

中文摘要 本計畫彙整各縣市執行交通及環境噪音監測結果,研析各類管制區不合格時段 原因,並擬具相關改善因應措施及追蹤後續監測結果。在 98 年前三季之環境音 量合格百分比,均達 90%以上,預期全年將可達到預期目標 87.5%,另針對在 98 年各季曾發生不合格時段之測點,共完成 21 站次合計 26 站日之量測作業, 且針對現場狀況提出改善建議事項。本計畫並檢討現行測站之設置位置,將其 進行分類,並針對環境音量監測點及交通音量監測點提出設站之代表性原則。 計畫中共辦理三場次監測說明會向環保局說明各季監測統計結果,追蹤全國合 格百分比,另辦理一場次噪音監測教育訓練會議,邀集交通相關單位,說明噪 音原理、監測實務以及未來即將實施之陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準有關改善計 畫及補助計畫之相關說明。在協助法規修正方面,本計畫提出「環境音量標準」 修正草案及新訂「噪音管制法規費收費標準」草案。本計畫建議將台灣分成七 大音品區並依其區域特性進行噪音管制法第 8 條及第 9 條修正,另調查完成 1,235 份有效樣本,建議對於一般民眾正常作息時間對噪音較為敏感之夜間時 段,可採行以行為法進行管制,此外本案協助進行噪音相關科技群組計畫之控 管作業,以使計畫效益符合國科會作業及績效要求。
中文關鍵字 交通噪音,環境噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-U1F1-02-105 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/20 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 陳建維
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林志純 執行單位 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-98-U1F1-02-105(公開版).pdf 3MB

The study of traffic and environmental noise control and improvable measures

英文摘要 This study collected the environmental noise and traffic noise measurement results from local government to analyze the cause of disqualifying stations and suggest the improvable measure. The percentage of qualifying hour intervals of environmental noise level was above 90% in first three quarter of 2009, so it would achieve the yearly target 87.5% in 2009. For realizing the cause of the disqualifying station, there were twenty-one noise as well as twenty-six days measurements in situ and then several improvable ways were proposed to help the future monitoring. 2 This study also reviewed all the in-use environmental and traffic noise station and then classified by their locations, then analyzed and proposed several reasons which affected the noise measurement in such locations and give some suggestions for representative. Three meetings for noise measurement were hold to explain the noise measurement and disqualifying situation. One training conference was hold to introduce the noise metric, monitoring in situ and the draft of traffic noise standards and noise control plan. The draft of “Environmental Sound Level Standards” amendment was proposed and under discussing by EPA, and the “Fee Collection Standards for Noise Control Act” was promulgated. The noise control standards announced by various county/city governments pursuant to Article 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act vary significantly largely due to their different city types and public lifestyles. For the questionnaire survey collected 1,235 effective samples, this project suggested that indoor folk activities noise be controlled in accordance with regulations on improper behaviors during noise sensitive periods in people’s normal daily schedule. In addition, this project has assisted in the control operations of noise-related science group programs to make their benefits meet the operation and performance requirements of the National Science Council.
英文關鍵字 Traffic Noise,Environmental Noise