

中文摘要 為展現我國資源回收十餘年來在民眾、回收處理業者及地方環保機關等通力合作下的具體成果,行政院環境保護署資源回收管理基金管理委員會精心策劃「2008 資源回收國際研討會」。計畫執行單位依合約精神邀請了歐洲、亞洲及美洲國外專家及國內專業人士擔任講師,分別就各國資源回收制度的比較、回收處理後衍生物資源化提升技術以及資源回收處理產業產值提升,設計大會議程,進行分組研討。研討會於 2008 年 12 月 16 日至 17 日,為期 1.5 天,假台北福華國際文教會館舉辦,討論熱烈,會議圓滿完成。 1998 年回收基管會成立以來,積極推動四合一計畫,十年多來,資源回收工作頗見成效。為使社會各界以及國際人士能瞭解台灣在資源回收工作上的努力與成果,首次編印回收基管會年鑑,讓國人能對資源回收工作有全面性的了解,亦期望未來逐年紀錄政策的制定與回收產業的演變,留存軌跡,一則可供回顧,亦可展望未來。執行單位工作團隊與回收基管會主管及同仁們多次會議進行年鑑編撰之討論,確立回收基管會首本年鑑的內容大綱。執行單位展開兩篇專家論壇的邀稿,以及文稿大綱的送陳。各章節的中英文文稿編輯、圖表整理等工作逐步進行,並依次送陳委託單位核修。執行單位提送年鑑封面及整體美工設計圖樣,由委託單位核定。考量年鑑圖文閱讀之品質,執行單位將合約規範之雙色印刷提升為彩色印刷,文稿及美編內容於委託單位核定後,三校完成付梓。
中文關鍵字 資源回收, 國際研討會, 年鑑


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-HA11-03-A186 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3150 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/25 專案結束日期 2009/02/28 專案主持人 陳文卿
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 簡曉綺 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 6MB [期末報告]公開完整版

2008 International Resource Recycling Conference Project

英文摘要 In order to highlight Taiwan’s achievements in resource recycling for the past decade through the joint efforts of the recycling industry, local communities and environmental protection bureaus, the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) sponsored the 2008 International Conference on Resource Recycling in December 2008. Resource recycling experts from Europe, Asia and North America were invited to speak at the Conference focusing on three themes: Comparisons of national resource recycling schemes, Advances in waste treatment derived resources, and Added value in resource recycling industry; as well as attending the roundtable discussion following the Conference. The Conference was held at the Howard International House Taipei, December 16-17, 2008. Since the foundation of the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) and the introduction of the Four-in-One Recycling Program in 1998, significant accomplishments have been achieved in the past decade on resource recycling in Taiwan. In order for the public and international stakeholders to understand Taiwan’s efforts and achievements in resource recycling, the RFMB has decided to publish this Annal for the first time. With the publication of this Annal, the RFMB wishes to provide the Taiwan citizens with a comprehensive understanding of the domestic recycling efforts, as well as to record the progression of waste management policy development and the evolution of domestic recycling industry, which can not only serve as historical records but also lessons for future efforts. After multiple meetings between the project team and the RFMB, the outline for the Annal was finally decided; the project team then proceeded with drafting the contents and sending invitations for the two expert forum articles. When the draft text, tables and figures in both Chinese and English were ready, they were sent to the RFMB for approval and revision. The project team also submitted the layout and design for the Annal to RFMB and obtained the approval. In order to improve the quality of the Annal, the project team changed the two-color printing specification as specified in the project contact to full-color printing, and completed the production and printing of the Annal with the final approval of the contents and art design by the RFMB.
英文關鍵字 Resource recycling, International conference, Annual report