

中文摘要 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合未來環保署推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。 自95年2月10日簽約完成後執行至95年12月31日止,各項執行工作項目與成果摘要說明如下: 1.屏東縣空氣品質變化分析 屏東縣空氣品質在屏東測站、潮州測站及恆春測站,95年屏東縣空氣品質不良日共計92站日,其中以PM10為主之事件日為12站日,以O3為主之事件日為80站日,與94年相比,O3減少11站日,PM10減少16站日,而在鹽洲測站方面,空氣品質不良站日數為64站日,與94年累計不良站日數相比減少1站日。依屏東縣屏東測站、潮州測站、恆春測站及鹽洲測站之整體趨勢而言,皆以臭氧為主要指標污染物,除落實各項空氣污染管制計畫落實管制工作及空品不良季節之加強管制與應變措施,並積極透過三縣市之共同合作,以改善空氣品質。 2.空氣品質不良通報及回報作業 本年度該項作業主要進行預報、通報及回報作業,當空氣品質趨達不良或達任一測站即時空品監測值PM10之PSI副指標大於95或O3之PSI副指標大於85、高高屏空品區PSI預報值大於100時,即進行簡訊及e-mail發送通報,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報。 統計95年3月1日至12月31日,高屏空品區空氣品質預報屬於「不良」之日數為141日,實際發生不良之日數為44日,預報為「普通」或「良好」,但實際為發生空氣品質不良情形者為11日,總計實際空品發生不良日數共55日。在環保署空品預報不良141日中,各計畫回報率普遍超過80%,整體回報率為87.16%,分析未回報之原因中,大多為計畫疏忽及假日未安排巡查路線之因素。為因應本縣空氣品質發生不良情況,採用假日認養之機制進行查處,以加強防制工作。 3.空氣污染管制各子計畫執行進度掌握及評析 95年度屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共14項,可分為固定源、移動源及逸散源管制等三大類,除每月分析管考各計畫執行進度外,藉由各項指標評析各計畫之執行成效,包括環保署考核成果自評、工作項目及進度控管、執行方法及計畫執行品質、污染源減量、作業配合度及整體成效等。自各計畫執行日起統計至12月31日,評析結果分別為固定源管制計畫88.1分、移動源機車管制計畫88.7分、柴油車管制計畫88.2分、砂石場管制計畫84.5分、洗掃街作業計畫79.8分、營建工程管制計畫78.6分及露天燃燒管制計畫82.5分,整體平均為84.34分。營建及洗掃街計畫分數偏低主要原因為屬跨年度計畫,因此於部分工作達成量需於明(96)年達成使得評分偏低。 95年度削減量目標為總懸浮微粒1,080公噸、硫氧化物4公噸、氮氧化物6公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物150公噸,實際減量成效在總懸浮微粒為1,449.05公噸、硫氧化物為4.34公噸、氮氧化物為8.25公噸及非甲烷碳氫化合物189.57公噸,達成率分別為134.17%、108.50%、137.50%及126.38%,皆已達規劃目標。 4.修正屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫書 本計畫負責執行屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫,研擬管制策略並整合各計畫執行成效與方向,本年度檢討修正空氣污染防制計畫書主要重點內容在於加強配合中央政策做法與因地制宜創新作法擬定各項工作項目、由三級防制區達到二級防制區之期程說明及重大開發案對境內之影響衝擊與因應措施。 5.評析活動強度及污染物排放量變化 屏東縣TSP主要貢獻來源為固定源、砂石場、營建工程及露天燃燒,SOx、NOx主要貢獻為固定源、露天燃燒及移動源汽機車排放廢氣,NMHC主要貢獻來源為固定源、移動源、露天燃燒及加油站,依縣內實際執行之固定污染源工廠管制、逸散源之營建工程、砂石場及露天燃燒管制及移動源計畫所掌握各污染物之活動強度及污染物排放量,推估95年排放量在TSP為7,606.13噸、SOx為347.02噸、NOx為572噸、NMHC為1,134.48噸,車輛數為904,089輛,較94年成長2.27%,車輛數之成長亦為縣內SOx、NOx及NMHC污染物排放量增加之原因之一,本縣除持續推動機動車輛管制外,並將配合本縣特有之觀光資源衍生之車潮及活動作為管制推動重點。 6.規劃96年度空污費推動計畫 96年度規劃屏東縣空氣品質維護改善計畫推動方向上,本計畫參考環保署「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」中,有關經費用於空污防制執行性重點計畫比例考評指標及未來之執行工作重點,考量預期效益並檢討以往同類型計畫執行成效,規劃九十六年度計畫包括屏東縣空污基金編列計畫,如營建工程污染管制計畫、柴油車檢測計畫、街道揚塵洗掃計畫、空氣品質管理發展計畫及空品測站操作維護計畫。向中央環保署申請補助之相關計畫包括屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫、屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫─機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫、屏東縣砂石場清查列管及裸露地管制計畫、屏東縣加油站、揮發性有機物及餐飲業調查管制計畫、屏東縣柴油車油品檢測計畫、屏東縣固定源臭味及煙道採樣計畫、屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制作業計畫及屏東縣加強金紙、香及爆竹等祭祀用品焚燒之空氣污染管制計畫。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理,空氣品質污染指標,管制策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2666 千元
專案開始日期 2006/02/18 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 摘要.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

2006 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to assist Bureau of PTEPB(Environmental Protection Ping Tung County) to administer the various programs time table, the content and methodology itself. By means of the aforementioned implementation, we are able to review on what has been finished over time to help EPA deal with AP(air pollution) agendas and minutes to boot, with a sole eye to the integration of the air quality improvement. Besides, the perspectives that the EPA are marching towards to better the air quality(a.k.a. AQ) should again be aligned with our schedule either long-term, mid-term, or short-term as a projection to the control of the AQ in the future. Starting at Feb. 10, 2006, all executions as of Dec. 31, 2006 are as follows in brief: I. The analysis of the AQ variation in PT County The number of days which PT AQ reported poor accounts for 92 days in Pingtung, chaujou and Hengchuen area. With respect to the data analysis, PM10 , O3 accounts for 12 days and 80 days respectively. As opposed to the same period of time last year (2005), O3 declines by 11 days whereas