

中文摘要 根據先前研究,台灣地區每年產生超過數百萬公噸的營建廢棄物,然其所含物質如金屬、混凝土塊、磚、瓦、木材、塑膠及玻璃等,多可回收再利用。在永續發展的世界潮流下,行政院環境保護署近來已著手推動縣市執行營建資源回收再利用計畫,尤其是針對一般家戶裝潢修繕所產生之營建廢棄物。 本計畫主要目標為協助行政院環境保護署進行營建資源回收再利用計畫,完成工作項目及成果說明如下: 1.已完成97年3~12月「營建工程污染管制及收費管理系統」與「事業廢棄物管制資訊網」勾稽比對作業,比對案件共計4238件。並針對兩系統目前比對資料差異,進行68 家符合列管資格廠商現場資料勾稽比對動作,提出事業廢棄物清理計畫書欄位及兩系統之改善建議。 2.已完成營建廢棄物申報資料欄位相關性分析,拆除工程影響廢棄物產生量因子為建築用途,新建工程影響廢棄物產生量因子為建築用途、建築構造及現場是否分類等三項。此外,依據事業廢棄物管制資訊網資料之統計分析,新建工程平均單位產生量為0.062公噸/平方公尺,而拆除工程為0.3254公噸/平方公尺。 3.已輔導六家有意申請再生綠建材標章產品之再利用廠商,確認申請再生綠建材標章項目及相關準備事宜。其中有三家再利用廠商順利提出標章申請,但另外三家廠商則因公司政策改變或生產製程須做更改之故,無法於本計畫期限內提出申請。 4.已針對「混凝土基本材料及施工一般要求」、「級配粒料基層」、「級配粒料底層」、「瀝青混凝土鋪面」、「水泥混凝土鋪面」等5項施工綱要規範,研擬具體修改內容,以利再利用工作之推動。 5.針對再利用示範道路工程已規劃完成再生材料基本性質試驗、生產工廠試驗、現場施工檢驗及品質控管等三階段之輔導,以利使用再生材料於該工程之基層、底層與鋪面。 6.研訂完成營建廢棄物減量推動計畫(草案),預計在4年內能達到營建廢棄物減量30%的目標。此外,該草案已召開過一次專家座談會及跨部會會議。 7.已持續維護及更新綠建材再利用產品資訊網相關內容,包括網址更新、更新綠建材標章規定、新增再生綠建材標章廠商、增設計數器及瀏覽次數統計等。 8.已輔導13個縣市政府修正「裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫書」,並辦理一場次示範觀摩會及協助辦理期中執行情形報告事宜。 9.已辦理一場次推動縣市執行營建資源回收再利用業務檢討會,參加人數共計70人;四場次營建再利用產品說明會及相關研商會議事宜,參加人數共計402人。 期望透過本計畫上述各項工作項目的執行,能創造再利用產品的市場需求,促進營建廢棄物回收與再利用,達成國家推動綠營建政策零廢棄與資源永續利用之目標。
中文關鍵字 營建,廢棄物,減量,再使用,回收再利用


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-H103-02-255 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4500 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/21 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 黃榮堯
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 謝淑貞 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 推動縣市執行營建資源回收再利用計畫期末報告.pdf 56MB [期末報告]公開完整版

A Project to Promote Recycle Building Construction and Demolition Wastes in Taiwan Local Governments

英文摘要 According to previous studies, millions tons of building construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) was generated each year in Taiwan. Nonetheless, most of the contents in CD&Ws, such as metals, concrete debris, brick, woods, plastics, glasses, are recyclable. Following the global trend of sustainable development worldwide, the Taiwan EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) has been putting enormous efforts in the recycling and reuse of the CD&Ws in Taiwan. Special attentions have been given to those CD&Ws generated from household renovation. This project was to assist Taiwan EPA in achieving the goals of reducing and recycling of CD&Ws and has completed the following work items: 1.Completed the task of auditing the data between March and December of 2008 in the Construction Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Information System and the Industrial Waste Report System. We audited a total of 4238 projects. In addition, we conducted on-site auditings of 68 construction and demolition projects on the control lost. As a result, suggestions on the two systems to improve the audition and controlling of construction and demolition projects were proposed. 2.Analyzed the data in the EPA’s Industrial Waste Report System to identify the factors affecting the generation of CD&Ws. Factors identified including the functional purpose of the building,the structural type of the building, and whether recycling is implemented on site. In addition, according to the data of the Industrial Waste Report System, 0.062 and 0.3254 ton of CD&Ws were generated per square meters of floor area for the building construction project and the building demolition project, respectively. 3.Assisted 6 companies in preparing necessary documents for applying the Green Building Material label for their recycled products. By the end of the project, three of them filed the applications while the other three filed to do so due to a change on company’s policy or manufacturing process. 4.Amended the working guidelines of 5 construction items so that the CD&Ws could be reused in the public construction projects. Those five items were ‘Concrete material’s, ‘Road subbase aggregate’, ‘Roadbase aggregate’, ‘Asphalt concrete pavement’, and ‘Cement concrete pavement.’ 5.Assisted a selected roadway construction project by using the recycled CD&Ws in its subbase, base, as well as the pavement to serve as a model for other construction projects to used recycled CD&Ws. We assisted the selected project to plan the test of the basic properties of the recycled materials, the examination of the plant for producing the recycled materials, and the on-site construction quality control of using the recycled materials. 6.Studied and developed a 4-year plan for reduction and recycling of CD&Ws in Taiwan. The goal was set to reduce and recycle 30% of CD&Ws in 4 years. An expert meeting and a meeting among all the related government agencies has been held to discuss the plan. 7.Maintained the website of the Green Building Products in the EPA and updated the corresponding information. Completed tasks included changing of the web address, updating the application information of the recycled product Green Mark, adding the listed name of the companies obtained the recycled product Green Mark, and adding a statistical counter for recording the number of people visited the website, and so on. 8.Assisted the EPA in reviewing 12 proposals solicited from local counties for recycling the CD&Ws generated from household renovation. In addition, a meeting was held for the 12 local counties to report their progress on the project and to share their experiences. 9.Held 1 review meeting of 70 participants for exchanging and sharing the experience in recycling CD&Ws. In addition, 4 workshops were held in different parts of Taiwan to promote the construction recycled products with a total participants of 402. We expected with the implementation of all the above works, the market initiatives and demands for recycled CD&W products would be increased. Thus, the recycling and reuse of CD&Ws could be facilitated and wastes reduced.
英文關鍵字 construction, wastes, reduction, reuse, recycling