

中文摘要 本(97)年度本計畫主要執行項目包括:一、執行固定污染源之許可審查、許可查核、稽巡查、檢測、違規取締、追蹤改善、資料建檔及資訊系統資料維護與更新等管制工作。二、配合空污費徵收工作,執行申報受理、建檔、審查、結算、諮詢及現場查核工作。執行之各工作項目內容說明如下: 一、固定污染源許可審查、查核、稽巡查、檢測、違規取締、追蹤改善、資料建檔及資訊系統資料維護與更新之相關作業: (一)固定污染源許可審查、查核等作業: 1.執行各項許可申請共30件,完成許可審查並已發證共計27件、有2件因逾期未繳納審查費及1件缺失改善逾期未補正被駁回申請,完成發證比例為90%。 2.許可現場查核73件,其中有20件查核內容與許可證規定不符,經要求改善或補正及輔導追蹤後,19件已改善完成,1件尚未改善,並將持續追蹤,整體改善完成率達95%。 3.執行空氣污染防制專責人員變更申請案件之審查1件。 (二)完成公告應定期檢測、現場監督檢測及檢測報告書審查案件共計14件,執行完成率為100%,各公私場所並已完成上網申報,顯示公私場已能遵守定檢制度規定。 (三)原規定執行連續自動監測設施(CEMS)查核2件之工作事項,因97年10月31日止本縣轄區應符合相關規範者-達和大豐環保股份有限公司台東縣垃圾焚化廠尚未獲核准完工營運,故本工作項目依契約規定改成空氣污染物排放量申報查核增加4件。 (四)排放量申報、審查及查核作業: 1.本年度累計至第3季,各季應申報數為28家次,各季已全數完成申報,申報率為100%,本年度提供試算表並輔導業者申報,經審查發現正確率從第1季的79%提昇至第3季的93%,各季不符合之業者經由審查人員輔導修正後亦已全數完成補正改善,完成改善率100%。 2.執行現場查核28件,查核結果均符合規定,符合率100%。 (五)稽巡查作業: 1.環保局稽查224件及處分16件,皆已完成建檔工作。 2.完成公私場所巡查320件,並完成資料建檔工作。 3.巡查過程中有發現54件缺失較嚴重,執行人員立即進行輔導改善,已全數改善完成,改善完成率為100%。執行成效皆於作業完成後鍵入固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統,且每月提請空氣品質管理計畫(AQMP)彙報環保署。 (六)完成煙道排放粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物等空氣污染物檢測7根次(含瀝青拌合廠煙道2根次),檢測結果皆符合法定之排放標準。 (七)完成液體燃料含硫量採樣檢測10件,其中鴻達實業(股)公司其測得的值為0.862wt%,高於公告標準限值0.5wt%,本案已裁罰,業者並已更換0.5wt%以下之油品(附有檢測報告),完成改善。 (八)臭異味污染源稽巡查共完成25件,並針對被陳情頻率較高者進行6件臭味陳情案中臭氣/厭惡性異味官能測定,檢測結果皆符合法定排放標準。 (九)依照執行進度完成許可審查與查核、稽巡查、檢測及處分等資料鍵入固定污染源空氣污染管理資訊系統中。 (十)固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統更新、擴充及品管與品保(QA/QC)作業: 1.完成固定污染源空氣污染管理資訊系統之各項資料品管與品保(QA/QC)錯鋘修正271件、更新作業48件及擴充作業2件。 2.執行後總納管排放量為1923.236公噸/年,其中粒狀污染物納管排放量為914.575公噸/年、硫氧化物納管排放量為225.863公噸/年、氮氧化物納管排放量為684.765公噸/年、揮發性有機物質納管排放量為98.033公噸/年。 (十一)本縣自從推動公私場所廠區綠美化活動以來,共計砂石場,預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等28家陸續參與此項活動,本年度亦有15家業者參與,種植面積累積為18,500平方公尺,TSP削減量為0.543公噸/年。 (十二)完成對砂石洗選場或有土石堆置場等污染源進行周界空氣中粒狀污染物檢測10件,檢測結果皆符合法定之排放標準。 (十三)推動公私場所認養周界道路,目前承諾認養之業者有27家,承諾認養總長度為13.1公里,實際洗掃總長度達4602.93公里,TSP削減量63.52公噸/年、PM10削減量11.97公噸/年,並加強執行現場洗掃情形查核35件,查核時若發現未依承諾確實洗掃者立即要求改善。 (十四)於97年06月25日時舉辦固定污染源許可管理之空氣污染防制法規暨污染防制工作檢討說明會1場次,說明會議題大綱為(1)新修及相關法規說明。(2)許可查核缺失及改善方法說明。(3)空氣污染防制檢討。(4)可行的污染防制措施說明。 二、固定污染源空污費申報繳納之相關作業: (一)於97年07月25日辦理空污費申報繳納說明會1場次,繳請對象為需申繳SOX、NOX及VOCS空污費者,說明會議題大綱為(1)新修及相關法規說明。(2)申報流程及方法說明。(3)收費費率及案例說明。 (二)本(97)年度第1季~第3季空污費申報案件之建檔、審查226件,完成第1季~第3季空污費申報結算案件154件(SOX、NOX的部分),並將結算明細及初審明細表檢附於公文通知各公私場所。 (三) 完成第1季~第3季空污費申報催補繳作業33件,催繳金額累計為12,945元整,並執行空污費申報現場查核65件,現場查核有缺失25件,經輔導後,查核缺失已全數改善完成,改善完成符合率達100%。 (四)維護空污費申報系統正常運作。 三、減碳議題相關作業: (一)完成清查排放二氧化碳之固定污染源共計91家,並建立排放量資料,其統計結果溫室氣體排放量CO2 207,025.218公噸/年、CH4 2.542公噸/年、N2O 2.380公噸/年,總溫室氣體為207,818.47公噸/年。 (二)於97年10月20日完成辦理「固定污染源減碳相關議題說明會」1場次,主要邀請參加對象為使用固體及液體燃料之公私場所,說明會議題大綱為(1)基本概念介紹。(2)中央溫室氣體管制作業推動狀況。(3)台東縣轄區固定污染源,應如何盤查並推動節能減碳措施。 (三)固定污染源減碳之評估分析作業,除就工廠製程面分析外,亦針對行政管理、運輸、作業機具、製程設備或防制設備維護保養等節能減碳層面進行評估分析。 (四)在配合環保署政策,推動本縣相關減碳宣導: 1.本計畫執行人員於97年9月2日假池上鄉公所會議室辦理1場次「台東縣各鄉鎮市村里長節能減碳無悔措施全民行動方案宣導座談會」,以促使村里長全力配合向各村里里民作宣導。 2.協助完成進行商家節能減碳十大無悔措施宣導及簽署,共計54家 商家參與簽署,並請各商家張貼宣導單,以期擴大宣導。 四、本年度創新作法: (一)本年度提排放量申報之創新作法,利用Excel試算表格,針對各廠現況設計符合每廠(場)排放量計算公式,讓各廠(場)申報人員只要將每季的使用量填入該試算表格中,排放量皆可自動帶出,申報人員再將Excel帶出之排放量填入固定污染源管理資訊系統相關欄位,並將本表格上傳即可完成該季之申報。 (二)在執行成效上本年度利用創新作法輔導業者上網申報排放量,各季申報率達100%,經審查後符合率亦從第1季的79%提昇至第3季的93%,未符合者經輔導後也已全部完成補正,另本年度共完成32件現場查核作業,查核結果未發現有申報不實或不符情形,符合率為100%,較96年度的46%大幅提昇,顯示本年度所提的創新作法已有顯著成效。 五、其他協助或配合之工作事項: (一)計畫執行期間隨時新增或更新與本計畫相關業務資訊資料之綱頁。 (二)計畫執行期間提供環保局相關業務之新聞稿發佈新聞。 (三)於97年12月12日時依照評選承諾,辦理1場次空氣污染防制專責人員在職訓諫講習,說明會議題大綱為(1)法規說明。(2)電子網路傳輸申請許可證系統判紹及操作。(3)最佳可行控制技術介紹。(4)摸式模擬說明。 (四)依照評選承諾完成製作捲軸式海報看板2幅。
中文關鍵字 固定空氣污染源,稽查管制,空氣污染防制基金費,催繳,補繳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 3270 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/29 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 本文.rar 61MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The regular air pollution sources is checked and controlled and the empty dirty fee press for the plan of Taitung County

