

中文摘要 本計畫於97年6月17日完成簽約,工作執行期間自97年7月1日至12月31日共計6個月。主要工作包括辦理垃圾減量、資源回收各類指定對象輔導與稽查工作等,以下即針對各項工作執行成果進行摘要說明: 辦理社區、機關、學校及家戶等垃圾強制分類稽查工作,發現目前本市列管社區垃圾分類清運方式,仍以住戶自行將家中垃圾與回收物攜出交由清潔隊收集為主。辦理11大行業販賣業者逆向回收稽查取締工作、限制購物用塑膠袋與免洗餐具業者及限制含汞乾電池販賣稽查工作,現場稽查結果發現業者皆無發現違規情事。 辦理「2008垃圾作分類用心愛地球」垃圾分類資源回收宣導活動,於11月15日假本市嘉義市立棒球場大巴士停車場(臨外野區)辦理,參與人數達千人以上。製作文宣「限汞政策-水銀體溫計回收」海報及摺頁,「垃圾強制分類」宣導單張,宣導品「電子體溫計」、「環保杯」及「太空瓶」。 辦理本市回收處理業者登記申請與登記變更、展延工作,本市回收處理業者均依法完成登記證展延作業。彙整更新本市回收商的基本資料,並針對現場週遭環境進行巡查。建置四大體系資源回收量網路申報系統。 11月20日完成興村里、下埤里、頂庄里及南帝王社區資源回收站形象改造作業。回收個體業者生活輔導會議於9月11日假星億商行及11月28日假頂庄里辦公處辦理2處個體業者生活輔導會議。完成個體業者補助30位機具及50位保險發放作業。辦理97年度垃圾減量、資源回收中區研討會,於97年9月25日、26日假本市耐斯大飯店舉辦,與會人數達200人。 媒體宣導每月皆有發佈一則媒體宣導;法令宣導說明會已分別於9月3日及11月3日辦理。執行人員教育訓練,計畫執行期間應完成3場次內部人員教育訓練,已分別於7月18日、8月22日及11月20完成3場次教育訓練。彙整四大體系資源回收量協助資源回收量月報表提報,完成每月統計數據彙整、提報,使本市97年度資源回收率達26%。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3380 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/01 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 陳炤瑜
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 傅佩儀 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫-980122.pdf 112MB
英文摘要 The plan had been singed in 17, June, 2008. It was excuted for six months in 1, July to 31, Dec. It makes the decrease the amount of trash and recycling to singed people that be investigated and helped. It discusses with all works. Investigation of discharge garbage of school, community, apparatus, and house. It found that community garbage always be transported to disposal personnel. To investgate vendors, restrictions on the non-washable dining utensils and the use of plastic, and dry cell batteries. They were complied with the rules. “2008 Sorting Garbage, Loving The Earth” of recycling and sorting advertisement were held at Chayi City baseball field in 15, Nov. There are a thousound people join this activity. Design and production of promotion materials about “sorting garbage” and “recycling thermometer”. We made the posters, playbills, electron-thermometer, and environmental cups etc… To perform recycling and disposal enterprises application of registration, modify and extension. They complete all applications according the rules. We investgate the basic data of recyling enterprises and make their rounds of inspection. The web site was made about recycling declaration system. It was completed in four recycling services in 20, Nov. It was held two courses of lectures about recycling picker’s safety and rules in 11, Sep and 28, Nov. We subsidized insurance for 50 person and machines and tools for 30 person for recycling picker. There were 200 people attended a symposium at Nice Hotel in 25 and 26, Sep, 2008. Monthly it was announced a environmental news in newspaper. It was held two courses of lectures about environmental laws in 3, Sep and 3, Nov. It was held three courses of training education in 18, July, 22, Aug, and 20, Nov.Recycling data were collected monthly and submitted data to EPA. Chayi city’s recyling rate was 26% in 2008.