

中文摘要 本計畫完成民國94~99年6月一般測站歷年及逐月空氣品質變化分析。民國98年全國一般測站PSI>100為2.87%,與97年持平,較96年之3.69%改善,99年6月底未扣沙塵暴之不良率為2.08%。完成環保署不同類型測站傳統空氣污染物與有害空氣污染物之歷年趨勢分析,並針對臭氧前趨物分析NMHC與NOx在不同空品區之比值變化。本計畫已完成97及98年度空氣污染防制總檢討報告。自98年9月迄今已協助環保署完成4份空氣品質監測報告。 在環境負荷各項活動指標以建照核發樓地板面積與全國空品不良率之歷年變化相關性最高。在氣象因素由北往南降雨日數減少而日照時數增多,為中部以南地區空品不良率偏高的原因之一,尤以秋冬季節最為明顯。本計畫已針對98.11.2的本土河川揚塵污染事件、99.3.21境外沙塵暴污染事件及99.7.25台塑六輕爆炸事件導致之空氣污染事件,進行污染成因分析並研擬後續配套措施。進行高屏空品區PSI>200空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急應變模擬演練,針對該辦法對於境外沙塵暴之適用性,完成修正草案之研擬。 本計畫分析北部及南部超級測站,PM2.5/PM10年平均濃度比值約60%~70%,南部4座超級測站年平均值皆略高於北部新莊超級測站且季節性變化較為明顯;各污染物Nitrate及Sulfate較OC與EC之季節性變化明顯,24小時濃度變化與上下班交通流量有明顯相關。 透過光化測站之分析,52種VOCs物種年平均濃度以甲苯最高,其中台西站之丙烯濃度偏高,小港站之乙烯濃度偏高,推測乃受到鄰近石化工業區之影響;北部、雲嘉南及高屏空品區之光化測站,均以都會型測站濃度值較高,顯示交通污染源之貢獻明顯。本計畫並以MIR值前10大之物種,進行各光化站月變化及日變化趨勢分析,並經由96年小港光化站之異常高值,解析不同地區臭氧空品不良之污染成因。 因應高屏空品區空品不良(PSI>100)通報作業,本計畫配合監資處自動簡訊通報系統提出簡訊通報建議值,每月並協助高屏空品區進行跨縣市之柴油車攔查、VOC工廠稽查、河川疏竣稽查,陸空飛鷹巡查等。並與高屏及竹苗空品區召開99年度涵容總量減量目標研商會,估算各縣市99年減量目標之達成度。本計畫模擬6項臭氧減量措施發現,針對中部以南臭氧空氣品質之改善策略,應改變傳統加強點源管制之觀念,而應投注更多資源在移動源車輛及面源THC的管制減量工作。完成98年縣巿提報之空氣污染防制計畫書審核工作,彙整各縣市98~100年之空氣品質目標,完成99年及100年SIP考評『整體規劃及績效管理』及『空氣品質改善』之修訂建議及技術支援。 彙整國外空氣品質管制策略研訂過程資料供環保署參考,掌握美國聯邦各類污染物空氣品質加嚴標準,探討空氣品質對人體健康之影響。彙整新增重大開發案空氣污染影響資料,透過全國各空品區之涵容總量規劃,完成短、中、長程空品目標及排放量目標之設定,彙整點源、面源及線源最新管制策略,研擬不同情境管制措施,提出現階段及未來可行之管制策略,納入空保處整體策略評估。彙整模式支援中心對重大開發案之模擬成果,以光化模式驗證涵容總量在中部空品區之臭氧空氣品質改善成效,在情境3及4減量措施下,可有效達到105年中部空品區臭氧空品目標,重大開發案的加入雖然對空氣品質有負面影響,但在落實情境3及4減量措施下,整體仍可達成105年中部空品區空品目標。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質;管制策略;空氣品質管理計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-A184 經費年度 098 計畫經費 9600 千元
專案開始日期 2009/09/23 專案結束日期 2010/09/22 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度-空氣品質改善整合性分析及空品區污染減量推動計畫定稿本.pdf 94MB

Integrated analysis to improve air quality of nation-wide and air pollution control action for air b

