

中文摘要 台灣河川受到自然氣候影響甚大,而呈現出季節性之不同雨量及水文特性。然而,河川上中下游之主支流河域,顯然受到不同層面的人為活動,而改變原有的河川流水型態及魚類棲地,其中以水壩蓄水、攔污堰及發電尾水排放之影響極大。而魚類棲地改善,本質屬於水利與生態工程,如果設計、施工與管理妥善,將有助於減緩水資源開發對於河川魚類生態之不利影響。基於上述目標,本報告除針對國內外河川正常流量(基流量)之設定方式進行了解外,並以專章瞭解國內河川正常流量之差異性,以及台灣河川棲地生態指標與生態基流量設計,另訪查新店溪、濁水溪、高屏溪及卑南溪,依各溪之河川壩堰構造物之特性,提出因應不同環境條件之改善措施,並召開公聽會以了解政府部分對於河川基流量訂定之意見,以提供今後政府在水資源開發及水土保持時減輕對河川環境之不自然的生態演替之參考。 經由理論闡述、實地訪查、基流量試算比較以及召開公聽會等方式,本研究建議基流量之評估應以Q97與3cms兩者最低值較為合理,且僅於有攔河堰或攔水壩等人為介入時才需進行基流量評估計算,而若無水文站相關資料,則建議在下游必需之水量外另加上以經驗法「每百平方公里流域面積需0.135cms」之生態流量或逕自進行棲地改善以維持河川生態保育。若採用Q97方法計算新店溪碧潭攔河堰、濁水溪集集攔河堰、高屏溪攔河堰以及卑南溪上游新武呂及大崙溪合流處之基流量分別為0.87、2.94、13.50及12.05cms,如欲達到流速30cm/秒、水深30cm之水生生物適合生長條件,上述基流量於拋物線型河寬流道中最大河寬分別為42.7、298.1、225.0及200.8公尺。本研究另建議如以各種配套措施仍然無法達到基流量時建議以束制河道或棲地改善方式使各種水生生物能夠度過枯水期。最後建議河川基流量之計算應納入開發案之環境影響評估。
中文關鍵字 基流量,攔河堰,環境影響評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G103-02-235 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2360 千元
專案開始日期 2007/08/27 專案結束日期 2008/07/31 專案主持人 游勝傑副教授
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 洪立群 執行單位 臺灣水環境再生協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 河川維持自然機能之正常流量(基流量)檢討計畫期末報告.pdf 3MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Review of the Base Flow for Rivers maitaining Natural Functions

英文摘要 This study proposed a criterion for baseflow determination by theory discussion, filed investigation, baseflow calculation and comparision, and public hearing convention. The baseflow of certain area of four representative river, i.e. Xin-dian river (northern part of Taiwan), Zhou-shui river (middle part of Taiwan), Gao-ping river (southern part of Taiwan) and Pei-nan river (eastern part of Taiwan), were also determined and compared by Q95, Q97, Tennent, and experimental methods. It was suggested that the lower value of Q97 and 3 cms should be used as baseflow when hydrographic station data was available. Otherwise, the baseflow should be the summation of downstream required flowrate and 0.135 cms/100Km2 when no hydrographic station data was available. The baseflows of above four rivers were calculated as 0.87, 2.94, 13.50, and 12.05 cms by Q97 method, respectively. In addition, the river channel widths of the above river were 42, 298.1, 225.0 and 200.8 m when parabola shape river channel was used to keep a flow velocity at 30cm/s and river depth of 30cm. Furthermore, when the flowrate was lower than the calculated baseflow, river channel constraint or habit improvement should be used to help the aquatic biology to be survived during the dry season. Finally, the calculation of baseflow should be included in the environmental impact assessment.
英文關鍵字 Baseflow, dam, environmental impact assessment