英文摘要 This (97) years of this plan the implementation of the project mainly include the following: First, the implementation of fixed sources of pollution of the license review, permission checking, verifying the inspection, detection, non-banned, tracking improvement, data archiving and information system data maintenance and update of such controls. Two, with the air pollution charges, the Executive declared admissible, archiving, review, billing, consulting and on-site checking. The implementation of each work item description is as follows: First, fixed sources of pollution permit review, checking, verifying the inspection, detection, non-banned, tracking improvement, data archiving and information system maintenance and update of information related to operations: (A) the stationary source permit review, checking and other operations: 1. The implementation of the application for leave to a total of 30 to complete the permit review and certification of a total of 27, have two due to overdue payment of examination fee and a loss of correction was overdue improvement to dismiss the application, complete the certification of the ratio of 90% . 2. 73 license at the scene to check, there is one of 20 to check the content and does not permit, upon request, or to make corrections to improve the tracking and counseling after the completion of 19 has improved, has not been an improvement and will continue to track, to improve overall completion rate up to 95%. 3. The implementation of air pollution control applications for a dedicated team to change a review of cases. (B) the completion of notice should be regularly monitored, on-site supervision of Detect Detect and report a total of 14 cases reviewed, the implementation of the completion rate was 100%, the public and private Internet sites and has completed the declaration, showing public and private market has been able to comply with inspection system. (C) of the original provisions of the implementation of continuous automatic monitoring facilities (CEMS) to check the work of two issues, because of 97 years ended October 31 districts of the county should be consistent with the relevant regulator - Tatsu and environmental protection Co., Ltd. Dafeng County garbage incineration plant completion of the operation has not been approved, so this work item in accordance with the provisions of the lease changed to air pollutant emissions to increase 4 to check the declaration. (Iv) emissions reporting, reviewing and checking operations: 1. This year a total of 3 to quarter, the quarter should declare the number of 28 times, each quarter has been fully completed declaration, the declaration rate of 100 percent this year to provide a spreadsheet and counseling industry to declare, after examination found the right one from the first quarter of 79% to the first 3 quarter of 93 percent, each quarter do not meet the industry through the review of counseling staff have been fully completed amended to make corrections to improve the completion rate of 100 percent improvement. 2. 28 to check the implementation of the scene, checking the results are in line with the regulations are in line with the rate of 100%. (E) verifying the inspection operations: 1. EPA 224 inspectors and penalties of 16, have been completed job file. 2. Completed 320 inspections of public and private places, and complete information on job file. 3. Inspection process has found 54 deficiencies more serious, law enforcement officers immediately to improve the counseling has been completed in full to improve to improve the completion rate was 100%. Implementation of the effectiveness in operation after the completion of all type of fixed sources of air pollution management information system, and a monthly draw of air quality management plan (AQMP) EPA report. (Vi) the completion of the stack particulate emissions of pollutants, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and other air pollutants Detect seven times (including asphalt mixing plant flue 2 times), test results are in compliance with the statutory emission standards. (Vii) the completion of the sulfur content of liquid fuel sampling Detect 10, one of Hongda Industry (shares) the company of its measured value is 0.862wt%, higher than the standard limits Notice 0.5wt%, the case has been punishment, both the industry and has 0.5wt% below the replacement of oil (with testing report), the completion of the improvement. (H) verifying