

中文摘要 本計畫法制工作方面,完成蒐集研析國際溫室氣體管制法制化趨勢及分析比較,協助研擬我國溫室氣體減量法相關推動規定及配套措施,同時協助立法相關作業宣導作業,並蒐研國際間能源稅、碳稅發展資訊及國內賦稅改革委員會之能源稅與溫室氣體稅規劃方向。 在管理制度作業方面,已完成研擬國家溫室氣體減量推動方案(草案),同時研擬部門之溫室氣體排放管制行動方案及地方政府管制執行方案架構,並協助完成規劃溫室氣體許可排放管理制度及子法法案架構,也完成國內碳權排放交易三階段制度規劃。 在國際合作作業方面,本計畫蒐研國際金融風暴對溫室氣體減量之影響,並蒐集國際間針對此金融風暴所提出之綠色新政作法及預估之效益,另外針對碳權經營部分,評估與國外VCS登錄平台接軌之作業內容及協助規劃取得境外CDM認證碳權之推動策略及CERs額度轉回國內登錄平台運作機制規劃,同時評估推動成立境外碳權經營組織之可行性,規劃後續推動相關事宜。除此之外,協助評析如何實質參與聯合國體制下相關跨國環境公約之可行機制並研擬說帖,也協助蒐集彙整中國大陸涉及氣候變遷調適與溫室氣體減量之推動現況。 在國際會議參與方面,則配合整體管理規劃需求,派員參與公約會議及邀請國際重要智庫機構人員訪台,掌握國際重要管理資訊與推動經驗交流。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體減量法;調適;溫室氣體減量推動方案;碳權交易;碳權經營


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-A059 經費年度 098 計畫經費 8900 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/04 專案結束日期 2010/05/03 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 黃伊薇 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-98-FA11-03-A059.pdf 6MB 計畫期末報告書

The study on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill, its sub-law and National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

英文摘要  The project has accomplished all the requirements by the EPA in following aspects: regulation, management system, international GHG development and international involvement. First, the intensive research of international greenhouse gas regulation and its implementation is performed in order to better design and promote the domestic greenhouse gas regulation and its supplementary measures. The works also cover international energy tax and carbon tax development and policy from Tax Reform Committee. As for management system, three phases of domestic emission reduction scheme is established. The draft of National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and the framework of greenhouse gas reduction plan for the sector and local government are included in this project. Additionally, the planning of greenhouse gas permitting system and related sub-laws are also conducted. In terms of international GHG development, the research of the impacts of international financial crisis on greenhouse reduction, the UNEP-proposed “Green New Deal” and the climate-associated development in China are performed in the project. For the reduction credits management scheme, integrating VCS with domestic registry is assessed. The mechanism of transferring CER from Annex-I country to domestic scheme and the feasibility of establishing an oversea organization to operate such function are evaluated. Moreover, the policy memo on how to participate in the international environmental convention under United Nation is drafted. As for international involvement, three members are designated to participate in the COP 15 to collect latest information on development of global GHG management, and experts from international Think Tank were invited to Taiwan for information exchange and experiences sharing.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act;adaptation;National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan;emission trading, reduction credit;emission trading, reduction credit