

中文摘要 本計畫自簽約日起至98年2月28日止完成之階段性工作成果說明如下: 1.執行機具掃街8226.2公里,達成年度目標之107.2%,集塵量為242858公斤。 2.執行機具洗街41826.6公里,達成年度目標之102.8%,平均用水量為1.33~1.52公噸/公里。 3.人工掃街十一個月,完成洗掃計畫人員及洗掃街車之車輛保險,完成十一個月洗掃計畫人員教育訓練課程。 4.完成無障礙網頁建置及進行十一個月網頁資料更新,監控系統擴充完成地圖更新、洗掃路線可繪製數量由20條擴充為無限及設定功能改善。 5.「推動一鄉鎮一道路考核作業」,辦理二場次鄉鎮公所協調會,一場道路巡查員教育訓練,提供21台數位相機、道路巡查員意外保險及相關安全裝備、辦理一場次業外觀摩,競賽結果前三名為沙鹿鎮、豐原市、大安鄉。 6.完成十一個月髒污道路調查、污染源管制、公所查核、現場查核,洗掃道路已無C級道路。 7.每月定期查核具有洗掃機具之鄉鎮公所執行成果,並彙整比較各鄉鎮公所網路申報資料與現場查核資料之一致性。 8.完成1000份洗掃道路沿線居民前後期問卷調查作業及分析作業,前期支持比例高達97%,後期支持比例高達98%,認為洗掃作業空氣品質改善成效前後期皆達93%、94%。 9.辦理逸散源專題演講一場次。 10.提供新聞稿34篇,登報刊登八篇,鋪設稻草席4560M2。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵,洗掃


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 13900 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/04 專案結束日期 2009/02/28 專案主持人 施元斌
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 德汰科技顧問有限公司,嘉錩環保工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97中縣洗掃期末正式報告.pdf 12MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program

英文摘要 After a contract signed on February 22, 2008, Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program for the fiscal year of 2008 started the preliminary stage of planning and proceeded with equipment purchases and personnel training. On April 4, 2008, the program began with planned work projects including: cleaning and washing streets; inspection and coordination of the administrative offices of villages and towns; results evaluation; survey; and the actual work achievement as follows: 1. Cleaning and washing operation, and inspection: After the Environmental Protection Bureau approved the planned routes of cleaning and washing, the operation officially started on April 4, 2008. During the program, there were six route changes. A total of 41826.6 km in length of streets was washed and an average of 1.33~1.52 ton/kilometer. The duration of the program was for 48 weeks, averaging 70 kilometers every day; compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 100%. With 8226.2 kilometers in length of street cleaned, compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 100%, averaging 50 kilometers of streets cleaned every day. Total garbage cleared and transported was measured 242858 kilograms. 2. Inspection and coordination of village and town hall: (1)In order to integrate the routes of the village and town halls which facilitate cleaning and washing machines and the Environmental Protection Bureau’s routes for achieving best efficiency, there were four job coordination meetings held for this program. Except for the coordination in details of cleaning and washing operations with every village and town offices, the meetings provided the most effective work projects and communication with every administrative offices. By sharing the experiences, it promoted the effects of streets cleaning and washing operation in the County. (2)To proceed with the inspection for the cleaning and washing operation of village and town offices in this fiscal year, website report system was provided for reporting the progress. As of now, every village and town office proceeded with the program on schedule according to their reported information. 3.As to the improvement of central separation island, from April 2008 to August 2008, our work team in this program started to spread, on bare ground, rice straw provided by FengYuan City at the central separation island on GangBu Road in QingShui with a total of 4560 square meters in area measure. 4. For improvement of the pollution source and investigation of dirty spots on county roads, during April 2008~February 2009, there were 14 pollutants monitored among which tree listed locations were removed by the end of February 2009. At least 33 dirty spots were submitted to village and town offices and Environmental Protection Bureau Pollutant Management Division for increasing the frequency of cleaning, washing and inspection. 5. Execution 「The representative road for the competition of each village or town」in this fiscal year,and the finial Shalu Township ,Fongyuan City and Da-an Township wine the champion.
英文關鍵字 Street Dust Cleaning and Washing