

中文摘要 本年度無人載具(UAV)遙測技術應用於海洋污染聯合巡查監控專案工作計畫中,業已完成48次無人飛機海上監測任務,其中包含22次海上巡邏任務,21次海陸協同作業任務與5次海空協同作業任務,並擬定海陸空協同作業之執行流程。 在協同作業方面,本年度結合了海巡署岸際雷達與港務局VTS系統之船隻監測資訊,在21次的之無人飛機海陸協同作業中,精確定位海上移動之大型船隻29艘,並可根據船隻的動態,進行長時間追蹤。在本年度任務執行期間,並未發現大型船隻非法排放情事。 無人飛機現可藉由輔助資訊,諸如衛星照片、船隻進出清單等,對海上移動點或固定點實施精確之空中監測,定位誤差可達半徑100公尺以下。遠端控制中心可透過無人飛機資料傳遞系統,即時監測無人飛機與海上目標之動態,並可藉由此系統,下達指揮命令。 經過本年度之專案之實施,目前無人飛機之監測涵蓋半徑擴展為20公里,即時影像距離延伸至離岸14公里,並可藉由無線傳輸設備將船隻座標傳遞至無人飛機地面控制站進行追蹤,最遠之操作距離為離岸7海浬。並在本專案執行後,已舉行三次教育訓練,主旨在於說明無人飛機在海洋污染監測的運用結果。
中文關鍵字 無人飛機,海洋污染,監測,遙測


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G106-02-232 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1900 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/18 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 吳昌暉
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 劉建華 執行單位 元智大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-106-02-232_s.pdf 6MB [期末報告]公開版

Marine pollution monitoring using UAV

英文摘要 In order to find ships and vessels in more precise way, this project cooperated with ROC Coast Guard, which is the executive organization of marine pollution. The Vessel Tracking Management System which is owned by Coastal Patrol Directorate General can provide vessels location information. The UAVs, utilized the information to track ships and vessels。 Base on the objective of this project, 48 aerial surveillance missions are accomplished included 22 marine patrol missions, 21 Aerial-Land cooperation missions and 5 Sea-Aerial cooperation missions. During this project the UAV discover and tracing 29 vessels based on the vessel tracking information system from R.O.C Coast Guard and Keelung Harbor Bureau. No illegal marine dumping was found during this project. The UAV can trace fixed or moving target on the sea according to satellites images or arrival/departure schedule. The UAV now can deliver real time image 14 km away from coast, and the control radius was extended to 20km. The control center can monitor status of UAV and passing commands to GCS via real time communication software. The crew also evaluated the possibility of UAV on board operation on the ship and built a a work flow of UAV sea-air-land cooperation missions. At the end of this project three workshops were coordinated to introduce the UAV marine pollution monitoring capability.
英文關鍵字 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV),remote sensing, marine pollution