehicle age analysis, there is a tendency of rising levels of pollution and failing ratios alongside vehicle aging in all years, while no major changes has been found on the make, vehicle type and by period, with a major distinction rests of the periods, where initially four periods of vehicles had been inspected, with the number of aging vehicles diminishing at a slow rate. Inasmuch as Tainan City’s vehicle pollution characteristics are concerns, with levels of pollution and failing ratios inextricably correlated the age of the vehicle, stepping up the visual inspection and random roadside audits by focusing on aging vehicles can foster an improvement yield to the audit findings. IV. Primary statistical analysis findings (I) Inspected vehicles’ background analysis Analysis factor Higher percentage ranked Mark analysis China Motors Vehicle age analysis 10 – 12 years Exhausting volume analysis 2,500 ~ 3,000 c.c. Mileage analysis Over 500,000 kilometers Vehicle type analysis Private small freighters Period analysis Second period Vehicle weight analysis Up to 7.5 tons Among the inspected vehicles, in the Mark analysis, China Motors is found with the highest number; in the age analysis, the number of vehicles are predominately 10 – 12 years old; in the Exhausting volume analysis, those with a cc count of between 2,500cc and 3,000cc are found most prevalent; in the vehicle driving mileage analysis, those with over 50km are the most in number; in the vehicle type analysis, the private small freighters are found most in number; in the period analysis, those inspected in the second period are found the highest; in the vehicle weight analysis, the most number of vehicles inspected under the project are cars up to 7.5 tons. (II) Median pollution level analysis Analysis factor Higher average levels of pollution ranked Mark analysis Fuso Vehicle age analysis Over 12 years Exhausting volume analysis Up to 2,500 c.c. Driving mileage analysis Over 350,000km to 400,000km Vehicle type analysis Commercial large freighters Period analysis First period Vehicle weight analysis Up to 2.5 tons The findings of the inspected vehicles’ median levels of pollution are as depicted in the above table: where in the Mark analysis, Fuso is found with the highest level of pollution; the vehicle age rating finds those 12 years or older the highest; in the Exhausting volume analysis, those with an exhaust count of up to 2,500cc are found the highest; in the driving mileage analysis, cars with a 350,000 to 400,000 mileage found are found with rising levels of pollution accelerating alongside the vehicle age; in the vehicle type analysis, the commercial large freighters are found the highest, with the number of cars in period top topping the rest; in the vehicle weight analysis, those with a weight ratio of up to 2.5 tons are found the highest. (III) Inspected vehicles’ horsepower analysis Horsepower ratio at 100% full load (HP100) Percentage ratio 35%  HP100 < 40% 14.4 40%  HP100 < 40% 18.6 45%  HP100 < 40% 16.5 50%  HP100 < 40% 11 55%  HP100 < 40% 12.9 60%  HP100 < 40% 10.2 65%  HP100 < 40% 10.1 70%  HP100 < 40% 63 Total 100 With a majority of the inspected vehicles largely concentrating at up to the 50% level, which accounts for 49.5% of all vehicles inspected, the number of vehicles with a horsepower ratio rated at between 50 ~ 65% merely accounts for 34.1%, indicating that the problem of unauthorized tempering still exists. V. Volume reduction Mileage basis Category TSP (ton/year) Environmental Protection Administration’s recommendation Improvement following a failed inspection 7.182 Pre-adjustment 64.4420 Total volume reduction as per the recommended driving mileage (A) 70.6240 The reduction estimation equation is as follows, I. Failed inspection Estimating using the EPA’s mobile pollution source’s discharge reduction calculation equation: EER=Tretest x EEr x VKT x 10-6 Where, EER: the estimated discharge volume reduction (ton/year) Tretest: number of vehicles failing the diesel vehicle inspection EEr: the discharge reduction index before and after the vehicle adjustment VKT: average vehicle yearly driving mileage (km/yr) [Tretest the number of vehicles failing the inspection: 289 cars] [VKT the average vehicle yearly driving mileage: (A) 50,000 km/yr (the figure supplied by EPA); (B) 30,636 km/yr (statistical data derive from the cars inspected)] [EEr96 The discharge reduction index before and after the vehicular adjustment: 0.497 g/km (the figure supplied by EPA, as derived from TSP index – PM10 index) (I) The volume of reduction derived from EPA’s recommended yearly driving mileage: TSP=PM10=289x0.497g/km x 50,000 x 10-6 = 7.182 ton/Yr. II. Number of adjusted vehicles prior to undergoing the inspection As many of the vehicle owners invariably adjust and maintain the vehicle, upon receiving the inspection notice, before undergoing the inspection, this, in fact, has achieved the objective of cutting down the pollutants discharged by diesel vehicles. To discern the state of the vehicle’s maintenance and adjustment by the car owner upon receiving the inspection note, statistical surveys are polled with the vehicle owner coming to the station to test their vehicles with a checklist on how their vehicles are maintained, and the statistical findings show that approximately 93% of the vehicle owners would maintain and service their vehicles prior to the inspection; the volume of reduction is estimated using the diesel vehicle inspection’s volume of reduction method, Differential in pollutant discharge: TSP=PM10=0.497g/km (The figure supplied by EPA) Median yearly driving mileage: (A) 50,000 km/yr. (statistical median) (I) The volume of reduction derived from EPA’s recommended yearly driving mileage: TSP=PM10 =2553x0.497g/km x 50,000km/yr. x 10-6 =63.4420 ton/yr.