

中文摘要 本年度執行96年1月至96年12月共12個月份「液化石油氣氣價補助及查核」補助款申請案之審查及撥款工作,目前受理及審查補助計242萬件申請案,共審查核發82,559,186.56公升,核撥新台幣165,118,373元。並完成全台20家共93站次加氣站現場查核。藉由建立標準化作業程序,以達至有效管理補助款查核;並要求業者強化CCTV監視系統之錄存,以達業者自我管理之目標。 國際油氣雙燃料車推廣部分,共蒐集日本、韓國、香港、中國、印度、英國、澳洲等7國油氣雙燃料車推動情形。國內油氣雙燃料車及加氣站市場現況,至96年12月底,油氣雙燃料車約有1.3萬輛,改裝廠共有4家,最高產能約為每月改裝800-900輛,加氣站共有20站。 針對油氣雙燃料車推廣成本效益分析及空氣污染減量成效之評估,假設計程車使用液化石油氣平均燃油效率為每公升8.85公里。使用者使用液化石油汽每月可節省燃料費約6,548元,若享有改裝廠特惠補助措施,則可節省7,252元。加氣站如未經補助,每日需有250輛車才可達損益平衡;若補助700萬元,則降為每日225輛;若補助840萬元,則為222輛。在空氣污染減量成效方面,LPG相對汽油增減量,分別是CO減少0.35(g/km)、HC減少0.0028(g/km)、NOX增加0.15(g/km)及CO2減少31.4(g/km)。 在加強教育訓練及業務聯繫,舉辦縣市環保局相關人員業務聯繫會1場,縣市環保局相關人員推廣示範說明會2場,液化石油氣車及加氣站推動產官學座談會3場,相關液化石油氣業者說明會共3場。
中文關鍵字 液化石油氣、空氣污染減量、油氣雙燃料車


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA13-03-A120 經費年度 096 計畫經費 3670 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/26 專案結束日期 2008/02/29 專案主持人 沈弘文
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 徐淑芷 執行單位 饒河管理顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「執行液化石油氣氣價補助及查核」專案工作計畫.rar 119MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The subsidy to debase the price of LPG

英文摘要 This project has completed the “2007 LPG Price Subsidy and Inspection Program” from January 2007 to December 2007. The project has finished the review, inspection, and appropriation of LPG price subsidy application submitted by LPG stations in 12 months. There were 2,420,000 application cases in 2007, and the total LPG gas subsidy amount was 82,559,186.56 liters and NT$ 165,118,373. This project also completed 93 on-site inspections for 20 LPG stations in Taiwan. In order to provide our service in a more efficient and reliable way, this project established standard operation procedures (S.O.P) for project enforcement in performing review and inspection of LPG subsidy application. In addition, this project has required LPG stations to increase their storage capacities of the CCTV monitoring system in order to reach the goal to enhance self-management systems of LPG stations. In the tasks of collection, review and analysis of international LPG related information, this project collects and summarizes the newest LPG policies and statuses of Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, India, United Kingdom, and Australia. In domestic situation, up to December 2007, there are about 14 thousand LPG vehicles and 20 LPG stations in Taiwan. There are 4 LPG re-equipping companies in Taiwan, and in terms of the capacity of re-equipping gasoline vehicles into vehicles with LPG and gasoline duel fuel systems, those 4 LPG re-equipping companies are able to re-equip around 800-900 vehicles per month. In the tasks of cost benefit analysis and air pollution reduction evaluation of LPG vehicles, we assume that when using LPG fuel, the fuel efficiency of a taxi is 8.85 kilo-meters per liter. Comparing with using gasoline, the LPG taxi may save fuel costs NT 6,548 per month. With the current promotion program provided by those 4 re-equipping companies, each liter LPG gets NT 1.5 additional discount, and the LPG taxi may save NT 7,252 per month. For LPG stations, in order to break even, each station should have 250 vehicle visits per day. With government subsidy NT$ 7,000,000 for each station, then the break even point reduces to 225 vehicle visits per day; when government subsidy increases to NT$ 8,400,000, the break even point reduces to 222 vehicle visits. In the effects of air pollution reduction, comparing with gasoline, LPG fuel reduces CO -0.35g/km, HC -0.0028g/km, NOx 0.15 g/km, CO2 -31.4g/km. In the tasks of education and coordination, this project organized one coordination meeting and two promotion conferences for local EPB officials and related parties. This project also organized three coordination meetings for LPG stations and three dialogue conferences for governments, academia, and industry.
英文關鍵字 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG),Reduction on Air Pollution Emission, LPG Vehicle,