

中文摘要 2007年綠島鄉居民約3,026人,觀光客為335,380人次。綠島鄉公所清運2,462公噸廢棄物,送往衛生掩埋場處理,當地資源回收商收集524公噸資源回收物品,綠島當地資源回收商以船運將資源回收物品運至台東富岡漁港。綠島地區垃圾主要產生源是觀光遊客,在旅遊旺季時,遊客帶來大量廢棄物,造成綠島環境沉重的負擔。 2007年蘭嶼鄉居民約3,950人,觀光遊客數量為57,350人次,垃圾清運量708公噸,資源回收量為336.6公噸,其中86%是其它金屬製品,資源回收管道87%是由回收商、12%是由清潔隊收集,當地資源回收商只收集價格較高的金屬製品,地方政府委託外地廠商收集資源物品,然而蘭嶼鄉公所沒有提供民眾明確的資源回收管道,因此資源回收成效有限。 臺灣離島屬於觀光地區,遊客是主要的垃圾產生源,而且當地資源回收商規模較小,並且要負擔船運費,處理成本較高。因此鼓勵遊客減用一次即丟物品、落實垃圾分類資源回收、改善離島地區資源回收補助方式、及協助離島資源回收商降低處理與運送成本,是離島零廢棄目標最重要的工作。
中文關鍵字 離島,資源回收,垃圾零廢棄


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-HA14-03-A207 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2920 千元
專案開始日期 2007/07/13 專案結束日期 2008/06/30 專案主持人 劉炯錫
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 阮儀芳 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 強化綠島與蘭嶼等離島地區 資源回收暨推動垃圾零廢棄.pdf 8MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The project of enhancement of Recycling and "Zero Waste" management in Lu Tao (Green Island) and Lan Yu (Orchid Island) in Taitung.

英文摘要 Green Island is situated at the South-East side of Taiwan. It covers 15 km2 of land with a population of 3,026 habitants as of 2007. With its multiplicity of ecology, there are almost 340,000 tourists in 2007. In terms of waste treatment, approximately 2,462 ton municipal solid waste is collected from habitants and tourists by local government. The municipal waste is disposed in sanitary landfill near Haisenping. Besides, there are 524 ton recyclables collected by local recycling companies and transported to Fugang Fishery Harbor in Taitung, Taiwan. Lan Yu is an island covering 46 km2 and is at a distance of 90 km to Taitung. The population of Lanyu is 3,950 in2007. And the number of its tourists is 57,000 in 2007. There are approximately 708 ton municipal solid waste and 336.6 ton recyclables collected by local government and local recycling companies. The municipal waste is sent to sanitary landfill and the recycles is transported to Fugang Fishery Harbor in Taitung. As off-shore islands with sparse population, the main source of waste and recyclables in Green Island and Lan Yu are as a result of a large number of tourists. For this reason, recycling operation to be put into effect by tourists and recyclables collection to be carried out by local recycling companies are significant works for local government in Island. Therefore the most important measures for promoting zero waste are as follows: waste sorting of tourists, improving subsidiary methods, as well as reducing transport and recycling cost.
英文關鍵字 Off-shore island,recycling,zero waste.