英文摘要 In general monitoring stations, this plan analyzed the yearly variation in air quality from 2005 to 2010 and the monthly variation from January 2005 to June 2010. In 2009, the nation-wide PSI>100 was 2.87% in general monitoring stations. It was the same as in 2008, but improved as compared with the 3.69% in 2007. By the end of June 2010 the PSI>100 was 2.08%, including the case of dust storm. This plan analyzed the yearly trend of traditional air pollutants and harmful air pollutants in different monitoring stations. It also aimed at the ozone precursor matter to analyze the NMHC and NOx ratio in different air basin areas. The Annual Assessment Report of the Air Pollution Control in 2008 and 2009 had completed. Furthermore, this plan has assisted the EPA with completing four air quality monitoring reports since September 2009. The licensed floor space for construction has the highest relation to the nation-wide poor air quality. This is an important index of environmental burden. According to the climate factor, the rainfall decreases from the north to the south. On the contrary, the sunlight increases. Therefore, it is one of the reasons for higher poor air quality from the midland to the south, especially in the fall and winter. This plan has analyzed the cause of the following cases and taken measures for the follow-up, a) The dust spreading case of local rivers on Nov. 2, 2009. b) The case of foreign dust storm on March 21, 2010. c) The FPC explosion case of No.6 Naphtha Project which caused air pollution on July 25, 2010. To cope with the serious deterioration of PSI>200 air quality, the emergency control regulations are made in Kao-Ping air basin areas. As to the foreign dust storm, this plan has amended the draft for practical application. This plan analyzed the information from super monitoring stations in the north and south. The yearly average of PM2.5/PM10 density is about 60%~70%. In the north, the yearly average in Sinjhuang super station is slightly lower than any other 4 super stations in the south. And the ratio in the south often changes with seasons. The density of Nitrate and Sulfate changes with seasons obviously than the OC and EC. The 24-hour density changes obviously with the rush hour traffic. According to the analysis in the PAMS, toluene has the highest density of yearly average among the 52 VOCs species. Tai Shi station has a higher propylene density. Siaogang station has a higher ethylene density. It is presumed that these ratios are affected by the neighboring petrochemical industry. Among all the PAMS in Yun-Chia-Nan, Kao-Ping air basin areas and in the north, metropolitan stations always monitor a higher density. It indicates that the mobile sources are the great contribution. According to the top 10 species of the MIR, this plan analyzed the daily and monthly trends in each PAMS. It also analyzed the causes of poor ozone quality in different areas, according to the unusual high figures monitored in Siaogang PAMS in 2007. To report poor air quality (PSI>100) in Kao-Ping air basin areas, this plan has cooperated with the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information Management to provide suggestion by MMS under the automatic MMS report system. Furthermore, it continues to assist monthly cross city/county roadside inspection of diesel vehicles, monthly VOC inspection at local factories, monthly inspection of dredging rivers and monthly air and land ‘eagle inspection’ in Kao-Ping air basin areas. To estimate the reduction goal of total emissions in each city and county in 2010, the 2010 objective conference was held in Kao-Ping and Chu-Miao air basin areas to discuss the reduction of environmental burden. This plan has simulated practicing 6 ozone reduction projects and discovered that the stationary source control should be strengthened. Therefore, to break with tradition and improve ozone quality from the midland to the south, vehicles in mobile sources and the THC emission in area sources should be reduced. More resources should be added to the related reduction projects. This plan completed the examination of the ‘air pollution control project’ in each city and county in 2009. Also, it synthesized the air quality goals in each city and county from 2009 to 2011. The suggestion of amendment and the technical support of the SIP ‘integration program and result management’ and the ‘air quality improvement’ in 2010 and 2011 have completed. To provide reference for the EPA, this plan synthesized the following information, a) Foreign information of the process of making air quality control strategy. b) Strengthened air quality standard aimed at pollutants from the US EPA and related discussion on the effect upon human health. c) New significant development projects of the EIA and their influence on air pollution. This plan referred to the nation-wide total emission burden in each air basin area and made the short-term, medium-term and long-term air quality and emission targets. To provide appropriate information for the EPA to evaluate the present and future control strategies, this plan collected the latest control strategies and made different control measures in different Situations in stationary, area, and mobile sources. In order to test the total emission burden by the photochemical assessment model and evaluate the improvement of ozone air quality in the midland air basin areas, this plan collected simulation results of significant development projects from the model support center. The ozone air quality target will be accomplished successfully in the midland air basin areas in 2016 by taking the reduction measures of Situation 3 and 4. Although significant development projects have negative influence on air quality, the air quality target in the midland air basin areas will be accomplished in 2016 as taking the reduction measures of Situation 3 and 4.
英文關鍵字 air quality;control strategics;AQMP