PM10 declines by 16 days. In Yanjou, poor AQ days are 64, declines by 1 day as opposed to the same period of 2005. The target compound should be O3 for our reference to reinforce the controlling projects and take effective measures, and meanwhile boost up the ties among three counties, with a sole view again to fight the AQ. II. AQ feedbacks and related operations This operation is to implement forecast, reporting, and feedback. With the AQ exceeding 95 on the scale of PSI w.r.t. PM10 , or 85 on the scale of PSI w.r.t. O3 , or 100 on PSI w.r.t. KKP AQ areas, emails and messages are sent throughout all sites and feedback are supposed to be supervised, too. From Mar. 1st, 2006 to Dec. 31st, KKP AQ areas were reported poor in 141 days, during which 44 days were actual live up to “bad” level. Out of poor AQ days reported mediocre accounted for 11. In total, poor AQ days are 55. From 141 days reported poor, we can see the feedback is more than 80%, overall rate is 87.16%. Out of the flawed causes are some negligible cases. That is, preventive controls should be tightened up. III. Subprojects schedule reviews and controls The AQ improving plan has 14 subprojects in 2006, including three parts of Stationary Sources, mobile source and emission sources management. The reduction goals of pollutants were 1,080 tons of TSP, 4 tons of SOx, 6 tons of NOx and 150 tons of non-methal-hydrocarbonates (NMHC). The actual reduction of PM reaches to 1,449.05 in ton, sulfates 4.34 in ton, while NOx and NMHC are 189.57, which already measure up to 134.17%、108.50%、137.50%, and 126.38%, respectively. All make the purpose. IV. Adjust the Air pollution control proposal of Pingtung County We are in charge to executive of Air Quality Manage Project (AQMP). Studying the control strategy and assemble every subproject to archive their goals that including proposal amendment. In compliance to the Central government’s stipulation and contingencies, our air pollution control program reviews will focus on the collaboration between the 2 parties. Additionally, we should be well-prepared to cope with drastically unprecedented measures to upgrade the rate 3rd restricted area to the 2nd restricted area. V. Analysis the intensity and pollutant emission variety In Pingtung County, The TSP was mainly contributed by those sources that including Stationary Sources, gravel heap sites, construction sites and open burning. SOx and NOx were mainly contributed by Stationary Sources, open burning and mobile sources, and NMHC by Stationary Sources, mobile sources, open burning and gasoline station. According to the practical execution in each subproject of those sources, we estimated the emission quantity were that 7,606.13 tons of TSP, 347.02 tons of SOx, 572 tons of NOx and 1,134.48 tons of NMHC from Jan. to Dec. in 2006. In respect of mobile sources, we used the mobile bike quantity in Pingtung County that provided from Department of Statistics, Ministry of Transportation and Communications instead. The result showed out that 2006’s grows rate were 2.27% with 2005. That also causes the augmentation of SOx, NOx and NMHC. So we suggest to continuing the mobile bikes management that combined feature tourism sources as the main issue in the future. VI. Planning the Air Pollution Fee Promote Project in 2007 We have reference the principle execution of EPA to scheme on the Air Quality Improving project of Pingtung County in 2007. That including Air Pollution Fee Foundation arrangement of Construction Site Manage Project, Diesel Vehicles Inspecting Project, Street Emission Sources Cleaning Project, Air Quality Management and Development Project, Maintain Project of Air Quality Inspection Station. We also hand out the subsidy request that including several project of Stationary Sources, Mobile Sources and Construction sites and Open Bunning etc.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, PSI, Control Strategies