

中文摘要 本計畫執行成果,首先建立潛在高風險污染物、製程及工業區等三項篩選作業準則,並從中篩選出潛在高風險污染物81種、20類製程及工業區排序,此外利用空氣擴散模式(ALOHA)建立工業區敏感受體之劃定原則。另98及99年度各縣市工廠整體清查率為100%及96.81%,執行高風險污染源體檢作業家數分別為188家及152家。本計畫完成6個工業區總計40廠次潛在高風險工廠現勘訪查、6處管理中心及6處工業區鄰近20位居民的訪談工作,並完成二處高風險工業區之FTIR監測、敏感受體區域背景(20點次)與即時(18點次)濃度採樣、空氣品質模式模擬(4根次排放管道)及地圖式查詢資訊系統建立等工作。 蒐集及分析國內8件及國外5件重大空氣污染事件案例,並研擬「空氣污染突發事件預防管理機制」及「工業區空氣污染突發事件緊急應變之標準作業程序」。另配合10廠次工廠體檢暨預防管理協談,各完成10點次排放管道臭味濃度與排放管道排氣成份之GC/MS檢測分析、10套VOCs防制設備處理效率檢測、四廠五個製程設備元件洩漏篩檢工作。此外,協助完成2件環境評估案件之審查及分析,並建立各產業別23位諮詢委員名單。協助署裡推動2項法規研修作業、3場次專諮會及1場次研討會(參與人數約60位)之辦理,另協助辦理北中南共10場次空污突發事件緊急應變演練工作。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染突發事件,預防管理機制,緊急應變處理機制


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA12-03-A157 經費年度 098 計畫經費 11700 千元
專案開始日期 2009/10/07 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 邱品智 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本.7z 38MB

The project for the improvement of preventing management and response mechanism of the air pollution emergency in industrial area.

英文摘要 This project was undertaken to investigate an approach to evaluate the risk potential of hazard or odor air pollutants of industrial park for environmental or industrial agency. First, the 81 air pollutants with high potential to result in air pollution emergency have been screened by vapor pressure and odor threshold and/or acute exposure level. The screen indicators for high-risk process (Ip) and industrial parks (RP) are also evaluated, respectively. According to the score for each process and industrial park, each process or industrial park can be ranked as high, intermediate or low priority. The method of sensitive receptor area identification was conducted by using ALOHA model. In addition, total 188 and 152 potential sources that may emit the covered air pollutants have been inspected by Environmental Protection Bureau in 2009 and 2010, respectively; the coverage is 100% and 96.8%. 40 facilities visiting of six high-risk potential industrial parks have been conducted in the project. The staffs of management center of the visited six industrial parks, and 20 residents were also visited. Moreover, investigation of suspected source of petition cases on air pollution at two industrial parks was conducted by FTIR. 20 background and 18 real-time samples were also collected around the two industrial parks, respectively. Impacts of selected pollutant from four target stacks on the vicinity were simulated by air quality dispersion model. A GIS of air pollution emergency has been also set up. Five US chemical release case investigation reports and eight Taiwan’s reports were collected to figure out the potential factors that may caused high risk in processes. Base on the information, two mechanisms, the preventive and management mechanism for air pollution emergencies in industrial parks and the SOP for emergency response to air pollution incidents, have been draw up. The stack inspection has conducted in the 10 high potential facilities by GC/MS methods to measure the emitted species, concentrations, and the efficiency of air pollution control devices. Furthermore, we have assisted in two EIA reports reviewing and in two emission standard amendments. Three expert consultations, one workshop, and 10 practices of air pollution emergency incident for EPB were also been provided in this project.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution emergencies, preventive and management mechanism, response mechanism