

中文摘要 本計畫為一年度計畫,主要計畫目標為(1)農地污染調查與汙染源查驗:查驗受污染農田範圍、污染物鑑別、污染源調查。(2)土壤、地下水污染場址整治成果驗證:加油站及土壤、地下水污染場,完成污染整治驗證或階段性整治成效查驗,以作為場址解除列管之依據,或供整治成效查核。(3)地下水污染調查:本縣地下水污染場址與污染潛勢地區調查,本計畫將追查污染源、調查污染範圍,污染原明確者,將據以責成污染行為人,採取必要的防治措施,避免污染源擴散,並進行地下水污染整治。(4)環境污染事件緊急應變:當發生環境污染事件時,經機關通知後,廠商應於規定時間內至污染場址,調查污染情形、污染受體採樣與檢測、污染源查證及採取必要之防護措施等。 12月工作項目:太平洋玻璃公司進行全場XRF篩檢共60個,將篩測數據較高的土壤檢驗共9個,設置簡易井16口、地下水採集3口。六股埤灌溉渠道採樣共70個灌溉用水及16個底泥。
中文關鍵字 土壤,地下水,緊急應變


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2528.500 千元
專案開始日期 2007/12/29 專案結束日期 2008/12/28 專案主持人 楊迪光
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 恆逸工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96年度桃園查證計畫執行成果摘要9802.pdf 0MB

Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution project in Taoyuan County 2007

英文摘要 There are exceeded 10 industrial parks in Taoyuan County. Although, it development Taoyuan County, but also products many waste and waste water. He began to set up the groundwater monitor and investigate that supervised work from the 86th year of the Republic of China. And from the 89th year of the Republic of China, carry on the lasting monitoring to the soil and groundwater water quality in the county, specially compile “the peach soil and groundwater pollution surveys, investigating and verifying and urgent emergency plan of Taoyuan County” to undertaking of the supposition that is each polluted, make use of the soil and underground water pollution situation in order to really control. Stop at the end of 97th year of the Republic of China, this plan carries out much emergency investigation promptly that one is investigated and verified and worked and supported, prove as follows: 1. The soil pollution is checked: Carry out soil of 10 investigates and verify and work. 2. The soil pollution sources is investigated: Checking of 2 investigations water quality by the bottom mud, estimate the possible pollution source.. 3. The underground water pollution is checked: Carry out 6 investigations. 4. The monitoring well maintain: Safeguard 10 each altogether. 5. The environmental contamination accident investigated and emergency: Carry out soil of 7 investigates and verify and work.
英文關鍵字 Soil, Groundwater, Emergency Response