

中文摘要 本計畫主要係協助環保署針對現行之稽核認證制度提出檢討及改善對策,據以作為提升整體稽核認證作業及環保署政策執行規劃之參考依據。 本計畫針對現行稽核認證制度及作業程序進行具體檢討,並參採國外相關回收處理量驗證制度,據以研提短、中長程規劃改善方案;短程規劃重點係以不涉及變更廢棄物清理法之方式進行調整,針對可立即改善之簡化作業程序、統合稽核認證作業手冊、標案整併及研擬應回收廢棄物進廠認定圖鑑集等進行規劃,另中長程改善方案係以提升受補貼機構自主管理及稽核認證效率為目標,並規劃分級管理制度、電子化申報作業及網路化遠端監控等方案,惟中程乃係針對各改善方案進行前置作業,包含受補貼機構分級管理作業、各類稽核認證表單整合及設計、攝錄監控設備及系統之建置等,其中分級管理部份,將業者主動參與納為重要機制之一,而自主化申報,期將現行人工查核及書面往來之繁複作業,據以簡化。 本計畫另完成輔導8縣市已登記回收業計有95.59%符合各類應回收廢棄物回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準、完成協助監督稽核認證團體執行稽核認證作業每月4場次及完成受補貼機構衍生廢棄物流向追蹤等輔導查核作業每月2場次。
中文關鍵字 稽核認證制度、回收處理機構、回收量/處理量


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-HA14-03-A141 經費年度 095 計畫經費 6180 千元
專案開始日期 2006/04/25 專案結束日期 2007/03/31 專案主持人 鄭宏德
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 費齊信 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99977142-2.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

Improvement Plan on Management Process and Scheme Evaluation of Due Recycled Wastes Audit and Verification

英文摘要 This plan is mainly to help the Environmental Protection Administration to propose making a self-criticism and improving the countermeasure to the current checking approval procedure, in order to be regarded as and improved and auditted the authentication homework and reference basis of carrying out planning of administration's policy of environmental protection wholly. This plan, to auditting the approval procedure and operation procedure to examine currently concretely. And consult and adopt inspection in foreign countries and certification institution, regard as grind and carry on short, medium and long term plan for improvewment. The key point of the short term plan is the adjustment without any change to Waste Disposal Act. It’s aimed at simplification in procedure, mergence of the Promulgated Inspection and Certification Operation Manual and inspection and certification plan. Also, the regulated recyclable waste acceptable standard and inadmissible illustrated handbook are planned as well. The target for the medium and long term plan is about rising up the initiatively administrable institution and inspection and certification efficiency certification efficiency for the subsidized organization;also the plan about the gradational administrable institution, electronization report institution and online control institution. The medium-term plan is the pre-work for all the reforming proposal;including the administrational work for all the subvention organization, the integration and design of all the inspection forms, and the establishment of CCTV. For the classified management section, the initiative partipication form the dealer is included as one of the important issues;and hope that e-application will simplify the inextricable paper work and manual inspection. This plan also completes councelling the registered recycling and disposal organization and 95.59% of them are reached to the methods and facilities standards for the storage, clearance and disposal of regulated recyclable waste. Also, the supervision has completed to make sure the inspection and certification organization carrying out the inspection work 4 times every mouth and also inspection about tracking the derivative waste for all the subvention organization twice a month.
英文關鍵字 inspection and certification institution、 recycling and disposal organization 、 collect amount/treated amount