

中文摘要 本計本計畫主要目標為檢討區域性及場置性監測井水質趨勢,提供監測計畫調整建議,並完成水庫集水區範圍內公有廢棄物掩埋場地下水質調查,提出監測及改善建議,以及蒐集全國地下水監測井相關監測資料,提出整合運用各單位現有井網地下水質監測資訊之建議。主要工作成果包括: 一、完成區域性、場置性監測井之地下水質趨勢分析及資料更新作業,並完成「區域性及場置性監測井分類及管理措施」、「區域性及場置性監測井統一編碼原則」、「更新資料卡及標示牌格式」及「調查、查(驗)證所設監測井之後續處理處置原則」等工作。 二、完成10處集水區範圍掩埋場及8處歷年地下水質調查曾超過管制標準掩埋場之基本資料蒐集、現勘及地下水採樣工作。查證後發現2處掩埋場地下水「苯」污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。 三、蒐集水利署、工業局、科學園區等單位地下水監測監測資料,提出各單位監測資訊整合格式建議。 四、完成25處歷年地下水氨氮監測結果超過監測基準且呈上升趨勢之區域性監測井測站現勘工作,並擇8處於周圍擇3~5點進行土壤、地下水調查工作,調查後顯示氨氮濃度偏高應屬區域性背景普遍情形。 五、完成2處廢井、1處區域性監測井補充設置及5口隱藏式地下水監測井之防水井頂蓋更新作業。
中文關鍵字 監測井管理,污染潛勢地區,地下水調查


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G102-02-202 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5320 千元
專案開始日期 2007/02/05 專案結束日期 2008/01/31 專案主持人 魏顯祥
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張良麗 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 監測井管理及高污染潛勢地區地下水質調查計畫.zip 183MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The monitoring well management and the groundwater investigation of potential polluted area project

英文摘要 This project had four goals. The first was to review the appropriateness and water quality of regional and site-specific groundwater monitoring wells in Taiwan. The second was to research the reasons of high NH3--N concentration of monitoring wells. The third was to complete the investigations of the groundwater quality in public landfill. The fourth was to search and collect the data of monitoring wells in Taiwan. The service period was from February 5th, 2007, to January 31th , 2008. The major work implemented was as follows: 1.To analyze 383 regional monitoring wells. According to the results, there were 29 regional monitoring wells which didn’t exceed the Groundwater Control Standards. 298 regional monitoring wells can consider to reduce the monitoring frequency in the feature. 56 regional monitoring wells whose groundwater quality had exceeded the Groundwater Control Standards and the trend of monitoring results kept going up then must to be keep the monitoring frequency. In addition, we also update the data of 1,357 site-specific monitoring wells in Soil and Groundwater Pollution System of EPA in Taiwan. And recommended that there were 20 regional monitoring wells which could also take as site-specific monitoring wells and added the monitoring items listed in Groundwater Control Standards. 2.To investigate the reasons that the NO3--N concentration of the regional monitoring wells exceeded the Groundwater Monitoring Standard, Considering the results of those locations of monitoring wells, we found there was only one location of monitoring well could influence the monitoring results and the others should be regional background. 3.To investigate the groundwater guilty of public landfill, we updated the data of public landfills in Taiwan and collected the basic data of 18 landfills. In Phase I investigation, we sampled the groundwater of 35 monitoring wells which were originally set in landfills. In result, we found there were 2 groundwater samples of landfills whose benzene exceeded the Groundwater Control Standard. According to investigation results, these 2 landfills were selected to proceed the next step (Phase II). In Phase II investigation, we took 7 groundwater samples of 3 new standard monitoring wells and 4 originally ones. In the result of investigations, the benzene of those 7 groundwater samples still exceeded the Groundwater Control Standard. We recommended to ask the administration of landfill agencies to monitor and improve the groundwater quality. 4.Completed to search and collect monitoring data in websites of WRA, IDB and science parks in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Monitoring well management, Potential polluted area, Groundwater investigation