

中文摘要 本計畫掌握台灣各類車輛各年份不同車種之年排放總量,以評估各項管制措施之減量成效,為增進移動污染源排放量推估之準確性,除回顧歐美排放係數推估方法,並進行國內之隧道實驗及道路車載量測實驗以驗證國內現有排放係數之改進空間。另針對環保署97~98年委辦之相關移動污染源計畫成果,進行整體移動污染源管制減量成效之檢討評估,並進一步修訂研擬未來之管制策略執行方案。此外,針對縣市移動污染源年度考評作業,透過網路系統資料庫人性化介面之建置,加快中央與地方資料交流時間並透過現場查核作業提供環保署移動污染源管制考核之技術協助。計畫成果摘要如下: 就單位成本角度而言,建議未來管制措施優先推動「加嚴車輛排氣標準及使用中車輛加嚴管制」及並輔以「機車定檢制度納入保養檢修」、「柴油車檢測」與「LPG車及電動車等低污染車輛」持續推動,以達經濟有效性最大化。國內合適的管制策略如柴油新車排放管制、使用中柴油車排放分級管制、推動車隊自主管理、低污染/清潔車輛。 隧道實驗相較於國外文獻及Mobile-Taiwan2.0排放係數,此隧道內各污染物之實測排放係數較低,經分析實驗時行經彭山隧道的車輛平均車齡較小。車載量測系統(PEMS)測得Altis1.8排放係數較Mobile-Taiwan2.0為低。快速、有效呈現使用中車輛於實際道路行駛之排放情況,為該系統最明顯的優勢。本計畫已完成97年總量推估相關參數更新與估算98年排放狀況,並建置移動污染源排放總量與排放減量推估系統。 建置完成管理績效考評系統供各縣市提報執行成果,並完成各縣市現場查核及協助環保署完成提報數據認定。低污染車輛補助滿意度調查15縣市LPG車改裝廠共48家;二行程機車汰舊補助滿意度共300件總有效樣本。最後提出執行各項移動污染源管制工作之評分建議。 98年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑結果A級8站,B級17站,C級1站。列為C級主因動力計設置進度落後,未能發揮柴油車污染管制應有的檢測功能。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源,交通運輸管理,污染排放減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA13-03-A173 經費年度 098 計畫經費 13000 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/26 專案結束日期 2010/03/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 徐淑芷 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA98FA1303A173.rar 35MB

Plan of Automobile Emission Control Strategy, Estimate The Total Quantity of Automobile Emission and

英文摘要 Annual total emissions from various model years of the mobile sources in Taiwan were estimated in this project to evaluate the effectiveness of different control measures. To improve the accuracy of mobile source emission estimation, besides literature review for the methods applied overseas to calculate mobile source emissions, this project also executed tunnel pollutants monitoring and on-board Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) test to compare the differences between emission factors and real emission on road. Appropriate mobile source emission control strategies in the future were evaluated and proposed base on analyzing the outcome of plans executed by EPA in 2008~2009. To accelerate the information transmission between EPA and local EPBs, online graphical user interface database and in-situ check operation provide useful technical assistance for the auditing the result of EPBs mobile source management. The achievements of this project are summarized as follow: Based on the effectiveness/cost, the strategy priorities for mobile source control are to tighten new vehicle emission standards and to regulate the use of old and high emitting vehicles. The other strategies like: routine exhaust emissions inspection and testing program, and low-pollution vehicle promotion measures should be combined to maximize the effectiveness. There are some appropriate proposals as fallow: 1.New diesel vehicle exhaust control strategies: (1) stricter vehicle emission standards(set and proclaim phase 6 emission standard); (2) exhaust control mechanism; (3) anti-idle system. 2.In-use diesel vehicle exhaust control strategies: (1) on-road high emission vehicle check; (2) anti-idle at diesel vehicle parking areas; (3) periodic maintence of exhaust particulate filters; (4) emission classified management system. 3.Fleet management 4.Clean/Green Car: (1) eliminating old and high emitting vehicles; (2) Subsidizing the use of clean/green car; (3) introducing clean buses. The result of vehicle emission factors by PengShan tunnel pollutants monitoring is lower than the outcome of literature survey and Mobile –Taiwan2.0 model. On-board Portable Emission Measurement System, PEMS, was applied to a real car emission test gained similar consequence. Gathering large amount of data in a short-period with various test conditions and presenting the emission status of an in-use vehicle effectively make the advantage of PEMS. The input parameters of 2008 and estimated emission of 2009 for mobile sources in Taiwan had been updated. The interactive website for this system, please refer to http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/epb/index.aspx. To improve air quality, EPA set up the auditing system for the mobile source management achieved by local EPBs in this project and executed the auditing process through this system. 48 LPG car refit factories within 15 counties and cities were surveyed for Green Car purchase subsidization. 300 samples were survied for the satisfaction about the subsidization process of two strike motocycle elimination policy. The general results for subsidiary amount are satisfaction 67%, unsatisfaction 2%;for application process, 54% acceptable, 7% unacceptable. Most people get subsidization information from motorcycle pits(61%), which can be applied to popularize the motorcycle control strategies in the future. For the auditing of dynamometer testing facilities, commissioners of specialists make a resolution which is 8 stations fit A class, 17 stations fit B class, 1 station fit C class in 2009. The comment for this C class station is that: accomplishment of facility behind schedule to fulfill the function of diesel vehicle management. Commissioners suggested that local government should avoid to make audit score in contract to prevent the comtractors focusing on the scores but the test quality.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Source, Management of Transportation, Emission Reduction