

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的為推估具有理論基礎與費率計算實際可用之環境影響成本,首先探討環境影響成本之理論架構與方法,並依費率訂定之政策目的,選取適當之評估方法;其次為釐清國內廢電子電器及廢資訊物品經處理廠拆解處理,所可能產生的廢棄物與其環境影響,並根據可能造成環境之影響推估環境影響成本。 廢電子電器及廢資訊物品可能對環境產生危害物比例最大者為:(1)螢光粉所含之汞(Hg)、(2)各元件拆解過程產生之廢油、(3)重金屬,如砷(As)、鎘(Cd)、鉻(Cr)、銅(Cu)、鎳(Ni)、鉛(Pb)及鋅(Zn)等。 可用以推估環境影響成本的方法繁多,根據第一次專家學者座談會結論,以「維護成本法」作為本研究環境影響成本推估基礎,並以其子方法:清運成本、二次污染防治成本、及復育成本等作為可能之推估模式選項。 環境影響成本推估結果如下:1. 清運成本:一公斤之廢物品需支出2.4~3元。2. 二次污染防治成本:筆記型電腦7(元/台);主機板23(元/台);監視器30(元/台);印表機18(元/台),各廠資料詳見表4-14。家電物品之污染防治成本為廢電視機35(元/台);廢洗衣機41(元/台);廢電冰箱118(元/台);廢冷暖氣75(元/台)。3. 復育成本:以汞案例為基礎為640元(元/台)、以油案例為基礎為38(元/台)、以重金屬案例為基礎為2(元/台)。 本研究所推估各類「環境影響成本」數值,的確將使費率因子中「回收清除處理總成本」此項收入增加,但此時若在「環境影響成本」此項無對應之支出,則收入之增額,將在下一年度費率因子中,為「信託基金結餘攤銷數」所稀釋,對最終費率值之影響有限。 本研究之政策建議如下: 1.建議以二次污染防治成本推估結果,當作環境影響成本替代變數。 2.環境影響成本之收入,需妥善運用於回收體系下防治污染之活動。 3.建議環境影響成本推估值必須同時考量基金支出,才具操作實質意涵;若目前暫無法同時考量,則可考慮將環境影響成本自費率公式中移除。 4.考慮推動回收處理廠商環境資訊揭露制度。
中文關鍵字 環境影響成本、評估準則、量化環境成本


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-HA14-03-A140 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/08 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 羅時芳
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 林素菁 執行單位 中華經濟研究院


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期末報告 EPA96HA1403A140.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental Cost of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Value and Evaluation Criteria

英文摘要 This project aims to evaluate the environmental cost of waste electrical and electronic equipments by the following process: Firstly, we review the methodology and measurement tools of environmental cost. Secondly, we identify the hazards of the waste (e.g. phosphor powder, waste oil, and heavy metal, etc.) and the possible impact path to human health as well as the environment. And finally, we evaluate the environmental cost by collecting quantitative data from interview, questionnaires, and case studies. From previous literature, there are a number of ways to evaluate environmental cost. The methods can be roughly categorized as (1) the cost-based method (e.g. clean-up cost, abatement cost, and replacement cost), and (2) the damage-based method (e.g. hedonic price method, averting behavior method, cost of illness method, health production function, travel cost method, contingent valuation method, and conjoint analysis). For the calculation convenience of Disposal Fee Formula, we use the cost-based method as measuring basis for two reasons: (1) the data are generally available; (2) the data should be easy updated annually. We therefore evaluate clean-up cost, abatement cost, and replacement cost of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Four policy suggestions are derived from this research: 1.In Disposal Fee Formula, the abatement cost should be taken as proxy of the environmental cost for waste electrical and electronic equipment。 2.The income comes from environmental cost should be exactly used in pollution control and recycle. 3.The revenue and the expense of environmental cost should be consistent with each other. Otherwise, the environmental cost should be considered to be excluded from Disposal Fee Formula. 4.The government should promote environmental information disclosure system.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Cost, Evaluation Criteria, Evaluating environmental cost