the foul smell pollution inspections completed a total of 25, and against the petition to the higher frequency of 6 to petition the case of odor smell / offensive odor functional measurement test results are in compliance with the statutory emission standards. (Ix) in accordance with progress in the implementation of the completion of license review and checking, verifying the inspection, testing and penalties of data type stationary source of air pollution management information system. (X) fixed sources of air pollution management information system update, the expansion and quality control and quality assurance (QA / QC) operations: 1. Completed stationary source of air pollution management information system of the data quality control and quality assurance (QA / QC)鋘mistake amendment 271 to update the operation and expansion of 48 operations 2. 2. The implementation of overall satisfaction for pipe emissions 1923.236 tonnes / year, one of particulate pollutant emissions satisfied tube 914.575 tonnes / year, sulfur oxide emissions satisfied tube 225.863 tonnes / year of nitrogen oxides emissions satisfied tube for 684.765 tonnes / year of volatile organic material emissions satisfied pipe 98.033 tonnes / year. (Xi) the county since the promotion of public and private places of green landscaping plant activity since, for a total of gravel field, ready-mixed concrete plants, asphalt mixing plants and 28 yards been involved in this activity, this year there are 15 persons involved in the family business, plant accumulated for the 18,500 square meters area, TSP reduction of 0.543 tonnes / year. (Xii) the completion of gravel washing or have field sources such as earth and rock to the perimeter of particulate air pollutants Detect 10, test results are in compliance with the statutory emission standards. (Xiii) to promote public and private establishments to adopt the perimeter road, the current commitment to the industry adoption of 27 have committed to adopt a total length of 13.1 kilometers, the actual washing sweep a total length of 4602.93 kilometers, TSP to reduce the volume of 63.52 tonnes / year, PM10 reduction 11.97 tonnes / year, and to strengthen the implementation of the scene to check washing sweep 35 cases, failed to check when and if the commitment is indeed sweep wash immediately to request for improvement. (Xiv) in the 97-year June 25 was held stationary source permit the management of Air Pollution Control Pollution Control regulations and to review the job description will be one screening, the meeting title for the outline (1) newly built and explain relevant laws and regulations. (2) permission to check and improve the methods of description missing. (3) Air Pollution Control review. (4) pollution control measures feasible description. Two, fixed sources of air pollution fee paid to declare related operations: (1) in 97 years July 25 to declare for the air pollution fee paid will be one that matches, please pay for the need to pay Shanghai SOX, NOX and air pollution fee VOCS, the title of the outline for the meeting (1) a new repair and related Help regulations. (2) declare that flow and methodology. (3) fee rates and case notes. (B) the (97) the first one quarter of the year ~ the first 3 quarter of the air pollution fee on the file to declare the case, review of 226 completed the first quarter of ~ the first one quarter of the air pollution fee 3 declare clearing 154 cases (SOX, NOX part ), and billing details and schedule of First Instance is attached documents to inform the public and private places. (C) completion of the first quarter of 1 ~ No. 3 quarter reminder to declare air pollution fee back operation 33, the amount of cumulative callable entire 12,945 yuan, and the implementation of air pollution costs 65 to declare the scene to check the scene to check there is loss of 25, after counseling, check the deletion has been completed in full to improve to improve the completion rate was 100%. (Iv) the maintenance of air pollution fee system, the normal operation of the declaration. Three, minus carbon issues related operations: (I) the completion of a fixed inventory of carbon dioxide emissions a total of 91 sources of pollution and set up emissions data, the statistical results of greenhouse gas emissions CO2 207025.218 tonnes / year, CH4 2.542 tonnes / year, N2O 2.380 tonnes / year, the total greenhouse 207,818.47 metric tons of gas / year. (B) in 97 years October 20 to complete processing the "fixed sources of pollution by carbon related issues that will be" one screening, the main target for the use of invitation to take part in solid and liquid fuel of the public and private places, title of the outline for the meeting (1) introduce the basic concepts . (2) the central control of greenhouse gases to promote the situation of operation. (3) County area fixed sources of pollution, how to inventory and promote energy-saving measures to reduce carbon. (C) fixed carbon sources minus Assessment Analysis of operation, in addition to the noodle factory manufacturing process analysis, but also for the administration, transportation, operating machinery, process equipment or control equipment maintenance and other energy-saving carbon-minus level to assess the analysis. (Iv) in line with EPA policy to promote the county minus the carbon-related advocacy: 1. The implementation of this project on 97 September 2 false Chihshang Township Office Conference Room 1 matches for "Taitung City village chief of the township minus energy-saving measures carbon no regrets universal program of action advocacy forum" to promote the village chief to fully cooperate with the village people for advocacy. 2. To assist businesses to complete the implementation of energy-saving measures to reduce carbon Ten no regrets advocacy and signed, for a total of 54 businesses to participate in the signing, and invites businessmen propaganda poster, single, with a view to expanding advocacy. Four, this year's innovative approach: (A) to declare this year to mention emissions innovative approach, using Excel spreadsheet form, for each plant design would comply with the current status of each plant (field) formula for calculating emissions for all plants (field) will declare a quarterly basis as long as the staff of the use of fill spreadsheet into the table, emissions can be automatically brought out, after the declaration of staff and then brought out of Excel fill in stationary source emissions management information system-related fields, and upload to complete this form of declaration of the quarter. (B) in the implementation of the effectiveness of the current year on the practice of the use of innovative online counseling industry reporting emissions, the reporting quarter rate of 100%, after examination is also in line with the rate of one quarter from the first 79% to the first 3 quarter of 93 percent, not were in line with the guidance has also been completed after the corrections, and the other this year completed a total of 32 check-site operations, to check the results have been found false, or non-cases, in line with the rate of 100%, compared with 96 the year increased 46 percent, indicating the current year innovative approach has been referred to remarkable results. Friday, other assistance or work with items: (A) program at any time during the implementation of new or updated plan with the relevant business information website information. (B) plan during the implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency press release related to business news. (C) 97 years in the December 12 selected in accordance with commitments, one screening for Air Pollution Control dedicated team of in-service training workshops, the meeting title for the outline (1) The regulations note. (2) transmission electron network Shaozeng contractors to apply for a permit system and operation. (3) best available control technology introduction. (4) Analog mode description. (Iv) selected in accordance with the commitment to complete the production of posters billboards scroll 2.
英文關鍵字 Regular air pollution sources,Check and control,The air pollution defends and makes fund fee,Press for payment of,Pay arrears