

中文摘要 本計畫於97年4月及8月針對冬山河、老街溪、烏溪、二仁溪、後勁溪、牛稠溪等6條流域進行河川水底質監測及生物調查,共計完成水質監測22點次、底質監測63點次及生物相調查62點次,並建立生物圖鑑資料,以供河川污染管理之參考。 本計畫藉由不同指標評估流域污染程度,來瞭解河川環境水體狀況。水質部分使用河川污染指數(RPI)及水質指數(WQI),底質部分引用美國紐約州環保局及美國環保署評估基準,作為污染等級判定之準則。另外使用粒度、參比元素校正與富集因子判斷底質重金屬人為污染程度。生物調查部分除使用魚類及藻類等指標計算外,並創新整合6項生物指標,提出綜合生物指標(Complex Biology Index, CBI)以判斷各流域生態品質,可作為後續監測之參考。 依監測結果,水質以冬山河、烏溪等較佳,水質多呈現未(稍)受污染至輕度污染,老街溪下游、二仁溪本流中下游及支流三爺宮溪、後勁溪、牛稠溪等較差,水質呈現中度至嚴重污染。底質主要污染物有鉻、銅、鎳、鋅等,嚴重污染及高風險發生於冬山河利澤簡橋河段、老街溪下游河段、二仁溪支流三爺宮溪、後勁溪上游及支流楠陽溪、牛稠溪等。生物相調查結果多為中腐水性,但老街溪下游、後勁溪下游及支流楠陽溪、牛稠溪與殺蛇溪匯流處及昌農橋等測點綜合評估結果為強腐水性,生態環境較差。整體而言,本計畫執行之6條河川大多受雨季影響明顯,豐水期較枯水期為佳。建議後續除對於高污染河段持續監測外,對於生態指標亦建議以本土化生物作為計算標準。
中文關鍵字 水質監測,底質品質基準,生物指標,冬山河,老街溪,烏溪,二仁溪,後勁溪,牛稠溪


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-L101-02-205 經費年度 097 計畫經費 7140 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/25 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 馮嘉祺
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 游琇如 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 97底泥案成果摘要(詳細版)971229亞太.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

Comprehensive Investigation and Monitoring of the Water Quality of Dong-Shan River, Lao-Jie River, Wu River, Er-Ren River, Hou-Jin River and Niou-Chou River (2008)

英文摘要 We investigated the background information of the water and sediment of Dong-Shan River, Lao-Jie River, Wu River, Er-Ren River, Hou-Jin River, Niou-Chou River in April and August, 2008. We analyzed the concentration of pollutants in the water and sediment from the 6 rivers. These investigations also included findings of the distribution and varieties of conch, shellfish and benthic organism in the area, and a biological graphic illustration was established for future reference. To understand the environmental background of the river basin under investigation and to estimate the degree of pollution of these rivers, RPI and WQI index methods were used for water quality evaluation, and the degree of potential hazards of heavy metals and sediment pollution risk assessment criteria issued by the EPB of the New York State and USEPA were used for sediment evaluation. Fish, crustacean and aquatic insects were used for the biological species. Based on the findings, the pollution under investigation was properly categorized. The distinctive pollutants in waters and sediments, and major biological species identified from various sections of the river will serve as a guideline for future monitoring. The monitoring results, showed better water quality in Dong-Shan and Wu River than others. However, the downriver area of Lao-Jie, Er-Ren River as well as Hou-Jin and Niou-Chou River showed that the sediments might had been polluted by heavy metals heavily. Generally, most rivers’ situations were much obvious different in the rainy and dry season. The quality of waters and sediments in rainy season was much better than the dry season. Finally, we suggested not only monitoring the high-risk rivers, but also using the local creature into the index, to reduce the calculation and judge bias.
英文關鍵字 water quality monitoring, sediment quality guideline, biotic index, Dong-Shan River, Lao-Jie River, Wu River, Er-Ren River, Hou-Jin River and Niou-Chou River