

中文摘要 97年12月,大發工業區發生4次異味氣體擴散事件,造成226位師生及村民受害;由於事件處理過程中,包括指揮體系、角色分工、資訊整合、臨時團隊人力等呈現衝突與不足,無法有即時有效反應處理等情況,本計畫之執行即包含污染預防監測體系規劃、污染事件應變處理程序及措施研擬、規劃社區整體營造與建置優質生活網,並且透過國際研討會之舉辦,協助大發工業區與潮寮村、過溪村與會結村邁向和諧共生。 計畫實施成果: 1.污染預防規劃: 完成大發工業區中央監控系統規劃,包含周邊空氣品質監測、工廠監測以及巡查作業管制3大部分,整合空氣品質監測、氣象監測與區域監測之數據資料,並彙整工廠製程操作相關資料、環保單位稽查管制作業、巡守隊巡查結果與工廠法規符合度檢視,未來將監測數據資料送研究團隊分析,結合工廠操作管理分級,將其發展為污染預警系統,以期能在空氣品質不良、污染物異常排放或是工廠製程操作出現問題時,先行通報學校、社區及相關單位進行應變準備。 2.緊急應變體系: 完成污染事件緊急應變流程規劃,包含事故通報流程、通報內容、人員疏散,應變單位權責以及指揮中心設立等相關作業內容與應準備資料、器材,同時因應本次潮寮空污事件雖有師生及村民送醫等嚴重情事,但未有明顯異常事件發生之情況,針對學校方面,分為4種不同狀況規劃緊急應變作業方式。另外,建議學校儘速進行包含人員、事件分級、應變內容、疏散急救地點、交通工具、個人防護器材等準備工作。 3.社區整體營造: 藉由與潮寮村、過溪村、會結村3村村長、大寮鄉長、以及潮寮國中與潮寮國小校長、主任之訪談與現場勘查作業,除彙整訪談結果列出村民關心議題及近期、長期執行項目與權責辦理單位外,並且整理規劃未來周邊社區營造工作方向,包含學校、道路(行道樹)、自行車道、公園綠地、排水、社區發展工作等等,提供社區民眾未來進行社區營造願景選擇之參考。 4.優質生活網: 規劃利用中央監控系統,結合環保署綠網,製作社區優質生活網,其內容包含社區歷史與基本資料、巡檢工作、社區工作、最新消息、活動訊息等等,建議未來可由學校師生協助進行網頁維護,使優質生活網更能切合社區民眾需求,並發揮社區發展之精神。 5.國際研討會: 潮寮事件國際研討會於98年6月18日及19日舉辦,邀請25人次以上專家學者與會發表論文,各界先進共有超過370人次出席參與,本計畫整理與會專家學者及各界意見,並請日本熊本大學筱原亮太教授提出建言,整理研討會結論與建議,提供環保署、環保局、工業局、地方政府等相關單位未來執行方向與策略研擬之參考。 未來台灣各工業區或工廠密集區域,政府單位對其周邊社區居民應儘速檢視空氣、水、廢棄物、毒性物質等污染情況及其影響,建議工業局、工業區管理中心應由中央監控系統建置開始著手,蒐集彙整工廠資料、監測資料、敏感受體點及污染源相關位置分佈、風險評估與污染調查報告等,並整理各工廠法規符合度與歷次稽巡查管制結果,建立污染排放地圖並找出未來可能發生問題工廠,環保局則應儘速建立污染指紋資料庫並掌握其污染情形,除結合工業局清潔生產與環保局污染減量輔導,提供工廠改善建議外,工業區管理中心應要求工廠定期製作公告污染評估報告,對社區居民舉辦說明會,進行意見交流,參與社區發展與營造工作,以達成污染預防目標,以及工業區與周邊社區和諧共生之目的。
中文關鍵字 污染預防,社區營造,緊急應變


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA12-03-A160 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1470 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/24 專案結束日期 2009/08/31 專案主持人 樊國恕
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學


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期末報告 EPA-98-FA12-03-A160.pdf 14MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environment Planning for Da-Fa Industrial Park and It’s Neighbor Communities

英文摘要 In December 2008,a consecutive of four times of unidentified toxic gases releases caused 226 students and residents hospitalized. Since the inadequate process to handle these incidents that include commending system, information integration, short of man power, the jurisdictional agent could not effective to control and respond the incidents. The purpose of this project was to study these incidents and propose strategy for a harmony coexistence between communities and the industry park. The main topics of the study included planning a monitoring system for pollution prevention, emergency response procedures and measures, community empowerment, eco-life website, and holding an International Seminar. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1.Planning a monitoring system for pollution prevention A centralized monitoring system was designed. It included ambient air quality monitoring, plan self-monitoring, and on site inspection program. The data from air quality monitoring, meteorological monitoring, and regional monitoring were integrated. Information on process operation, inspection from environmental protection agencies, and patrol teams and plant self-inspection were also systematically compiled. It is urged to contract an expert team such as university professors or consulting firm to analyses these information and data. A warning system, classification of plant operation can be developed. It is expected that near-by communities and schools can be informed as poor air quality, abnormal discharge release or process operation occurs. 2.Emergency response procedures and measures The incident emergency response system includes incident notification process, notification content, evacuation, equipment, emergency response units and command center. Based on the severity of hospitalization of school children, four scenarios of emergency response are proposed for schools. In addition, it is strongly recommended to have specialized personnel, shelters, transportation, and protection equipment ready to minimize future damage. 3.Community Empowerment Based on the interviews with village mayors, commissioner, and school principals, the issues that residents concerned the most were summarized. School’s future development, bike path, community parks, drainage system community development were also proposed for this area. 4.Eco-Life Website The purpose of the website is to provide residents more information and make the community with a better quality of living environment. A central monitoring system combined with EPA Green Net was designed. The website contains history and basic information, inspection work, community work, the latest news, event information, etc. It is recommended to have teachers and students assisting the website maintenance, Citizen’s participation and involvement is the spirit of community’s development. 5.International Symposium The Conference on Air Pollution Episodes in Tsaoliao: Lessons Learned and Recommendations was held on June 18 and 19, 2009 at National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology. 25 experts were invited to present papers or provide comments in the conference. Professor Shinohara of Kumamoto University introduced Japan experience on environment agreement between industry and government. Professor Wen Shieh of Penn State University USA presented quantitative risk assessment. In total, there were more than 370 attendances in these two days. Conference proceedings were printed and released to participants. Conclusions and suggestions of the conference were summarized for future reference. For the areas with intensified industries, government should check and monitor their air, water and soil environment and their impact. Industrial Zone Management Center should build a central monitoring system to collect plant information, monitoring data of sensitive receptor points and sources of pollution-related distribution, risk assessment and pollution investigation reports, etc. It is urged to establish pollution distribution map and identify possible source of pollution released. The establishment of pollution fingerprint database to control pollution sources is also recommended. In addition to promote cleaner production and pollution reduction programs, the Industrial Zone Management Center should ask factories to submit pollution control assessment report and communicate with community residents on a regular basis. By doing these the goal of pollution reduction, prevention, and harmony coexistence between surrounding community and industrial park can be achieved.
英文關鍵字 Pollution Prevention, Community Empowerment, Emergency Response