

中文摘要 隨著全球暖化現象日益嚴重與油價高漲的趨勢下,世界各國都在推行節能減碳的政策,並引導全民共同響應,節能減碳已是世界一致性的共識。在國內臺灣已推行節能減碳政策多年,大部分社會大眾相當配合落實,成效相當卓著,也使得節能減碳這名詞不再僅止於一種口號,反而已成為一種全民生活習慣與態度的改變,本年度為更積極推動與宣導節能減碳政策,令社會大眾可以透過更實際且具體化作為來讓參與這項全民行動。 因此,此計畫積極宣導全民重視全球暖化問題及落實節能減碳行動,藉由舉辦一連串之節能減碳創意競賽活動,喚起民眾對此議題之注意,並希望將此議題轉化為實際的行動,以使其更加生活化,深植其影響力。另一方面,透過建立節能減碳行動標章認證活動,引導國內企業或社會大眾發起自願性節能減碳活動,進一步提升公眾對節能減碳議題之認識與知識的掌握。整體而言,本署積極尋求與企業界、民間環保與公益團體建立進行教育宣導活動之合作機制,以達到擴大節能減碳教育宣導,達成臺灣低碳家園的理想和目的。再次感謝全民共同響應與參與,本年度執行的實體活動,包括地球日、世界環境日等,參與活動總人數約有5,000人次以上,達到相當良好之宣傳效果。另外,減碳雙熊相關活動,如減碳雙熊四格漫畫、減碳雙熊命名活動、節能減碳大聲說來電答鈴徵選活動等,參與活動人數約2,000人左右,成果相當顯著。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳;二氧化碳減量;全球暖化


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA11-03-A239 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7900 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/14 專案結束日期 2010/03/14 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 林佑蓉 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2009年環保署「推動全民參與節能減碳行動計畫」期末報告.zip 49MB 2009年環保署「推動全民參與節能減碳行動計畫」期末報告(本文+附件)

The Plan of Promotion of Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction

英文摘要 he issue of global warming and high fuel price in recent years has encouraged the adoption of measures of carbon reduction and energy saving in the world. Many countries also started to take this important issue seriously. The carbon reduction and energy saving are no longer a slogan but a popular environmental phrase. With the guidance and active promotion of the government and private organizations in recent years, people in Taiwan has been aware of the basic idea and knowledge about carbon reduction. Yet, they act as passive roles, for there are few practical and concrete actions for the public to take part in. Meanwhile, the impact of economic depression holds the whole idea back in promotional level, making the public and the industries choose to ignore and take a step backward. This attitude would bring considerable difficulties on carrying out the policy of the carbon reduction and energy saving. Our plan aims to encourage people to pay highly attention to the global warming as well as the importance of carbon reduction. We expect the public to be conscious of importance of this issue via creative competitions and interesting activities, and further, strengthen the influence on them by the way of education and putting it into daily practice. Moreover, we provide guidance to encourage the enterprises and the public in Taiwan to put carbon reduction into practice voluntarily. Through activity of Action Logo Verification about carbon reduction, we hope further to increase the knowledge of the public about the issue. We keenly look for the potential opportunity working with enterprises, private organizations and public interest groups to achieve the goal of education and promotion. Specific accomplishments of this year include Earth Day and World Environment Day, with an overall attendance of more than five thousand people, which brings out visible effect on promotion. In addition, activities about bear buddies (a Polar Bear and a Formosan Black Bear) for carbon reduction such as comic competition, naming activity and ringback tone composition contest etc., have significant performance as well with two thousand people attending.
英文關鍵字 Energy Conservation,Carbon Reduction;Global warming